View Full Version : Wrong design of fort tower stairs

01-14-2014, 10:09 PM
The current design of stairs in fort towers in Regnum goes against the logic of their defensive purpose in real world. In most of the medieval towers the stairs go up clockwise (or down counter-clockwise :p ). This was to make it easier for the defenders and harder for the attackers, because most of them were right-handed.


In real world the blue figure represents the defender facing down the stairs who can wield his weapon freely, while the red figure (attacker) struggles because of the central post.

It's the other way round in Regnum. The blue figure would then be an attacker facing up the stairs, where the red defender swings the weapon in his right hand against the central post.


^ wrong design (hard to find a good screenshot), right design v


01-14-2014, 10:33 PM
The main time a tower fight occurs is when the enemy has captured the fort or is camping the tower. So really, it makes sense for a realm to build their towers anti-clockwise so they can freely swing their weapon at the enemy camping tower. :P

Being serious, I hope NGD can find the time to fix this. Inaccuracies such as these break what little immersion RO has.

01-14-2014, 11:33 PM
In Regnum you don't defend your fortress but you have to reconquer it from the enemies so it actually makes sense to invert this. If we could design our own forts and castles I would implement 4 doors in any direction and instead of a tower dig a big hole in the middle to make it easier attack the enemies when we recapture the fort xD xD

01-14-2014, 11:38 PM
This is a sweet detail, and the OP is quite correct. However, neither did they have mighty Uthgars and little rats with hammers charging at a flag at their keeps in the middle ages :P

01-15-2014, 03:58 PM
In real world

In the real world are no dragons in the real world are no unicorns in the real world.....

01-15-2014, 05:03 PM
In a real middle age fortwar simulation like Stronghold it is ok to make such requests, in Regnum we have really other problems like bugs that prevent users from logging into the game and other serious issues ;)

01-15-2014, 06:17 PM
In the real world are no dragons in the real world are no unicorns in the real world.....

are you telling me there are no unicorns in the really life?

01-15-2014, 11:04 PM
Actually unicorns exist, but they are called Narwhales and live in water.

01-15-2014, 11:24 PM
Actually unicorns exist, but they are called Narwhales and live in water.

I can see the resemblance? but I cant breath under water, how are those unicornfish going to take me anywhere faster?

01-28-2014, 12:24 AM
Bump. I like the idea and think it would add something to the game.