View Full Version : ROFL moments
04-16-2014, 07:49 AM
Hey all,
We all have those moments where you are like 'WTF am I doing? This would be really funny if it wasn't me...'. Thought it'd be amusing to share them, sort of a polar opposite to the 'Me so PRO'ness out there and have a good laugh at the same time.
Here's mine from yesterday....
Ever heard about the one of the hunter who ran in between two warring parties really going at it, and proceeded to grind? It didn't end well...
So Goats had taken Efe and relic was out. I figured I'd suicide, res at altar and chase relic. Cunning plan worked perfectly, except realm mates retook relic while I was en route. Figured I'd go grind my 5 necro off at SH.
Got to SH, just wanted to get rid of necro. Dismounted, picked golem, killed it. 2nd kill - necro dropped, halfway through 3rd kill I spot a buffed Pig running towards me. I think 'crap - HP 1/4 down, no buffs, not good.' DS Pig, start to cast camo. Get hit by 2 different Pig archers, realise there's a red group charging my way. Turn to run and see green group rushing towards me going 'Jarne NO, Jarne - ACA, ACA!'. Realise the general chat is full of these comments... Die of course :D
Moral of the story - FFS check chat, keep eye on surroundings and spam surveillance!
Moral no. 2 of the story - LMFAO
04-16-2014, 07:54 AM
Any other stories guys?
04-16-2014, 08:49 AM
yesterday evening when gelfs had just taken agg relic from red cs to theirs
I logged my hunter to get it (because ofc i charged with my barb and the csguards instakilled me :p)
so here i was riding all the way from monts where I parked her for today to get WMquest
to boats, because i figured if there was some1 stupid enough to place it i want to have a shot to dismount
so thinking i was suprisingly smart for my normal self I ride my wolf into SH
during high playtime..
i see my first gelf and go *oh crap* ride through the middle of SH because this morning
we found out it was actually dead after coming all the way.. (it was a weird day)
Im almost safe when ofc i run into 2 hunters on the other side of SH
instead of being smart i try to pass right through them hoping their blind
get dismounted.. actually allowed to fight, mess it up extremely
get my kitty killed :'(
and ress at cs because i forgot i saved there this morning for pvps in oc.. *sigh*
being mad i rush back to gelf cs.. get another goat killed by being spotted
survive.. take the relic under tigers nose :harhar:
get away.. only to be dismounted by a knight xD
thankfully the gelf hunter with him was blind and goats were close :p
ohh should i tell the one where I was on conju and I let a barb die fighting GC?
or that one time where I thought i could take the world with warju and died in my first 2v1 fight? ^^
04-16-2014, 11:57 AM
Inside Shaana with a clanmate after it has been recapped by Ignis. Jumping round one of the columns upstairs and watching 3 or 4 Ignis fall to their death trying to reach us.
04-16-2014, 11:57 AM
Alsius orc camp we are grinding, 3 locks. As we hunt precious exp a green mounted zerg is running to take imp coming from pn and meeting us on the way but seeing just 3 mages noone stops and pass all around ignoring us.
Question is... do we do the same? Having the usual lock arsenal of aoe and cc we start throwing spells effectively dismounting the whole zerg.
Afterwards we got slaughtered of course but who can say they dismounted a zerg every day. :superpusso:
04-16-2014, 12:25 PM
Haha now i got a funny one
When i started playing this game hmmm 4 months ago i bought a mount in lvl 6.. Well i really bought a unicorn cause i used to like em from when i was small but why i really bought it was i never saw anyone with it bu t i actually thought it could fly.. Well there was noone i knew at that lvl so xD NGD broke my heart lol next time in the unicorn info box please write there ## note## in regnum unicorns are wingless and cant fly lol xD hahaha
04-22-2014, 09:44 AM
Haha now i got a funny one
When i started playing this game hmmm 4 months ago i bought a mount in lvl 6.. Well i really bought a unicorn cause i used to like em from when i was small but why i really bought it was i never saw anyone with it bu t i actually thought it could fly.. Well there was noone i knew at that lvl so xD NGD broke my heart lol next time in the unicorn info box please write there ## note## in regnum unicorns are wingless and cant fly lol xD hahaha
I hate to break your heart again, but Unicorns don't fly nor do they have wings.
04-24-2014, 07:52 AM
nice thread
omg this game has so many amazing wtf hilarious happenings.
ah i remember a fight where i think goats held herb and the greens and reds were pushing on them. It was really intense chat inside the fort as people discussed how to escape. Monday vounterred to take relic! (what a nice guy!) and everyone warned him not to muck it up... the story is all here :)
this escape is memorable for me because evryone fought so hard together to reach success :-
04-24-2014, 08:15 AM
nice thread
omg this game has so many amazing wtf hilarious happenings.
ah i remember a fight where i think goats held herb and the greens and reds were pushing on them. It was really intense chat inside the fort as people discussed how to escape. Monday vounterred to take relic! (what a nice guy!) and everyone warned him not to muck it up... the story is all here :)
this escape is memorable for me because evryone fought so hard together to reach success :-
So you play for Ignis, Syrtis and Alsius now?
04-24-2014, 04:11 PM
The day the WM update went live. ROFL.
04-24-2014, 06:22 PM
The day the WM update went live. ROFL.
was a good one in general. WM quests were one of the best things which ever happened to regnum.
missing adjustments to balance and the need to lvl again, were not, though :p
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