08-11-2014, 07:26 PM
I joined this game in 2009, and I've never posted on the forum until now, and never even go on the forum.
Before I start, I am Van Halen Archer, of Ignis in Haven.
I received word recently that some fellow Igneans all of a sudden suspect me of multi-realming for some unknown reason. :warning:
Usually I don't care what people think, but I have nothing to hide from anyone, so I thought I'd share my history a little.
When I joined, I played in Alsius RA. I was Mdpro and mdpro-spellcaster then, and those characters still exist. I also started playing there again sometimes, my current characters there atm are Van Healen and The Outlaw.
My internet and computer technology at the time couldn't support the game anymore, so I knew I wasn't going to play much longer. Since your account gives you the option of different servers, I decided to make an Ignis character in the english server (I think it was Horus at the time?) to see what the realm looked like before the game updates didn't allow me to log into the game anymore.
I took a almost a 5 year break from the game, and sometime over the winter I decided to play again.
When I came back to the game, I decided I'd play in the english server, so I tried out Alsius (mdpro-mage I think? lvl 11 or 12?). I felt I wanted a new start, and felt it was time to move on, so I gave Syrtis a brief tryout too (Hockey Boss, which was deleted (I think lvl 11-13?)). I wasn't feeling that realm for some reason, so it was Ignis or bust for the game of Regnum.
So as I was making an account to try Ignis, I just happened to make an account through Game Samba with the same exact account name, and same password as my orignal account (funny enough), so as I went to log in, it gave me the choice of Game Samba or NGD, I chose NGD because I wasn't sure what Game Samba was.
When I logged in, there was the level 1 Ignis character I made back in 2009 before I was unable to log into the game anymore. I decided to play that character for the fun of it, chatted in realm chat briefly (about Clint Eastwood western flicks actually :smile:), and decided to delete that character and start fresh, and made Van Halen Archer. The more I played in Ignis, I loved every minute of it, and nothing has changed... And I only want nothing but success and good things for the realm, and the good people in it.
Aslius and Syrtis are enemy realms, so I dislike them as a whole. But as individual people (if you're a decent person) I respect you as a human being, so usually if I'm grinding somewhere, I will leave you alone if you are there to grind as well, or if I want nothing to do with war at the moment upon encounter. If I do attack you somewhere that's not war related, then chances are your realm has done something to my disliking recently, or I am just bored. In war, you are all enemies.
Now, what a multi-realmer is: someone who goes from realm to realm for either the satisfaction of being a part of whatever realm is winning, or going to other realms to change the course of war in such a way that it benefits the realm in which your allegiance is pledged to. Also a person that constantly logs into different realms and becomes part of the communities in all of them. I do none of these things, and have spent probably more time playing in Ignis during months of devastation than anyone else, because I love the realm, regardless of whether or not we were winning or losing. Ignis has everything I want out of the game of Regnum. Not everyone finds what they are looking for the first time they try something, so it doesn't make someone a multi because they started out somewhere else.
If my way of gameplay has made any suspect that I am multi-realming for some reason, the point of this message is to say this: You should probably get to know someone better before judging them, or making false accusations. Thank you for your time. :smile:
Before I start, I am Van Halen Archer, of Ignis in Haven.
I received word recently that some fellow Igneans all of a sudden suspect me of multi-realming for some unknown reason. :warning:
Usually I don't care what people think, but I have nothing to hide from anyone, so I thought I'd share my history a little.
When I joined, I played in Alsius RA. I was Mdpro and mdpro-spellcaster then, and those characters still exist. I also started playing there again sometimes, my current characters there atm are Van Healen and The Outlaw.
My internet and computer technology at the time couldn't support the game anymore, so I knew I wasn't going to play much longer. Since your account gives you the option of different servers, I decided to make an Ignis character in the english server (I think it was Horus at the time?) to see what the realm looked like before the game updates didn't allow me to log into the game anymore.
I took a almost a 5 year break from the game, and sometime over the winter I decided to play again.
When I came back to the game, I decided I'd play in the english server, so I tried out Alsius (mdpro-mage I think? lvl 11 or 12?). I felt I wanted a new start, and felt it was time to move on, so I gave Syrtis a brief tryout too (Hockey Boss, which was deleted (I think lvl 11-13?)). I wasn't feeling that realm for some reason, so it was Ignis or bust for the game of Regnum.
So as I was making an account to try Ignis, I just happened to make an account through Game Samba with the same exact account name, and same password as my orignal account (funny enough), so as I went to log in, it gave me the choice of Game Samba or NGD, I chose NGD because I wasn't sure what Game Samba was.
When I logged in, there was the level 1 Ignis character I made back in 2009 before I was unable to log into the game anymore. I decided to play that character for the fun of it, chatted in realm chat briefly (about Clint Eastwood western flicks actually :smile:), and decided to delete that character and start fresh, and made Van Halen Archer. The more I played in Ignis, I loved every minute of it, and nothing has changed... And I only want nothing but success and good things for the realm, and the good people in it.
Aslius and Syrtis are enemy realms, so I dislike them as a whole. But as individual people (if you're a decent person) I respect you as a human being, so usually if I'm grinding somewhere, I will leave you alone if you are there to grind as well, or if I want nothing to do with war at the moment upon encounter. If I do attack you somewhere that's not war related, then chances are your realm has done something to my disliking recently, or I am just bored. In war, you are all enemies.
Now, what a multi-realmer is: someone who goes from realm to realm for either the satisfaction of being a part of whatever realm is winning, or going to other realms to change the course of war in such a way that it benefits the realm in which your allegiance is pledged to. Also a person that constantly logs into different realms and becomes part of the communities in all of them. I do none of these things, and have spent probably more time playing in Ignis during months of devastation than anyone else, because I love the realm, regardless of whether or not we were winning or losing. Ignis has everything I want out of the game of Regnum. Not everyone finds what they are looking for the first time they try something, so it doesn't make someone a multi because they started out somewhere else.
If my way of gameplay has made any suspect that I am multi-realming for some reason, the point of this message is to say this: You should probably get to know someone better before judging them, or making false accusations. Thank you for your time. :smile: