View Full Version : Vs. Malevolent

08-14-2014, 12:34 AM
This dude drives me nuts. He makes level 30 knights seem OP. He relies on only his resists and wm powers, and he SUCKS. Watch as I take him to 1/5 and then he treehugs like a fa*got. I got rekt.

08-14-2014, 12:38 AM

08-14-2014, 12:58 AM
Holy fuck you're so bad, this 6 minutes waste of my life would've been easier to bare if you learned how to strafe. Rename the video to 'worst knight chasing worst hunter' and do us all a favour and uninstall. And if possible remove this shit from YouTube because let's be honest, if I wanted to waste time I'd try and decipher what cannas is saying.


08-14-2014, 01:35 AM
There are a few things you could have done differently there...and TBH when I saw tree hugging I thought I was going to see him running around a tree for 5 mins.

You got beat.

08-14-2014, 01:45 AM

08-14-2014, 03:37 AM
Getting beat by the worst knight in the game sucks. Reason to me not strafing the proper way, is because I play to entertain myself and piss off others. Wasn't expecting to get eaten alive after I got cocky.

08-14-2014, 03:47 AM
Reason to me not strafing the proper way, is because I play to entertain myself and piss off others. Wasn't expecting to get eaten alive after I got cocky.
How weren't you expecting this if you are making fun of someone else while playing shittier than said person. pls leave gaem

08-14-2014, 04:20 AM
Getting beat by the worst knight in the game sucks. Reason to me not strafing the proper way, is because I play to entertain myself and piss off others. Wasn't expecting to get eaten alive after I got cocky.

lord detected!

08-14-2014, 04:21 AM
pls leave gaem


08-14-2014, 05:08 AM
Hmmmm, u made 2 obvious mistakes here:

1) U continued to attack after u had clearly won. (FYI: at the hide-&-hug-something stage of any pvp-fight, your enemy has essentially admitted that they are defeated, it's over, but is now planning to petulantly postpone the rightful end & deny u a clean kill in defiance of this victorious outcome just to annoy u; sadly, there truthfully is really only one guaranteed-as-effective way to ferret-out & finish-off a 'hugger': call in some solid support & give the cornered-rat panocha-asshole no where left to hide .... & hope they arrive b4 your enemy's allies do, as he is sure to have called in help as well.)

2) You posted a online-video & complaint on NGD-Forums expectant of warm acceptance, affirmative validations &/or friendly constructive advice (buwahahahaha....). (FYI: "Be ye a-warned ... thar be tru-lee mer-cell-less trooolls hee-ar, laddie-kins ... fat nasty-ish brutes wiff a few beg-sharp-pointee teeth steel left in thar beg-sharp-pointee heads ... & effen beggar-sharpar-pointee tungs & type'n fingarz!")

When u know better, u do better. Keep at it!


08-14-2014, 07:07 AM
FYI: at the hide-&-hug-something stage of any pvp-fight, your enemy has essentially admitted that they are defeated, it's over, but is now planning to petulantly postpone the rightful end & deny u a clean kill in defiance of this victorious outcome just to annoy u

Since when? Using obstacles to avoid ranged attack is nothing but logical move. Warrior will not stand in the middle of open field waiting for warlock to kill him. He will use obstacle and wait for enemy to get impatiently cocky and get into kick/roar range. Same thing with mage vs archer. Mage will not stand in the middle of open field waiting archer from 30+ range to kill him. He will use tree/rock and wait for archer to approach.

08-14-2014, 07:44 AM
Since when?...Shoulda' qualified my answer further I suppose, 42...

...I will now do so:

"FYI: at the hide-&-hug-something last-few-hit-points stage of any pvp-fight, your enemy has essentially admitted that they are defeated, it's over, but is now planning to petulantly postpone the rightful end & deny u a clean kill in defiance of this victorious outcome just to annoy u; they also may be desparately trying to turn the tables on u, hoping u will be enough of a fool to squander the victory which is yours already by getting way too close to them. If u fall for this readily obvious ploy, giving them every chance & advantage, possibly throwing away every last one of your own as well, stupidly entering into their killing range, & dying in this trap, then they really didn't beat u at all so much as u actually just beat yourself..."


08-14-2014, 07:47 AM
Shoulda' qualified my answer further I suppose, 42...

...I will now do so:

"FYI: at the hide-&-hug-something stage of any pvp-fight, your enemy has essentially admitted that they are defeated, it's over, but is now planning to petulantly postpone the rightful end & deny u a clean kill in defiance of this victorious outcome just to annoy u; they also may be desparately trying to turn the tables on u, hoping u will be enough of a fool to squander the victory which is yours already by getting way too close to them. If u fall for this obvious ploy, give them every advantage, throw away all of your own & stupidly enter into their killing range, & die in this trap, then they didn't beat u at all really, u actually just beat yourself..."


Close enough :)

08-14-2014, 08:09 AM
Close enough :)Dag-nab-it, 42! Why u gotta' post a reply so dang 'quick'?! Ya' surely gotta' know by now I'm so f-ing anal-retentive that I'm always gonna' keep editing my post until it says exactly what I want it to say, exactly the way I want it to say it! GRRrrr....


08-14-2014, 08:27 AM
Isn't this dude like 13 years old?

08-14-2014, 08:30 AM
lol'd at cold blood behind tree

08-14-2014, 04:23 PM
Hmmmm, u made 2 obvious mistakes here:

1) U continued to attack after u had clearly won.

2) You posted a online-video & complaint on NGD-Forums expectant of warm acceptance, affirmative validations &/or friendly constructive advice

1) I worked hard to get him there. I am a very bad hunter, so this made me a bit happy to get a wm down, even if it is GoM I am up against. I normally would have just rode off if it was a pvp, but I wanted that kill. Damn me for my greedy feels.

2) I wasn't really complaining. I can always use the hunting advice though.

Isn't this dude like 13 years old?

No. Would you like me to be?