View Full Version : Why the launcher is looking at screenshots files ?

11-06-2014, 07:00 PM
Dear NGD,

I recently experienced a weird issue related to the /live/screenshots directory :

I had over 5k files there, and for some reasons (maybe inodes) the directory was corrupted. So when running the "rolauncher" my system was hanging because it was looking for files on wrong sectors of the harddrive.

I fixed out my issue just by running by hand a quick fschk on the partition/drive where this directory is located.

The question that come to my mind now is, why the launcher is looking for all the *.jpg files inside the screenshots/ directory ?

OS : Gentoo Linux
Filesystem : ext3 (raid1)

Thanks in advance.


11-07-2014, 07:24 AM
My guess is could be two things:

1. The game needs to initialize the directory/path every time it is run synchronously for the Alt+s function to capture screens in game and so when it touches that path it stumbles upon the bad sectors or inodes.

2. Or the inodes could be a generic problem of the game folder or the partition itself so when you ran the fsck it cleared out the entire thing and corrected it.

Just a guess anyhow.

11-09-2014, 07:19 PM
"the game" yes, but why the launcher ? I could bypass it and it still worked.