View Full Version : Ignis Haven - loosing more players
12-01-2014, 05:46 AM
Hallo guys,
maybe its more a byebye again ...
after this new inva-system, which only allows syrtis to invade realms,
makes ppl just talk about to sell their accounts or switching the game.
today a whole clan/grp left ignis to join a new game.
Im not mad about that ppl and i know this reaction is normal, because
NGD did again huge mistakes.
Just want to say, that the merge dont will help us.
tip: You should hear the opinion of the players.
Players just talking about how ignorance ngd with their changes is,
and ppl have enough of this.
see pics.
12-01-2014, 06:22 AM
NGD already said that the invasion system is a work-in-progress. It's easy to criticise, but I haven't seen a single invasion suggestion by the community that doesn't have major problems. Balancing invasions isn't easy; whatever makes invasions harder makes them more zerg-dependent (aka Syrtis), and whatever makes them easier allows the zerg realm (again, Syrtis) to invade more.
If that's all the whining that's occurred in Ignis, I wouldn't worry. I don't think losing one player who thinks that "NGD is mostly Syrtis based" will be a huge loss to Ignis.
Anyway, if it's "more a byebye again" for you, then I'm happy to take your account off your hands. I prefer fighting for the losing realm, and I can do it without whining on forums.
12-01-2014, 06:33 AM
Anyway, if it's "more a byebye again" for you, then I'm happy to take your account off your hands. I prefer fighting for the losing realm, and I can do it without whining on forums.
wahahhhaha what good joke you have toons in all the realm so when was last time you log ignis or alsius to defend from zerging syrtis???? cuz too scared of reputation in syrtis you are part of zerg don't act ignorant or blind to the problem, with trying to showoff comments you don't fool anyone.
There is NOT A SINGLE player in syrtis anywhere who would be anywhere but in syrtis when zerging that is truth.
12-01-2014, 06:50 AM
wahahhhaha what good joke you have toons in all the realm so when was last time you log ignis or alsius to defend from zerging syrtis???? cuz too scared of reputation in syrtis you are part of zerg don't act ignorant or blind to the problem, with trying to showoff comments you don't fool anyone.
There is NOT A SINGLE player in syrtis anywhere who would be anywhere but in syrtis when zerging that is truth.
Woah, you're angry. You really live up to your forum name. I'm not blind to the problem, I'm well aware of how dominant Syrtis is. I just don't think it's fair to criticise NGD when they've put in more effort lately than ever.
I don't play Alsius because I got tired of certain players telling me to go back to Syrtis or refusing to heal me when I was only trying to help. I don't have access to any characters in Ignis L50+ anymore. Please don't act like you know anything about me, if you did then you'd know I've spent countless hours fighting against invasions in all three realms.
12-01-2014, 06:52 AM
I prefer fighting for the losing realm
I really appreciate people that think like this, instead of taking the easy way out to win. The game would be so much more balanced and really pretty amazing if more people thought like that. The RARE times that all 3 realms have their good numbers at the same time, the game is indescribably fun. It's times like that, that it's less about outnumbered invasions, and more about just having fun fighting. Then it's more about how well the realm worked together, rather than one just zerging the others.
I remember when (after very briefly trying out Alsius and Syrtis in Haven, in which I got no farther than level 14 in each one) I logged into this account for the first time since 09, and on it was my original Alsius Ra character, and the level 1 character for Ignis in Horus I made back then to see what Ignis looked like. I logged into that character, and loved Ignis right away. It wasn't that long after I knew Ignis was my home, that our realm started making a wish or two every night for a little while. As much as it made me want to get to war zone levels and be a part of it, I started thinking that our realm had it too easy. It made me almost want to leave, because I don't like feeling as if I just hopped on the bandwagon. It's a good thing I stuck it out and believed Ignis was my realm, because we were devastated for about 5 months straight after that.
I just hope Ignis and Alsius players come back soon, the game is really amazing when all 3 realms have good numbers at the same time. If it was like that all the time, this game's popularity would grow so fast.
12-01-2014, 06:55 AM
NGD already said that the invasion system is a work-in-progress. It's easy to criticise, but I haven't seen a single invasion suggestion by the community that doesn't have major problems. Balancing invasions isn't easy; whatever makes invasions harder makes them more zerg-dependent (aka Syrtis), and whatever makes them easier allows the zerg realm (again, Syrtis) to invade more.
If that's all the whining that's occurred in Ignis, I wouldn't worry. I don't think losing one player who thinks that "NGD is mostly Syrtis based" will be a huge loss to Ignis.
Anyway, if it's "more a byebye again" for you, then I'm happy to take your account off your hands. I prefer fighting for the losing realm, and I can do it without whining on forums.
You from Syrtis talking about that you dont have a problem to
fight for a losing realm? Funny. Gratz ur skilled to talk shit.
Weird that 100% of players on our side are "crying".
If ppl are leaving the game ... there is really a huge problem.
looks like u cant see anything in ur zerg :D
12-01-2014, 07:09 AM
I don't really understand why you are blaming NGD. The new system gives for every realm the same chances. That at this moment Syrtis has more players is not really NGD's fault. That's a combination of factors like multirealm players and some old players -like myself- coming back to see how this new system works. People forget very easy that other realms have been in the same position. Take Alsius. Alsius has had a large period of time where he was the king of the game. Alsius could invade whenever he wanted.
It seemed that almost everyone changes to the winnning realm letting the other two empty.
As we speak in Ra is Alsius now the dominating realm. Everybody is playing in Alsius now.
For how long? That's the question. As soon as ppl gets tired they switched again to another realms and then all starts over again.
There is a large group of multirealmers who influence the game in this manner. This group creates a sucking effect attracting the rest with them.
12-01-2014, 07:29 AM
As we speak in Ra is Alsius now the dominating realm.
I still play there in Ra, Alsius winning there literally JUST started to happen in the last week though. I remember every time I logged in Ra during the Halloween event, Alsius gate was wide open for Syrtis or Ignis to come in whenever they pleased lol. I got ganked hardcore inside the realm during that time. :(
As soon as ppl gets tired they switched again to another realms and then all starts over again.
There is a large group of multirealmers who influence the game in this manner. This group creates a sucking effect attracting the rest with them.
100% right. I think constant switching between realms in the same server on one pc or isp address should be more restricted if possible. And with this potential change in mind, I've come up with an idea that would be good to go along with it, and that's NGD implementing a ticket system for people who want to switch realms. Meaning they have to explain their reasoning before given the chance to switch to a new realm. My idea is that they get a 5 day trial account to try out another realm if their reasoning is good enough that NGD feels they deserve to be granted it (like if they want to go from a populated realm to a less populated realm). Then if they chose to move on, they have a very short time to play in their old realm for reasons like giving others their gear or something, and then their old characters get deleted and their account starts over with the new realm they chose.
Ludwig Von Mises
12-01-2014, 07:42 AM
Hallo guys,
maybe its more a byebye again ...
after this new inva-system, which only allows syrtis to invade realms,
makes ppl just talk about to sell their accounts or switching the game.
today a whole clan/grp left ignis to join a new game.
You serious? Most of that group is from the multi clan (obviously). Their leaving because less players now want to multi change realms. Before, they could monopolize invasions by having those connected to that multi clan or group change realms so as to make invasions easier. Now more players seem to want to be, more loyal, to only one realm.
Thats why their leaving. Seems their loyalty swings with how many numbers they have then loyalty no matter what. I remember not to long ago when the multi group left syrtis empty then logged ignis to slaughter all. I stayed at gate and defended as best i could with a few others. If you don't have the guts to stay in hard times like this, like some hard core syrtian loyalists do, then obviously the commitment to your realm runs only skin deep.
I remember getting zerged and steamrolled invasion after invasion, sometimes i just didn't log in because i knew i would just get zerged with my effort not being of any help because well, it was only me and 3 others there more or less.
Time to stop victimizing yourself and get more players to your realm. I think what will help is TDM. More players will log into all three realms just to have a nice fight, and if invasion is going on you will have players that are available to help at gate. They go where the action is.
Get back on the horse :horsey:
To add: The invasion system is not the problem, the multing is. You remove multiing you remove the incentive to change realms constantly which leaves one realm mostly empty while the other more full. But really the point is, how loyal are you to one realm? Ask yourself this.
We've had this happen before many times over, before the update, so its illogical to say: this is do to the new invasion system. That would be conveniently and extremely short sighted indeed. Its the multing.
12-01-2014, 07:59 AM
I really appreciate people that think like this, instead of taking the easy way out to win. The game would be so much more balanced and really pretty amazing if more people thought like that. ... My idea is that they get a 5 day trial account to try out another realm if their reasoning is good enough that NGD feels they deserve to be granted it (like if they want to go from a populated realm to a less populated realm).
There are a lot of players who think like that, unfortunately a lot of them only have characters in one realm. Dejan made a similar suggestion (, of allowing one-way realm transfers from overpopulated realms to the underpopulated ones. I think an in-game system rather than having NGD review and transfer players themselves would be more efficient... but it's probably never going to happen.
Refer to my previous post.
12-01-2014, 09:08 AM
I haven't seen a lot of usable suggestions for NGD concerning the new invasion mechanic. It is way more configurable than the previous one, so the whiners should maybe start to provide ideas instead.
I for my part mostly like the new system. I have been participating in 3-4 invasions both invading and defending so far, and it's been more dynamic, faster and more exciting than it used to be.
I also like the new war confidence. It is relatively strong and generates something you could call realm balance. But - I don't understand why war confidence is a fixed percentage of hp/mana gain. I once already wrote the following:
What will be if, for weeks, Syrtis has got a 100 zerg army, while Ignis has about 30 active users and Alsius 25? Alsius will get war confidence buff, and Ignis will have no chance fighting them. Not to speak of their incapability of fighting Syrtis. If things were balanced, Alsius would get 20%, Ignis 21% (values vary)
12-01-2014, 09:12 AM
Fucking multi. You are the reason people cut themselves irl
12-01-2014, 10:31 AM
...What will be if, for weeks, Syrtis has got a 100 zerg army, while Ignis has about 30 active users and Alsius 25? Alsius will get war confidence buff, and Ignis will have no chance fighting them. Not to speak of their incapability of fighting Syrtis. If things were balanced, Alsius would get 20%, Ignis 21% (values vary)
That's right, to create some balance between realms, differences should be equalize dividing a bonus amongst the weakest realms.
On the other hand there are times when realms seem less populated than they in fact are because there are groups of players not taking part in battles or defending their gates. Instead they go hunting or grinding. So it seems as if your realm is empty when in fact it's not.
Also, as other have stated before, there is the serious problem of the multi's switching to the realms they want whenever they want destabilizing the populations at certain and sometimes crucial times.
12-01-2014, 11:08 AM
I really appreciate people that think like this,
You poor naive soul.
If only the people who said that were actually less (drama) talky and more do-y. ;)
NGD already said that the invasion system is a work-in-progress.
So shouldn't work-in-progress material stay in work-in-progress servers?
It's easy to criticise, but I haven't seen a single invasion suggestion by the community that doesn't have major problems.
>implying NGD actually reads suggestions concerned with Invasions.
If that's all the whining that's occurred in Ignis, I wouldn't worry. I don't think losing one player who thinks that "NGD is mostly Syrtis based" will be a huge loss to Ignis.
I wouldn't really call that whining just because he used the word crap. If posting messages like this aren't allowed anymore on the forum, then what's the purpose of it? Clearly, no one uses The Inn section anymore because everyone has Facebook. What is more, this isn't for you to analyze and draw conclusions, it's mainly for NGD. So if you wanna talk more about bravery, dedication and fighting for the losing realm, go ahead, I almost cried!
Ludwig Von Mises
12-01-2014, 11:45 AM
That's right, to create some balance between realms, differences should be equalize dividing a bonus amongst the weakest realms.
This won't work and probably can't until the multing is fixed. The reason is that this can be abused by multi-logging. An example is the halloween event where people from other realms logged in to infect other people or infect themselves just by logging in making themselves instantly infected, and making gate vulnerable for invasion.
Therefore, you can't create this balance sense others can log or multilog in syrtis and afk to make syrtis seem overpopulated which gives ignis or alsius their bonus depending on how many syrtis are on vs how many ignis or alsius are on. So this as you see can be abused and its an incentive when you can multi whenever and at any time you want from the enemy realm, or if you wish to just monopolize invasions.
12-01-2014, 12:07 PM
So shouldn't work-in-progress material stay in work-in-progress servers?
Releasing this invasion system to the public, which is perceived as an improved invasion system by some players, is the best way to test it. Players usually return when there's an update, and regular updates shows a healthy (or less unhealthy) game.
implying NGD actually reads suggestions concerned with Invasions ... this isn't for you to analyze and draw conclusions, it's mainly for NGD.
I'm confused; are you saying NGD reads forums or not? I wasn't implying NGD reads suggestions, I was pointing out that a lot of the players complain about invasion system and NGD while not being able to think of a better system themselves.
So if you wanna talk more about bravery, dedication and fighting for the losing realm, go ahead, I almost cried!
I prefer fighting for the losing side because it's more fun and challenging, not out of "bravery and dedication". I did not mean to imply that I'm some selfless hero. Since you talk like you know me, you should know that I'm anything but :)
12-01-2014, 12:35 PM
To add: The invasion system is not the problem, the multing is.
We've had this happen before many times over, before the update, so its illogical to say: this is do to the new invasion system. That would be conveniently and extremely short sighted indeed. Its the multing.
+1kk :thumb:
12-01-2014, 01:15 PM
This won't work and probably can't until the multing is fixed. The reason is that this can be abused by multi-logging. An example is the halloween event where people from other realms logged in to infect other people or infect themselves just by logging in making themselves instantly infected, and making gate vulnerable for invasion.
Wait.. What?
12-01-2014, 01:37 PM
Wait.. What?
What a faggot, if you're gonna multi be open about it lel
12-01-2014, 01:39 PM
I absolutely agree with tenel.
Besides, when you get zerged and are about to write on forum rage posts to blame NGD for everything, you should really take some sleep first and if write, write with cool head.
I write this because I know what does it mean, getting zerged. Syrtis wasn't all the time like this. Whole year after CoR(aka relics,dragons update) update release was Syrtis underdog realm.
And what I can say, being zerged isn't fun, but being underdog isn't that horrible either. There are ways how to deal with that. You are already teaming up with alsius/ignis. There is nothing wrong there, in case Syrtis is much more populated. That's good point of 3-realm system and you have already results with it - i do not need to prove this, because you know best when did you team up with other realm and kicked syrtis ass.
Then I must say, most things I learned with knight, was during that underdog period. It's really truth that zerging doesn't improve your skills, because there isn't anything hard in rushing like tard while you have 3 conjs on your ass.
The point I am trying to make is, that the game can be fun even if you are loosing.
If you, of course don't define fun as zerging,invading, and wishing.
Ludwig Von Mises
12-01-2014, 01:48 PM
Wait.. What?
That was a joke, by the way, i was making because syrtis kept seeing all these low level noobs log in and instantly be infected, and started running around infecting everyone and even started talking crap on syrtis main chat. hahaha
So it was a joke to my realm, chill noobs. :razz:
12-01-2014, 01:51 PM
That was a joke, by the way, i was making because syrtis kept seeing all these low level noobs log in and instantly be infected, and started running around infecting everyone and even started talking crap on syrtis main chat. hahaha
So it was a joke to my realm, chill noobs. :razz:
Of course.
12-01-2014, 03:27 PM
I'm sorry for what I say but the truth is that multirealmers (sry Tenel but you belong to them) destroyed the whole server. Syrtis do not know how it is, therefore, do not know the problem. Fortunately, there are exceptions :) and I don't mean multirealmers. I'm talking about those who want the best for this game, with the objective thinking.... not those who think only of themselves.
12-01-2014, 03:41 PM
I'm sorry for what I say but the truth is that multirealmers (sry Tenel but you belong to them) destroyed the whole server. Syrtis do not know how it is, therefore, do not know the problem. Fortunately, there are exceptions :) and I don't mean multirealmers. I'm talking about those who want the best for this game, with the objective thinking.... not those who think only of themselves.
You should define multirealmer first. You can name players who leave one realm to play in other one multirealmer, but I have no problem with those "multirealmers". Everyone can play where he wants and in any realm he has friends. You should accept that, and if you'll behave like this to everyone who ever switched realm to see other realm, it's only bad reputation for you and your realm.
Only problem is with people who tend to change realm to be on the winning side in every situtation. But well, I think you are accusing tenel wrong here. Anyway, I think she came to Syrtis around April 2013, in the period when Syrtis was underdog. So it's definitely not this case.
I can second this. Tenel just switched realms like i do. You need to make a difference between player who changes realms and player who switches reams in a daily basis.
I can name at least 5 old Syrtis players who play Ignis now for different reasons. This does not ruin the server, because most of them left in times Syrtis was the dominant realm as it is now.
12-01-2014, 04:12 PM
Even if someone plays in Syrtis and during invasion s/he logs on Alsius/Ignis character... for me s/he is a multi. Winning or losing - no matter.
What is the point of defending the realm, where you don't play? Yes, I call it a multi. You must select this or that. Starting the game in one realm means saying goodbye to another. Want to change the realm back? Do it but leave the current.
Do not get me wrong. I think it ruins the game, especially low-populated server.
12-01-2014, 05:43 PM
You should define multirealmer first.
players who leave one realm to play in other one
Multis are multis, the reason why they change realm for is unsubstantial.
Friends here friends there, low population here, high there, it's completely unimportant. They leaving one realm for another, changing the numbers thus causing even more imbalance between realms. Multis are IMO the plague of the game, they are one of the reasons why small servers like Haven dying, slowly. Hate them with full of my heart, hate them all.
I can name at least 5 old Syrtis players who play Ignis now for different reasons. This does not ruin the server
It does NOT for now, but it surely WILL when they leave ignis to return to syrtis ^^
Also, I fully agree with Sentan.
Just my sad opinion about multis :ranting:
OT: I wouldn't care much, multis will be always around to swap realms :D
12-01-2014, 06:54 PM
Multis are multis, the reason why they change realm for is unsubstantial.
Friends here friends there, low population here, high there, it's completely unimportant.
There is a difference between changing realms and hopping between realms.
Not everyone that decides to play in a different community is a multi.
12-01-2014, 07:19 PM
whoever left Ignis for another game:
have fun and good luck :smile:
I haven't seen a lot of usable suggestions for NGD concerning the new invasion mechanic.
I have a couple of suggestions:
don't let new players - who are not invited from a Syrtis player -only join Alsius or Ignis
nerf invasion rewards
grant every realm a few hours each day a gem lock which depends on downtime of the realm of past days
let the most successful realm only invade as often as the other two realms combined (e.g. make gate for the dominant realm invulnerable if in the past 7 days he invaded more often than the others combined)
encourage inactive players of underpopulated realms to come back, and make it more tempting with a ximerin gift
increase the fun for the defending side, even if there is a huge imbalance (e.g. with a worthy buff - which strength depends on the playing hours amount of the capable players like someone suggested in this thread)
disable invasions
I believe NGD best decides themselves what they want to implement. They surely know which is feasible and effective enough without loosing more players than in the last few weeks.
12-01-2014, 07:33 PM
There is a difference between changing realms and hopping between realms.
Not everyone that decides to play in a different community is a multi.
You might be right, but then again, it won't change the fact that they both leave a realm for another one thus causing more imbalance between the realms and making it impossible or near to that to balance things such as invasions.
Realm changers do that unwillingly while hoppers deliberately, the effect remains the same ^^
Ludwig Von Mises
12-01-2014, 07:39 PM
You should define multirealmer first.
I think, i can attempt to define them. The first two can't be seen as multi. They are like secret agents but loyal and devoted heroes to their realm, but this should not be allowed because they have the potential of being abused: Sense they could just change to that realm, and NGD as they are now, will not do anything. This is what causes imbalance in the realm system. They can't truly be called realms or three realms if they can change back and forth with no consequence from NGD. This makes NGDs concept of realms absolute.
Theres three types i think: the first just goes to another realm to ask for pvps, to socialize, to look at the unique look of that realm etc.. The problem with this is that it has the potential of being abused which mostly happens.
The second: goes to the other realm to spy and get intelligence that is helpful to their realm. Or infect them with purple fever. hehe. This one is not too bad, but is worse than the first one and has the potential of being abused which mostly happens.
The third one: goes to another realm and changes to that side because they have good numbers to invade their home realm which means that the other toon in the realm they temporarily changed can get the benefits that came with having a successful invasion, they can get wish benefits. And this is the worse kind of multi, they are the ones that artificially monopolize invasions and cause unbalance in the realm system, they are the traitors to their realm.
The ones who officially change realms and their toons deleted by NGD, are not multi, they have left that realm, and if they want to go back to their former realm, they have to start all over again from scratch or pay a fee to NGD for a level 60 or 45 scroll, and the toons from the realm they just left are deleted again by NGD. :cool:
12-01-2014, 09:40 PM
disable invasions
I think invasions are a good thing, but not greatly outnumbered ones. The funnest thing about defending against invaders (and in my opinion, what invasions should really be focused on) was just recently removed from the game... Being able to recap your own gate during the invasion.
Yes, I know invasions are shorter, so I see where NGD got the idea of making gate invulnerable once it's capped. But not being able to re-cap gate makes the outnumbered realm have much less of a chance at keeping their gems, because now the whole group of invaders can move to the gems, which makes it much easier for the zerg when they don't have to split to protect gate. I think invasions should still be shorter, like they are now (an hour was quite a while when you're the one defending), but I don't believe that should mean taking away the ability to recap the gate.
My suggestion is: Make gate vulnerable to attack again, but make it that only players of the realm that own the gate (when it's capped by another realm), or players of the realm that placed the first relic can attack the gate. This way the third realm is much more limited to what they can do. Take away the spawn camp (since it wouldn't be needed, and would just make it way too convenient to defend gate), and give anyone from the defending realm that dies during the invasion an option to spawn at the city (whether they are already saved there or not) that's nearest to their gate. This would be replacing the option to spawn directly at the gate, which can be unpleasant if the gate is captured by the enemy, and they have many at gate. And of course, the flag only being able to be captured by either the defending realm or the ones that placed the first relic.
Capping and re-capping gate was the funnest part about defending against invasions. It actually gave the defending realm a chance against a zerg, and made more of a need to actually use tactics. An attacking realm can screw up a whole invasion, even with greater numbers because of lack of teamwork, or because of how well the defending realm worked together.
Some might think with how short the invasions are now, that this would make getting gems much, much harder.... That's the point! I think any of us can handle invasions. It's when one realm invades, takes all gems in one shot, then does it again right after making a wish that makes the players of the less populated realms lose interest in the game. Make realms have to take gems over a much longer period of time to get a wish, rather than taking all gems in one invasion with ease because they have a huge zerg. A zerging realm will have less interest in invading, knowing that it's a longer process to make wishes. Wishes shouldn't be a quick thing that a realm can do 2 or 3 times a day. Or maybe put gem lock on all gems for a certain length of time once a wish is completed. This way it gives the zergs a chance to die out before making the next wish, instead of having repeated invasions.
The point of all that I mentioned: Keep invasions, but make the game much less focused on them, and more focused on just fighting in the war zone. That's where the fun is, and fun is what keeps players of all realms.
Sorry for the long post. :smile:
Edit: I forgot to add on the fact that now noble quests are not only half the WMC, but twice the waiting period. So now noble is nothing but a small bonus. Because of that, the focus of invasions will pretty much be primarily on gems now, and the fact that defending realms can't re-capture their gate means it will be harder to keep their gems. It used to be a realm that was invading could mess up their chance of taking gems by going noble, or mess up their chance of noble by going to gems. With this new system... you know if gate was capped, there is a very good chance that gems are being taken.
12-02-2014, 04:56 AM
Still the same ole crap happening.ive been away for 2 months and return to find the game in worse shape than it was when i left it.
This new invasion system really sucks.the war confidence is great and i think it can be expanded to help the game.the biggest problem with this games player retention has and always/will be the effects of realm inbalance.players dont like getting constantly run over without a chance of competing.this slowly makes players leave the game.
my idea is to rework the war confidence.increase its stats to benefit the weaker needs to drastically improve a players stats to compensate for the overwhelming odds they maybe facing.this will make it much harder for the biggest realm to invade smaller realms and encourage invasions when both realms have the same amount of people online.something to create more balance in a fight.if side A=10 and side B=30 then how about an improvement of 200% on all pretty sure side B will have to work alot harder and use skill and tactics to succeed and im pretty sure side A will stand a chance of winning.
12-02-2014, 05:05 AM
Hey Tan! :smile:
(I know this is off topic, sorry lol)
12-03-2014, 05:39 PM
the focus of invasions will pretty much be primarily on gems
invasions are a good thing, but not greatly outnumbered ones
That two sentence seem to be opposed to each other with the current system, no way you can get the gems out without having a huge zerg, it was always that way but you probably know that.
The goal stayed the same. Only the mechanism changed, sadly.
Numbers. That's all that matters, nothing more :(
Make gate vulnerable to attack again, but make it that only players of the realm that own the gate (when it's capped by another realm), or players of the realm that placed the first relic can attack the gate. Capping and re-capping gate was the funnest part about defending. Wishes shouldn't be a quick thing that a realm can do 2 or 3 times a day. Put a gem lock on all gems for a certain length of time once a wish is completed.
Only can agree with these, would be nice if NGD would consider these things...
Also, the realm bonus should be much much higher, 20 vs. 5 / 30 vs. 10 fights make players only pissed, ---> swearing, flaming, blaming and then nothing left but raqequit. Then they all get banned for verbal abuse. It only makes thing even harder for the outnumbered realm luel xD
12-03-2014, 05:55 PM
20 vs. 5 / 30 vs. 10 fights make players only pissed, ---> swearing, flaming, blaming and then nothing left but raqequit. Then they all get banned for verbal abuse. makes thing even harder for the outnumbered realm xD
As funny as it sounds, it's the truth lol. I'm guilty of it myself, I've had some choice words for the enemy realms (although unlike a lot of people, I NEVER blame or insult my allies, I don't believe in it), and then have logged off because it's like 5 of us trying take back a fort against like 25.
I can't stand when people blame or insult allies. I'm so tired of seeing stuff like "you suck" or "you can play for $***". People need to remember that it's usually the result of either not having enough support allies, or just the enemy having much greater numbers. Insulting other allies doesn't do themself, or anyone else in their realm any good. It creates tension, and it's very annoying to everyone. It can make some even leave the realm, and that will give you even less of a chance of having support when you need it. So it's completely counter-productive. As I always say, insult the enemy instead.:drinks:
12-04-2014, 02:27 AM
That two sentence seem to be opposed to each other with the current system, no way you can get the gems out without having a huge zerg
Yes, but a zerg had to split with the old invasion system, because they had to hold gate. Now the whole zerg can leave gate and move together to the gem, which makes it harder for low populated realms to defend against. In that case (and I should have brought this up before), since the war confidence thing is only at gate, forts or cities... It does absolutely nothing for the greatly outnumbered defenders if gate is capped and they are trying to keep gems, since they can't re-capture and camp their gate. Standing around gate waiting for the gems to get near, just so you can use the war confidence buff to your advantage wouldn't do anything either. If the gem gets that close to gate with the full group of invaders around it, chances are with the movement speed buffs and such, the gem will get inside gate.
There was a lot more use of strategy when it came to taking or defending gate with the old system. It made more sense, because even a much smaller group defending had somewhat of a chance because they had the possibility of using their gate to their advantage.... Not anymore.
Since the whole group of invaders can go to the gems without having to protect gate, I think NGD should raise the gem counter.
12-04-2014, 09:26 AM
With big population imbalance, there doesn't exist something like win-win invasion system. That means, this system made stealing gems easier for bigger realms, but also easier for lower populated realms. Before update, it was almost impossible to steal gems unless invading realm had twice that many players than defending. Now it is easier in general because defending realm has no option to split invading zerg by recapturing gate.
With the old invasion system, it would be impossible for other realms than Syrtis to steal gems. Now it's made easier for lower populated realms, but that also makes it easy for overpopulated realm.
Since the whole group of invaders can go to the gems without having to protect gate, I think NGD should raise the gem counter.
And well, realm with biggest population(Syrtis atm obviously) would profit from this much more than other realms.
The point here is that this invulnerable gate is like sanctuary for attackers which is unfair. You can stay there, return back and so on making all this utterly annoying for defenders. New relic system is again harder for defenders, because relic travels smaller distance.
Gate defences was alot fun no matter how outnumbered you was. It was like fort which is fine. Introducing this kind of feature is utterly annoying at least for me.
Somehow i liked more old system when you bring relics to castle and gate was capturable. Only adjustment this system needed was to disable relic horsing. Instead of this they made this abomination...
After all this years i still can not understand why NGD makes this insane design decisions which prove to be fail again and again and again.
Well i need to stop bothering.
12-04-2014, 02:14 PM
Bring the boats back!
12-08-2014, 08:48 PM
Yeah... we're losing players pretty quickly. :ohill:
12-30-2014, 10:26 PM
Don't sweat it, eventually you'll be the one zerging aroung and remembering how fun it can be to be the underdog:p
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