View Full Version : I allways disconnect in the same place! Why?

03-01-2015, 03:17 PM
When i arrive (for example to the Snowy Rocks in Alsius ofc) I have a message which says that "You have been disconnected from Server" or what :( Allways there, in the Snowy Rocks area! Why? Please community, report here if you had the same problem somewhere else.
And as allways: I hope I was undersandable, if I wasn't, feel free for ask :) And sry for my english!

03-01-2015, 03:50 PM
U r not the only one,... in my case when I arrive at coliceum (in ignis) or im arriving to allahed, the game stuck in that zone and the game crashed. My big problem was, if the caracter was at that place, when i log on again, the game stuck again and crash.

That was a reason to leave the game once, because i coudn't move the pj and play without crashing.

Now I'm evading thats zones xD


03-01-2015, 04:04 PM
Both of your problems sound like a download resource issue to me.

Have you enabled the "Update all new resources at once" option in the CoR launcher? Maybe this will solve your issues.


03-01-2015, 06:16 PM
I have this problem sometimes after resurrection and leaving the save or after crossing the realm gate - in both cases mounting the horse and the horse turns always invisible some seconds before the disconnection message.

PS: at least in my case it is not a resource problem, I have "Update all new resources at once" enabled since years now.

03-01-2015, 06:26 PM
Have you enabled the "Update all new resources at once" option in the CoR launcher?

Where can I enable that? At "Advanced options" I couldn't find it.

Best of luck upon ya :)

03-02-2015, 06:53 AM
Where can I enable that? At "Advanced options" I couldn't find it.

Best of luck upon ya :)

After login in launcher, you go to "Options". It must be the second tick there.


03-02-2015, 09:35 PM
Thank you bro, problem solved! It was an internet/connection problem, I think!
But i also enabled that :)

Best of luck upon ya