View Full Version : [Searching] Old ranking data

03-27-2015, 09:29 PM
hello there,

I've been building up a website tool to (graphically) display, maintain and daily expand a database, filled with the (total) realm points per player from the official ranking (http://www.championsofregnum.com/index.php?l=1&ref=gmg&sec=19&rank=2&world=0&realm=3&class=1&range=2). You can access it here (http://cor-forum.de/regnum/CoRRankingArchive/rank.php). I only administrate Valhalla (Musp/Nifl) data though, for I haven't seen any ranking backups of Haven/Ra before 2013. data > software. I've been searching for the former for quite a while, so I'll give this forum a try: -> I am searching for ranking data older than 2010/03, mostly Niflheim+Muspell.
Does anyone have such mirroring? I am talking of screenshots, downloaded pages, automatically exctracted data, files, anything.
Even if not, please tell if you have any ideas! :)

Regards, thanks a lot in advance,

ps. if anyone needs the administration tools for backing up other servers, contact me

05-08-2015, 07:41 PM
k ):.................

05-08-2015, 08:50 PM
I just looked if waybackmachine has old ranking in their archives.

Rankings of Ra and Horus are stored mostly.
Horus rankings from 2009 (http://web.archive.org/web/20090715050340/http://www.regnumonlinegame.com/ranking/index.php?l=1&opt=2&realm=0&world=horus)

If Niflheim, Muspell or Tyr is choosen, waybackmachine says "Wayback Machine doesn't have that page archived."

05-08-2015, 09:30 PM
thanks, but I had already looked up archive.org intensively! Sorry, I should have stated that from the beginning