View Full Version : Dead Meat

07-05-2015, 08:01 PM

I'd like to thank my clan members for always believing in me, my realm mates for breaking stuns allowing this to happen, and the countless mind squashers I've received from alsius and syrtis. I couldn't have achieved this without you guys!

Anywho, after the 50th mind squasher today, I nearly had a brain aneurysm. Made me realise I'm not having as much fun playing regnum as I used to. So I'm going to take a long break and see where that leads. May come back, may not. So this is not a farewell note, because we know how they generally turn out ;)
Haven play style has become tiresome, and is in no way as much fun as it was. It feels like RA but with a smaller population, which doesn't work unfortunately. When a game starts to feel like a chore, it's probably a good point to stop!
I'll try and hang around the forums as much as I can to provide confrontational replies, humorous remarks and argue for the sake of it. You know you love it.

Enjoy RO guys - I just wish I could have for a bit longer.

Cheers :beerchug:

07-05-2015, 09:06 PM
Haven play style has become tiresome, and is in no way as much fun as it was. It feels like RA but with a smaller population, which doesn't work unfortunately.
I agree about the Haven part... Playing there is like a chore. Always one realm dominance, and you pretty much know what's going to happen on a daily basis there, it gets repetitive and makes me lose interest quickly. Ra, however, is so much fun. Even with an over-populated Ignis there, there are still a lot of players in Alsius and Syrtis, so there is always fun to be had. Also the boss jewels there are spread so much thinner, so less fully jeweled archers and barbs. Only part that sucks about Ra is when a zerg (ignis more specifically) spams level 5 Sultar's and rush in to spam every warrior area spell at level 5, which is a brainless war style, and it ruins the fun of the battle. Other than that and getting ganked, Ra is everything the game should be on all servers. :smile:

07-05-2015, 09:48 PM
Kudos to you!@. i got that achievement too. IT took a very long time but im pretty salty the achievements got resetted again like a month ago orso

07-06-2015, 09:22 AM
I'll say what I said last time.

Cya next week.

07-06-2015, 09:45 AM
I'll say what I said last time.

Cya next week.

Well, he said long break and not that he quits the game. I consider 1 week quite a long time :P

07-06-2015, 10:06 AM
MS the most retarded spell ever existed. gg NGD
Yesterday i have got more than 50,same syrtis knights spamming it on me at every rush, they use it like PRO.

07-06-2015, 01:06 PM
MS the most retarded spell ever existed. gg NGD
Yesterday i have got more than 50,same syrtis knights spamming it on me at every rush, they use it like PRO.

And you spam southcross every 10 seconds. No, really, there just needs to be some spell to counter overbuffed people (usually barbs) who can't be debuffed in other way (because of DI).

Edit: also note that your team also can have knights, who can have MS too. And if your knights don't want to skill MS, that is different issue. There is also lot of alsius barbs with MS too.

07-06-2015, 02:04 PM
And you spam southcross every 10 seconds. No, really, there just needs to be some spell to counter overbuffed people (usually barbs) who can't be debuffed in other way (because of DI).

1. Have DI only work on other mages
2. Change bless animation with DI
3. Change MS so it only removes foreign buffs, nothing else (90-100%)
4. Make UM absolute
5. Return spring to how it was originally

If DI suggestion is unacceptable, then add a small DoT (5hp per tick) on laziness so it can be cast through DI.

Conclusion: Barbs will no longer be as OP, and allows locks to cast laziness on them (-70% weapon damage bonus at level 5). Conjurers still have some kind of protection from confuse so DI remains useful. With DI removed from barbs, they still need some kind of protection from CCs, so UM needs to be absolute.

07-06-2015, 05:11 PM
MS the most retarded spell ever existed. gg NGD
Yesterday i have got more than 50,same syrtis knights spamming it on me at every rush, they use it like PRO.

Baaaaaby, you should play in Syrtis or Ignis one or two days.
Just turn to your realm, there is definitely much larger pile of Miley Cyruses licking their hammers.

...Perfect suggestions, I'd keep MS as it is and raise its mana cost rapidly(400mana) though, as the effect isn't so bad, is just spammed as hell.

Gluck irl Meldy. Untill next week.

07-06-2015, 05:58 PM
I'd keep MS as it is and raise its mana cost rapidly(400mana) though, as the effect isn't so bad, is just spammed as hell.

This is good too!

Gluck irl Meldy. Untill next week.

lol thank you, and we shall see

07-06-2015, 06:19 PM
Baaaaaby, you should play in Syrtis or Ignis one or two days.
Just turn to your realm, there is definitely much larger pile of Miley Cyruses licking their hammers.

lol'd at Miley Cyrus reference. It was actually fighting Alsius and the barrage of their mind squashers that influenced my decision to leave. If they need to spam this in order to win, then what's the point? Anyway, I'm sure every realm is guilty of it, but in my experience, Alsius was by far the worst, and it was mostly their barbs carrying it.

07-06-2015, 08:17 PM
Cya on the flipside bruddah! Taking my break with you leaving aswell. You pretty much summed it all up for me

07-06-2015, 10:29 PM
me and Olle/ mysha long are quitting too.

07-06-2015, 10:35 PM
Hope all of you fail miserably at anything you do in real life, won't miss any of you noobs.


07-06-2015, 10:42 PM
Hope all of you fail miserably at anything you do in real life, won't miss any of you noobs.


Such a beautiful sentiment. Regnum was beginning to make me an angry and hateful person also. Sounds like you could do with a break yourself, friend.

07-06-2015, 10:43 PM
me and Olle/ mysha long are quitting too.

I love you guys <3

07-07-2015, 12:52 AM
Dude I hope u return, u cant let me alone with skit and rod they suck af xD ;), Take care and gl with all until we see each other again ^^! :beerchug:

07-07-2015, 01:00 AM
Dude I hope u return, u cant let me alone with skit and rod they suck af xD ;), Take care and gl with all until we see each other again ^^! :beerchug:

I hope they take good care of you mate. I will miss you, and thanks for the kind words *kiss*

07-07-2015, 07:40 AM
Oh lordie lordie Mr Brad is hurt, make way for a forum post guys the world has to know what injustice this attention whore has suffered. Every thing was fucking fine when you were switching realms for the boss jewelry along with that arm candy and spamming MS yourself. do i need to list the players who have their share of MS and quit game without being the attention whore like you.. jesus I thought there can't be any more stupidity going on in this game but with the likes of you, halvdan and other retards the only ones left "discussing balance" on the forums the game has surely hit a newest low imaginable.

well goodluck with your life.

07-07-2015, 08:51 AM
Baaaaaby, you should play in Syrtis or Ignis one or two days...
Where i said alsius doesnt use it? i said MS is shit, better have dynamic game than MS'ing each other all day. It has deadly effect on barbs & conju.

Incresing mana won't fixe problem, you think a stupid knight or barb that his gameplay is only limited on MS chance will think about mana cost :¬¬:.

MS removing only foreign buffs or replacing it by usefull spell is the best solution and logical one.

07-07-2015, 09:10 AM
And you spam southcross every 10 seconds. No, really, there just needs to be some spell to counter overbuffed people (usually barbs) who can't be debuffed in other way (because of DI).

Edit: also note that your team also can have knights, who can have MS too. And if your knights don't want to skill MS, that is different issue. There is also lot of alsius barbs with MS too.

too naif, you think ovebuffed barb with a lot of supports will even care about MS, he will just get instance heal and dispel to retrait back.
MS it harms when u try to make challange and u get faced by too many MS spam that give u 0 chance to survive and show how bad this game is.
As an example heartpancakes trying that 3 way of sunday with less number when alsius had samal i saw him dying in loop cuz alsius had 4 or 5 with MS and syrtis 3 knights spamming it as well. MS & feint guaranteed death.
Fortunately we had the fort, saved myself from this retarded spam.

07-07-2015, 09:12 AM
Oh lordie lordie Mr Brad is hurt, make way for a forum post guys the world has to know what injustice this attention whore has suffered. Every thing was fucking fine when you were switching realms for the boss jewelry along with that arm candy and spamming MS yourself. do i need to list the players who have their share of MS and quit game without being the attention whore like you.. jesus I thought there can't be any more stupidity going on in this game but with the likes of you, halvdan and other retards the only ones left "discussing balance" on the forums the game has surely hit a newest low imaginable.

well goodluck with your life.

If you have a problem with attention whores then don't pay attention to them.
He didn't quit the game, he takes a break, and informed those players who care about him. As you can see there are players who do.

And at least halvdan and other retards (that includes me i guess) try to improve the game with their suggestions, if you disagree fine, then join the discussion and proof them wrong.
It's not like NGD took all our suggestions and made them happen, don't see what's your problem here. Forums are made for discussions.

07-22-2015, 04:50 AM