Elva Hunter
09-02-2015, 04:12 AM
i wish know why there had basically no one announcement by the side of the staff of the game that the list with the people who was selected to fight was done. the server went down in day 30 night. and we had no one announcement in the forum or in the facebook community of the game that there had one list done with the players who was selected to fight. then in day 31 i loged in the game and sent chat to our GC in syrtis haven. and he said that the inscriptions was still oppen and that don't had any information about the tournament. beyond that, the own developers did not announced that there had one list. i only found the list today because of the post of a common member of the forum, but by the side of the NGD i did not saw any specific thread posting the list.
so tell me, how come you expect the players to be online in the schedule if you guys do not even announced?
now in the marksman pvp tournament is like if i had lost the schedule ( which could never happen if i knew about that list ) plus, even my partner who was going to play with me also lost the shcedule, again, because of this big lack of announcment and attention by te side of the staff with the haven players.
in RA tournament there had announcments in everywhere. so why with haven it must be different?
i really wish one answer and also know if the schedule of this list is really valid, because if be that, in the match of day 31, me and my partner did not fought simply for not being warned that there would be a fight. I was online on 31 and saw nothing about the event.
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7guuMwrpwgafjE4TGNZZ1RFR29lajI1ajh mZjBZVTJjcGxTLTJYODU2Q3ZiOGNDQ0lCS3M&usp=sharing
Kind regards,
Elva Hunter- Elite of Syrtis
so tell me, how come you expect the players to be online in the schedule if you guys do not even announced?
now in the marksman pvp tournament is like if i had lost the schedule ( which could never happen if i knew about that list ) plus, even my partner who was going to play with me also lost the shcedule, again, because of this big lack of announcment and attention by te side of the staff with the haven players.
in RA tournament there had announcments in everywhere. so why with haven it must be different?
i really wish one answer and also know if the schedule of this list is really valid, because if be that, in the match of day 31, me and my partner did not fought simply for not being warned that there would be a fight. I was online on 31 and saw nothing about the event.
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7guuMwrpwgafjE4TGNZZ1RFR29lajI1ajh mZjBZVTJjcGxTLTJYODU2Q3ZiOGNDQ0lCS3M&usp=sharing
Kind regards,
Elva Hunter- Elite of Syrtis