View Full Version : Do you find action is lacking in Haven ? How about you create some yourself ?
11-17-2015, 10:18 PM
So tonight I had some free time that I wanted to spend in RO. Much to my dismay, there were only 10 people on in Ignis when I logged, and the server seemed completely quiet.
Not discouraged yet, the two members of my clan that were online and I decided to try to take Aggy, in order to create some action. We got killed by 5-6 goats. We went there again after some time, got killed by 6-7 goats. We went there again, got killed by 10+ goats.
Never did anyone move to attack us in return, except Loque who tried alone Meni and Samal... only to be killed by 4-6 Ignis players.
Still not discouraged, we made a final attempt at Herb. Got killed by 5-6 gelves.
After that, we logged off.
My point here is that the reason Haven is "dead" (according to many, perhaps the majority of those reading at this moment), isn't ONLY the population. There were probably at least 10 players in every realm tonight. Yes, that is low, but still enough to have some fun fights.
But it happens very often that not even half of all the players online decide to take part in wars or create some action. That leads to situations like tonight, where boringness seems to be the only option.
If more Ignis tried to take forts with us, or if the ennemy realms players did attack us back, there was a good chance that it could have started action, since at least some of the afking/grinding/whatever players would have come back to defend their realm. And once the fort would have been taken back, we would have probably tried to attack an ennemy fort, thus starting the well-known Agg/Samal or Herb/Samal ping-pong action.
And, the thing is, action and population are linked in a vicious/virtuous circle : If people log on and see no action around, they usually log off quickly (as we did), leading to even less action. But if they do see action when they log on, they're likely to join it, which creates even more action (or zergs... But realm balance isn't what I'm discussing here). We've all seen 5vs5 turning into 10vs10 and then 15vs15 I think (Roughly, of course the numbers are rarely the same for the two realms, but when the difference isn't too big, they both tend to grow).
So, the more people are willing to create action, the more chance there is that it brings even more players, and thus "stabilize" the action ( = there is almost constantly a fight going on. Like european Friday evenings for exemple).
I get that this may sound naive. Of course this is all an ideal description of events, which ignores many other factors. But trust me, the will of some to create action DOES have an impact : I've seen it a lot in Nemon.
Near to its end, Nemon probably barely had half of Haven active population, in terms of number. We did have less action, for sure. But not much less. Because, being so few, we knew the only way to keep having fun was to move our asses and create the fight ourselves, not just wait for it to come. I believe that many old Nemon players would agree with me on the point that people were much more eager to war back there.
TL;DR : Haven is "dead" not only because of low population, it's also because of the "lazyness" of its players. If you want action, go create it, and don't camp forts/CS. This could make the server much more enjoyable for everyone.
Sorry for the walls of text, but I wanted to express myself on this matter since a long time, especially since I think this is overlooked by many. Feel free to constructively disagree with me. ^^
11-17-2015, 10:50 PM
You're very right; I feel the same. There are more issues, but mostly it's population and its will to actively seek action and not only wait at any fort 'till the fun comes to me'.
There's much to be said here - we need more players, right now war activity depends on same few players in each realm, if those get tired of nonstop shouting and motivating realmies for war, the game is dieing. I often try doing this, even if it includes shouting in realm chat like mad and PMing around to regroup players.
But doing it more times in a row, one will get tired soon, thats my own experience.
Also, bosses, dragon raids are also poisonous for action, when you're trying to regroup players for some war, and the answer is "fu, eve"..
11-18-2015, 12:05 AM
lol hippo, u still playing bro? XD
u are right btw, i was thinkin of a come back in 2016 but its to early i guess :D
11-18-2015, 02:33 AM
As you can probably already know, I totally agree with you Hippo. I feel it so many time when I log on and see no action and sometimes you have people staying and waiting... maybe for the rain, who knows ? ^^
I often try to push people to war, trying to create some action because as you said, if you are bored but don't move your ass, then WZ will just stay dead.
I already saw that sometimes when I try to make a regroup somewhere, no one come maybe just because they are too lazy. But in some case, even if we are only few people, we can take a fort and have some enemies coming. As you said it can start with 5vs5 and finish with a big war.
But I also already saw, when we take a fort with few people, just to start something and have some fun, you could stay and wait... and no one will come for hours. Then you go and take another fort (in the same realm or in another realm) and they are taking back the 1st fort... What is the point of this ? lol People enjoy so much to take empty fort and see no enemies ?
So well, I agree with you, and sometimes I give up when I see no one feel involved. It's a bit sad and this game would not be so boring ^^'
11-18-2015, 06:57 AM
Perspectives differ from person to person and during server peak which I believe is European evenings/nights, there is always a tug of war at Aggers. If Syrtis is not at Samal and Ignis is not at Herb, both of them are at Aggers, so if Alsius defends from Ignis and moves to PN, Syrtis is at Aggers and when they defend that and move to PP, Ignis is back at Aggers. In your case example, they were more likely fighting at PP, and came back to Aggers when got hit by your little group and went back to PP when defense was done.
However, I do agree there is a lot of laziness and idle camping in Haven's mindset. There is not much you can do to make people play. If all they want to do is log in and just wait, you might as well just play on your own, which is what I do. I've stopped bothering trying to ask anyone to war, I just turn off realm chat and go on my own. Also, there is that ugly trend in this game of camps. Everywhere you will find these little camps, my friends, my clan, my bunch of hillbillies who I will party and just stick to that, be they warring, chatting, fooling around at CS or camping some boss. And I do tend to dislike the party system to an extent in this game. I wish there could be some global party system where one player initiates it and you get a central message like a dragon party and anyone can join in as long as they want to be in it.
I really don't believe Haven will improve in any case. My idea of Regnum from the start has been the same and still the same as this pic:
I don't want anything else from the game, not Syrtis, not gems, not invasions, not portals, not anything else. My best moments from the game have been just that.
11-18-2015, 07:49 AM
Yesterday, most of players were camping tk.After we failed and exceptionally this time we had a nice ping pong at pp That's why none moved to pn.
11-18-2015, 08:43 AM
100% agree Hippo and it is sad that people just log in and waiting for something, instead of doing some action themselves.
11-18-2015, 09:35 AM
I don't want anything else from the game, not Syrtis, not gems, not invasions, not portals, not anything else. My best moments from the game have been just that.
I know exactly how you feel. Right after they made the new WMC system where we could gain WMC by holding one enemy fort, every time I logged into Ra I went right to Trelle save and joined the daily group we had that fought Syrtis from Trelle-Alga. It was like a mutual thing, both groups knew Ignis had like 10000000 at Aggers, so we'd just let them rot there for their WMC while we had some incredible back and forth fights with Syrtis at pp2. Even as the players changed, the fights always stayed about the same size, which was about 10-15 each side. The funnest fights I've ever had in the game, and I really wish they never stopped. :wish: I seriously want to thank every player that was involved in those fights for making the game so great for me during that time.
11-18-2015, 01:38 PM
What ive noticed since moving to syrtis is that they will try to create things,its very rare they camp a fort.ive also noticed how alsius tend to camp aggers like thier lives depended on it.there is one particular lock we all know by name and expect to be camping aggers,she knows who she is lolz.
Beef and I used to go out solo looking to create fights but what we found was that alsius would camp aggers with 10 and then zerg us,leaving us no chance to fight.the incentive to go out and start fights starts to diminish fast.
IMO haven needs new blood,out with this old attitude many players have and in with the new fresh faces who just want to fight and have fun win or lose.beef and i always return for a fair fight,its not about winning its about having something to do.sometimes you win sometimes you lose.i know lots in syrtis have that same attitude as we sure also that ignis and alsius have those players....but its the majority that dont.
maybe ngd need to introduce a penalty for staying ina fort too long without combat,or maybe give the enemy a bonus of some type to promote action instead of camping.
Elva Hunter
11-18-2015, 03:16 PM
I totaly agree with you.
But the worst is that if you try to create action, some players still will be against you. last time i loged in far in the night, and everyone was siting in cs. i called 2 clan mates and we started to take forts and opened a invasion against alsius, soon we got some more syrtians helping, but then cannas (syrtis noobest barb) decided to go hit ignis with some of my hatters, and they knew that could not take ignis wall, but did it just to go against us; Then cannas started to say in syrtis chat that "elva play against the realm" i the realm? i loged in and everyone was doing nothing, the wz was a desert, then i opened invasion and he start to complain? wtf?
Indeed much of the problem of low action is the laziness of some players; specially alsius players. Serious i don't know how someone still can feel "honored" in say that play in alsius. Serious, alsius lost so much of its "glory", because is not new that goats never enjoyed to face a good fight "face to face". but now days, my sick. All that they do is stand in their save, or keep a low lvl loged in syrtis 24/7 to as soon we decide to take one of their forts, they send their group to camp it, without we having not even the chance of take the building.
If you show up in their save you will see 5-6 of them there. and they will not chase no no...they will stay there waiting some hunter log in and camo to ds you from behind, then they all leave the save to zerg you and teabag.
Serious...this is not even close of "fun" or of a "decent gameplay". And most of the players who act this way are multi realmers....scamers..etc etc.
Ignis is other who also is starting to act like alsius. the difference is that they act like vultures. They never show up to take a fort. they almost never attack a building unless if they have 10 + players with commander berns to cover them. BUT!... as soon syrtis take aggers, ignis show up there. sometimes we are still capturing the banner and we already can see one or 2 ignis around which soon will call more, like a pleague.
This is why when i am online i go to create action and do what i believe will be good for the realm and for the server, so i dont mind in relog in other char just to help more to take a fort. but the problem is that not all syrtans think this way, and between understanding it and help or stay at the save doing anything, they prefer to stay at the save doing anything.
Features like the:
"you need to combat" to win the reward of the forts and the Over Powered Save Guard, cut so much of the possibilities in the game, specially in cases as in Haven and encourages the camping.
In old times we could just invade the fucking enemy save if they bitch and just stay there, and we still had a penality, which was lose rps for killing there, but damn was such fun, and there was no way of anyone camp the save. there was no way of anyone use the guard to regroup with the realm gem and ensure the victory.
In old times we could say "lets take aggers" and have almost all sure that it will not be camped due a multi realmer be loged in your kingdom. and we knew that if we catch a multi realmer he/her could be punished. Which, unfortunately, don't happen today.
The game may not be as assistentialist. It's a war game, and if you come to a war game and is afraid or do not want to die, so better to play tetris.
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
11-18-2015, 03:33 PM
Just add the command /LFG "boss / PN fight/ Herb/ whatever :p
11-18-2015, 05:06 PM
Serious i don't know how someone still can feel "honored" in say that play in alsius. Serious, alsius lost so much of its "glory", because is not new that goats never enjoyed to face a good fight "face to face". but now days, my sick. All that they do is stand in their save, or keep a low lvl loged in syrtis 24/7 to as soon we decide to take one of their forts, they send their group to camp it, without we having not even the chance of take the building.
Are you serious? Name the names or you're nothing but demented liar.
Elva Hunter
11-18-2015, 08:23 PM
Are you serious? Name the names or you're nothing but demented liar.
why demented liar if its true? to me it seems that the true hurts, on this case, hurted you.
there is no one other way for alsius know where we wanna attack if don't be through
1- via spy chat
2- via multi friend loged in syrtis/playing in syrtis, speaking with goats through voice call program or fb.
but in any cases, it happen due a multi realmer. so, please, do not try to deny facts that have long are proven. yourself know that.
i know.... i must still have some kind of "feeling" for be a alsius player (since years?), i think; And i really respect this; but you must be fair...with yourself....and admit that in your realm have a lot of crap. ofcourse in all realms have crap, but alsius now days have been surpassing all expectations, in the entire server don't have no one other Realm who manage camp one save or one building for so long even if its not under attack, camp just for camp, and only leave if have 4-5 times more than the enemy. i am sorry but i can't find ANY "value" on this kind of attitude.
This is why i love be a pure syrtian....
We got some mofos who think that are good because are from horus, but that run from fights like chikens. we got noobs who have full boss gear and think that are good, but in the end are just farmers and only log in for the boss/wmc farm. We got 98% of our conjurers sucking hard or bitching for heal.
but even so....even with all this crap....we are the realm which still open mostly of the fights in the server. who still makes more attacks, and sucessfull Realm wall defenses, and that in the end...still domain in terms of man x man.
And if all this fail....we still have 1 or 2 players who enjoy to hunt alone to create the pain in the enemies :3 ^^ ahaha
Kind Regards
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
11-18-2015, 09:12 PM
...This is why i love be a pure syrtian....
Yup. And this wall of nonsense full of insults, stupid assumptions and defamation shows why other pure syrtians don't actually love you being 'pure' syrtian.
11-18-2015, 09:19 PM
why demented liar if its true? to me it seems that the true hurts, on this case, hurted you.
there is no one other way for alsius know where we wanna attack if don't be through
Yes, we have full paid undercover agents all over the Syrtis, watching for your ingenious moves 24/7.
11-18-2015, 09:53 PM
IMO haven needs new blood,out with this old attitude many players have and in with the new fresh faces who just want to fight and have fun win or lose.
I agree 100%. :thumb_up::thumb_up:
Elva Hunter
11-18-2015, 09:59 PM
haha you speak so "affected", like if you felt included in my "assumptions"...
tell me Halvdan... the shoe fit in any way? ;)
Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis
11-18-2015, 10:16 PM
jajaja keep crying about goats, elva... even people from ur own realm hate you xD
11-18-2015, 10:21 PM
Yup. And this wall of nonsense full of insults, stupid assumptions and defamation shows why other pure syrtians don't actually love you being 'pure' syrtian.
+1 halv lolz
11-19-2015, 07:23 AM
Yup. And this wall of nonsense full of insults, stupid assumptions and defamation shows why other pure syrtians don't actually love you being 'pure' syrtian.
doesnt matter if he is from syrtis, no one likes him poer of hunterzz!
So tonight I had some free time that I wanted to spend in RO. Much to my dismay, there were only 10 people on in Ignis when I logged, and the server seemed completely quiet.
Not discouraged yet, the two members of my clan that were online and I decided to try to take Aggy, in order to create some action. We got killed by 5-6 goats. We went there again after some time, got killed by 6-7 goats. We went there again, got killed by 10+ goats.
Never did anyone move to attack us in return, except Loque who tried alone Meni and Samal... only to be killed by 4-6 Ignis players.
Still not discouraged, we made a final attempt at Herb. Got killed by 5-6 gelves.
After that, we logged off.
My point here is that the reason Haven is "dead" (according to many, perhaps the majority of those reading at this moment), isn't ONLY the population. There were probably at least 10 players in every realm tonight. Yes, that is low, but still enough to have some fun fights.
But it happens very often that not even half of all the players online decide to take part in wars or create some action. That leads to situations like tonight, where boringness seems to be the only option.
If more Ignis tried to take forts with us, or if the ennemy realms players did attack us back, there was a good chance that it could have started action, since at least some of the afking/grinding/whatever players would have come back to defend their realm. And once the fort would have been taken back, we would have probably tried to attack an ennemy fort, thus starting the well-known Agg/Samal or Herb/Samal ping-pong action.
And, the thing is, action and population are linked in a vicious/virtuous circle : If people log on and see no action around, they usually log off quickly (as we did), leading to even less action. But if they do see action when they log on, they're likely to join it, which creates even more action (or zergs... But realm balance isn't what I'm discussing here). We've all seen 5vs5 turning into 10vs10 and then 15vs15 I think (Roughly, of course the numbers are rarely the same for the two realms, but when the difference isn't too big, they both tend to grow).
So, the more people are willing to create action, the more chance there is that it brings even more players, and thus "stabilize" the action ( = there is almost constantly a fight going on. Like european Friday evenings for exemple).
I get that this may sound naive. Of course this is all an ideal description of events, which ignores many other factors. But trust me, the will of some to create action DOES have an impact : I've seen it a lot in Nemon.
Near to its end, Nemon probably barely had half of Haven active population, in terms of number. We did have less action, for sure. But not much less. Because, being so few, we knew the only way to keep having fun was to move our asses and create the fight ourselves, not just wait for it to come. I believe that many old Nemon players would agree with me on the point that people were much more eager to war back there.
TL;DR : Haven is "dead" not only because of low population, it's also because of the "lazyness" of its players. If you want action, go create it, and don't camp forts/CS. This could make the server much more enjoyable for everyone.
Sorry for the walls of text, but I wanted to express myself on this matter since a long time, especially since I think this is overlooked by many. Feel free to constructively disagree with me. ^^
Yh I agree on this. I better stay away for a while because nothing has changed yet lol. Nowadays people rather socialize than create some action (nothing wrong with this tho). I bet there would be much more action if Haven has less "trolls" and "lol watch me Im the best" attitudes. Sad but I kinda miss Nemon.
11-28-2015, 09:34 AM
Serious i don't know how someone still can feel "honored" in say that play in alsius. Serious, alsius lost so much of its "glory", because is not new that goats never enjoyed to face a good fight "face to face". but now days, my sick.
Stop running away from fight then. You and me alone last night, you ran all the way to pp, with no intention to fight.
11-28-2015, 11:39 AM
You meant to say elva vs your zerg?
11-28-2015, 11:41 AM
You meant to say elva vs your zerg?
No. As I said, me and him alone. No one of my realm mates were nearby.
Full of Fluff
11-29-2015, 02:23 AM
any time you wana 1v1 im around
11-29-2015, 06:32 PM
I really don't believe Haven will improve in any case. My idea of Regnum from the start has been the same and still the same as this pic:
I don't want anything else from the game, not Syrtis, not gems, not invasions, not portals, not anything else. My best moments from the game have been just that.
Only reason i logged on tbh, those pn fights would last hours sometimes. Now they dont even happen anymore
11-29-2015, 07:36 PM
Rip pn war.
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