View Full Version : rolauncher segmentation fault
07-08-2016, 06:34 PM
64 bit version, just downloaded from the site, Fedora 24 distribution.
What information can be useful? Strace's output? Or anything else?
07-08-2016, 08:44 PM
Might be worth looking in here
I personally have to do this to avoid seg fault. Dunno if it is the same issue though
07-09-2016, 06:57 AM
Might be worth looking in here
Looks like this is GTK2 theme incompatibility. Chainging GTK2 theme to old one (like 'Crux', for example), solves the problem.
07-09-2016, 10:34 AM
Looks like this is GTK2 theme incompatibility. Chainging GTK2 theme to old one (like 'Crux', for example), solves the problem.
Looks like there is nobody maintaining the linux client anymore :/
For me the game only worked out of the box with steam, but had really low fps doing that.
Found in that thread that I have to preload a lib to play without steam.
Who knows how many people quit the game before they could ever login, and can't blame them. I would have probably too if i didn't already know the game.
07-15-2016, 02:00 PM
Looks like there is nobody maintaining the linux client anymore :/
For me the game only worked out of the box with steam, but had really low fps doing that.
Found in that thread that I have to preload a lib to play without steam.
Who knows how many people quit the game before they could ever login, and can't blame them. I would have probably too if i didn't already know the game.
We got information about a distro that could have this problem from a clean installation. We tried several times with different ones and there was no problem at all. Maybe this time we will reproduce it and solve it for good.
07-22-2016, 07:03 PM
We got information about a distro that could have this problem from a clean installation. We tried several times with different ones and there was no problem at all. Maybe this time we will reproduce it and solve it for good.
Check Breeze GTK2 theme.
07-24-2016, 06:11 PM
Hi everyone. Good news!
We fixed the problem. It was not about symlinks like some people coined here, but about library conflict.
Here are the fixed launcher binaries:
Please test them with the environment where rolauncher segfaulted.
You may need to install libpng12 and libjpeg62.
07-24-2016, 06:40 PM
It works!
On archlinux you need to install libpng12 and libjpeg6-turbo from AUR:
yaourt -S libpng12
yaourt -S libjpeg6-turbo
Right now it updates to the broken version though, will you push this one to the autopatch soon?
07-24-2016, 06:47 PM
Works for me too on arch linux, no longer need to preload libgdk_pixbuf.
But as enio said the patch breaks it.
07-24-2016, 06:47 PM
Right now it updates to the broken version though, will you push this one to the autopatch soon?
Thank you for testing!
Yes, but as soon as we have a few more people testing it and confirming such as you did. Then we will upload it to the autopatch server.
07-25-2016, 11:21 AM
Thanks, works flawlessly now!
07-25-2016, 12:41 PM
Thanks, works flawlessly now!
Great to know! Thank you too!
07-25-2016, 01:53 PM
Wow. Not fixed at all.
I'm using Slackware 32 bit and the launcher is broke as ****.
I had libjpeg version .62, to upgrade to .8. Fine. Download source, compile, install, even remove old version, and your launcher still cries out for the old version even after updating.
So not updating will break it.. and updating will break out. What step would you suggest before I uninstall the game (again)?
07-25-2016, 01:57 PM
Wow. Not fixed at all.
I'm using Slackware 32 bit and the launcher is broke as ****.
I had libjpeg version .62, to upgrade to .8. Fine. Download source, compile, install, even remove old version, and your launcher still cries out for the old version even after updating.
So not updating will break it.. and updating will break out. What step would you suggest before I uninstall the game (again)?
Which version of Slackware? 14.2? Let us know and we'll test what could be happening. No need to jump on your guns :biggrin:
07-25-2016, 02:01 PM
I'm still on 14.1 for now, 14.2 upgrade comes when the new computer does.
Current output:
(Try to ignore the alias "Regnum")
bash-4.2# ./rolauncher: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by ./rolauncher)
Wrong JPEG library version: library is 62, caller expects 80
bash-4.2# ls /usr/lib/*
/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
bash-4.2# rm /usr/lib/*
bash-4.2# Regnum
bash-4.2# ./rolauncher: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
bash-4.2# ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
bash-4.2# Regnum
bash-4.2# ./rolauncher: /usr/lib/ version `LIBJPEG_6.2' not found (required by ./rolauncher)
bash-4.2# ls /var/log/packages/*png*
Tried the link just to see >.>
(Note, i'd already removed the previous libjpeg package but it didnt remove the library files for some reason, so did it manually. I have the old package to reinstall if needed.)
07-25-2016, 02:19 PM
Ok! We're getting 14.1 now. Please give us some time until we find a solution. Thank you for your patience!
07-25-2016, 03:03 PM
rolauncher actually wants version 6.2, so this is odd. Dunno why your so.62 didnt identifiy as LIBJPEG_6.2.
Can you try the turbo version of libjpeg? It worked for me on arch.
Don't know slackware, how you install it and stuff, but this should contain version 6.2:
07-25-2016, 03:10 PM
rolauncher actually wants version 6.2, so this is odd. Dunno why your so.62 didnt identifiy as LIBJPEG_6.2.
Can you try the turbo version of libjpeg? It worked for me on arch.
Don't know slackware, how you install it and stuff, but this should contain version 6.2:
We already found the problem and we're working on it!
07-25-2016, 03:24 PM
rolauncher actually wants version 6.2, so this is odd. Dunno why your so.62 didnt identifiy as LIBJPEG_6.2.
Can you try the turbo version of libjpeg? It worked for me on arch.
Don't know slackware, how you install it and stuff, but this should contain version 6.2:
Good to see you Enio:) If you're still playing I don't know your chars anymore?
Thanks for the suggestion, but it was my first try - got the updated libjpeg turbo from but it still had a version problem. Hopefully they can figure something else out.
07-25-2016, 03:57 PM
Good to see you Enio:) If you're still playing I don't know your chars anymore?
Thanks for the suggestion, but it was my first try - got the updated libjpeg turbo from but it still had a version problem. Hopefully they can figure something else out.
Hey! We think we fixed it. Please download this and replace the other binary. It will update and fail but just to see if it runs correctly. (Also everyone with another distro)
07-25-2016, 04:33 PM
./rolauncher: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Is it still supposed to require the old version? I tried reinstalling but for some reason its not creating the new .62 libraries..
Tried to do a link again and i got:
./rolauncher: /usr/lib/ version `LIBJPEG_6.2' not found (required by ./rolauncher)
07-25-2016, 04:39 PM
Is it still supposed to require the old version? I tried reinstalling but for some reason its not creating the new .62 libraries..
I had to explicitely get an old version (libjpeg6-turbo package on arch linux) so i guess yes. Tried symlinking before too and got a similar error.
Nice to see you too, I sometimes play on Alsius RA nowadays :)
07-25-2016, 04:45 PM
Is it still supposed to require the old version? I tried reinstalling but for some reason its not creating the new .62 libraries..
No, it shouldn't. Anyway, I don't quite understand what you mean with "it's not creating".
As Enio said, getting somehow (be it compiling or with a package) libjpeg62 should suffice.
07-25-2016, 04:46 PM
I had to explicitely get an old version (libjpeg6-turbo package on arch linux) so i guess yes. Tried symlinking before too and got a similar error.
Nice to see you too, I sometimes play on Alsius RA nowadays :)
I'll try to install from source again.. see if that works.
Figured you'd moved. Try not to hit me too hard, play conj on Syrtis/Ra sometimes :P
07-25-2016, 04:49 PM
Crap. Looks like the version I downloaded from the site was updated, so it doesn't reinstall the .62 libs. Looking for source. Will get back to you when I've got something to report.
07-25-2016, 05:06 PM
Wow Ok never thought I'd say this but.. saved by.. Steam?!
I don't even use Steam, but at one point installed it.. and due to its level of bloat, it installs all it's own libraries needed. I copied their file from:
and hey presto! Launcher opens, game updated and works. Thanks for the help. To be honest I'm surprised, first time I ever really got support with this game :d
Since you're on a roll.. any chance you could figure out how I can pay for xim from Africa w/o credit/debit cards? Bitcoin would be nice ^^
07-25-2016, 06:20 PM
I'm glad it worked! And not so that you had bad experiences with our support in the past.
About the Bitcoins, we've been thinking about it!
07-25-2016, 06:47 PM
I'm glad it worked! And not so that you had bad experiences with our support in the past.
About the Bitcoins, we've been thinking about it!
Well it's a shame thinking is only half the process :)
I'm from the US but there is definitely a market for your game here in Africa. If people are able to get the initial files from a place locally and maintain updates themselves, the data costs wouldn't scare them too much.. but they wouldn't have any way to pay for xim. Given RO is an older game a lot of newer hardware is drawing your clientele away.. but here they're still using hardware from the time of when Regnum was new, so they can't handle the new games.
Just thought you'd like to know :P
07-25-2016, 10:13 PM
I copied their file [...] and hey presto! Launcher opens, game updated and works. Thanks for the help. To be honest I'm surprised, first time I ever really got support with this game :d
Hey thats good news, actually yes, it could make stuff more seamless if those 2 needed libs (libpng/libjpeg) could be shipped in regnum folder for linux. Shouldnt be any issues for i386 / x86_64 and rolauncher would look there first before checking library path.
07-26-2016, 10:40 PM
I was just thinking - wouldn't it be easier to statically link those 2 libs into the rolauncher binary? this would prevent issues with installing the dependencies - which might be difficult on some distros/for some less experienced users.
07-27-2016, 03:46 PM
And as a workaround, for those having problems finding or installing the right libraries, in the attached tar.gz are the libraries for x86_64 architecture. You can check what you are on with the following command uname -mYou just need to extract the content of the archive into the regnum folder, the same folder where the rolauncher binary is located.
Content is the libraries with full version naming, and symlinks to the libraries for the names accessed by the binary.
[enio@thinkpad regnum]$ tar xzvf ../libs.tar.gz
[enio@thinkpad regnum]$ ls -la
total 524
drwxr-xr-x 2 enio users 4096 Jul 27 17:43 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 enio users 4096 Jul 27 17:42 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 enio users 17 Jul 27 17:33 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 enio users 359120 Jul 27 17:32
lrwxrwxrwx 1 enio users 18 Jul 27 17:35 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 enio users 166968 Jul 27 17:34
Edit: cannot attach the file for whatever reason.. tar.gz is allowed and size is way smaller than the limit..
Get it from the following dropbox link >>here<< (
07-29-2016, 11:10 AM
We're still working on this. There is something wrong with the 64-bit version of the launcher and we hope that we're getting it solved today.
07-29-2016, 03:51 PM
We just uploaded a new version to Steam 64-bit and also replaced the 64-bit launcher:
Please test them. Thanks!
07-29-2016, 06:38 PM
Please test them. Thanks!
Works fine for me too, but i didn't have issues with the older one.
10-22-2016, 09:11 PM
We just uploaded a new version to Steam 64-bit and also replaced the 64-bit launcher:
Please test them. Thanks!
I recently reinstalled my computer and I had to download the launcher from this link again. Shouldn't it be in the official installer now?
05-09-2017, 04:31 PM
I still have to download the launcher from here and manually add the* to the live folder.
After that everything works fine.
05-09-2017, 10:18 PM
nurses xD I wonder why ncurses is even a dependency. It's usually used for terminal UIs..
For arch you need ncurses5-compat-libs from AUR to run CoR without steam runtime.
It will be good to remove this dependency if possible...
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