View Full Version : Ximerin buy limit

02-26-2017, 01:18 AM
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to buy a level 60 scroll but it seems like I cant buy it all at once. I bought a 60€ pack and need to buy another 20€ one but it says that I reached the limit. My question now is: How long do I have to wait?

02-26-2017, 04:31 AM
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to buy a level 60 scroll but it seems like I cant buy it all at once. I bought a 60€ pack and need to buy another 20€ one but it says that I reached the limit. My question now is: How long do I have to wait?

Think its a month or something. Best thing you can do is request that your limit be increased via ticket.

02-26-2017, 07:54 AM
Yeah, you need to wait until the 1st of March.
Bonus is on till the 3rd so... :D