View Full Version : Discord for all!

06-25-2017, 12:28 PM
I have made a discord channel for ALL of Haven, mainly so we can organise really great wars easier.


There are 3 rules

1 No abuse, Trashtalking is fine. Just don't be abusive, break the rule and you'll be kicked with a warning you get one warning.

2 there will be admins for each realm, (i'm not planning on running this alone and i'll probably make 2 admins per realm)

3. This discord is primarily for arranging war and general socialising. ANY attempt to divulge strategy or invasion plans will be a banable offense.

Other than that guys enjoy talking to each other and just try to have fun, i find RO is infinitely more fun with lots of people to talk to.

06-25-2017, 01:36 PM

Thanks Mat :) I'm in.

06-26-2017, 06:09 AM
:drinks: Cheers, Mr. Cauthon.

I wonder if even a server-wide voice-chat is enough to get ppl to use these blame things (while playing CoR). FIST-clan mumble has been open to Haven-Alsius for ages, yet few ever really made much use of it (last well-used mumble here was POB-chat, yeah f-ers, now exiles from CoR since wm-update years agone ffs). Good luck & thankee bunches all the same, Matrim. Today on ^THIS new Discord-server, I saw more'n dozen logged in, but only a grand total of 4 ppl braving the waters by actually jumping into a voice-chat, & not typing (& 2 were admins, har!). Oh well ... just ... keep ... talking ....


06-26-2017, 01:12 PM
Yesterday we got 32 members to the discord the voice chat had about 5-6 people in it at its most active it was fun though.

14 alsius

7 ignis

8 syrtis

2 from valhalla

and 1 unaccounted for. (if anyone knows who fandel is or their realm/character let me know)

just let everyone know to join up :D we can make it grow even bigger

I updated the link to a non-expired one that should never expire

06-26-2017, 02:33 PM
I will join

06-26-2017, 02:51 PM
Nice I'll join.

06-27-2017, 09:47 AM
I'll join the 3-realm chat when I'm not busy chat-coordinating Inq's epic and legendary warring :horsey: