View Full Version : Shuffelpuzzle icons?

08-25-2007, 01:46 AM
Running Linux and ATi so this could be the issue but I've heared others running Windows has the same problem (with the icons)

When I launch the game everything works great and does so for 10-30min then without any warning some of my spell icons in my actionbar becomes scrambled
LOOK HERE FOR EX (http://bayimg.com/MAGoAAABE)

Well this scramble is a small problem but when ever it happens the game starts to slow down and cant see FPS but feels like going from 100FPS to 1-2 FPS or less, doesn't matter if I run the settings at highest or lowest, same amount of "random" time until it happens and same bug.

after this it goes in waves I can play a few moments the slowes down an so on.

any ideas what i could be?

08-27-2007, 03:45 AM
Ok done some testing now

The temp on the Grafic card is low and it's just the icons that get jumbled (no tearing or artifacts)
No other game I've played has had a similar issue
No one else that I know of that plays Regnum has the same problem
I have the latest ATi prop.. drivers (before you scream ATi sucks, check 3.)
it's a random amount of time before it happens (between 10 and 30min in 95% of the cases)
Error log and log and crash log for Regnum shows nothing consistant with each incident
No matter what grafic settings I use it occurs within that random 10-30min.
First I thought it might be when looking at wide spaces but after standing still looking in to a few houses in town I got the same result.
almost allways when it happens my ping goes from my normal 50-100 up to 300+ and the higher the ping is = lower FPS (but not allways before it happens)
Often is the ping goes down to 50-70 I get all my FPS back for a while, works sometimes but not allways and once the icons are scrambled it happens more and more until it's not playable anymore

This is turning me insane >_<
I've reinstalled all drivers
I've reinstalled the game

Is the ping and the FPS linked in some way?

Anyone have any idea what the problem could be??