View Full Version : Aggros killing everything xD

11-14-2007, 10:13 PM

11-14-2007, 10:16 PM
ngd is working on that:thumb_up:

11-14-2007, 10:18 PM
I think this is exactly the way NGD meant it to be, i.e. they're not bugs. I find it rather amusing despite the increased amount of inconvenience while travelling.

That'll teach you to be more careful xD

11-15-2007, 03:42 PM
NGD makes it so that if they are less than normal ie easy and below they dont attack as they dont have a deathwish?

11-15-2007, 04:14 PM
Sadly, it is unacceptible, and particularly unfair to Hunters who don't want to invest in revive pet or don't have the neccessary level yet. Movement is already a considerable downside to the game unless you can afford premium.

It is not about investing points, it pissing me off when some high lvl is luring high lvl moob to me. I can run but how to the hell i can take care about my pet. i will not kill elite cycklop! And waiting for pet revive makes my lvling pain in the ass. I can live with 5 moobs chasing me but pet while running? All fun is gone.
I will probably stop playing hunter if it is not a bug.

11-15-2007, 04:17 PM
I think this is exactly the way NGD meant it to be, i.e. they're not bugs. I find it rather amusing despite the increased amount of inconvenience while travelling.

That'll teach you to be more careful xD

I find it hard to believe that mobs are supposed to be this way.

My pet gets killed every few minutes by mobs.

I travelled from Trell to Pinos save earlier - 4 GOS killed my pet then almost killed me when i tried to help.

The same thing happened to me yesterday in Ignis and a hunter turned up just after my pet died and killed me.

My pet has become a liability - until this changes i will have to reset powers without pets, and this make me weaker.

I hate all that run/cam nonsense - but now i have no choice coz half my attack is gone.

11-15-2007, 04:18 PM
It is not about investing points, it pissing me off when some high lvl is luring high lvl moob to me. I can run but how to the hell i can take care about my pet. i will not kill elite cycklop! And waiting for pet revive makes my lvling pain in the ass. I can live with 5 moobs chasing me but pet kill makes me to not play hunter at all. All fun is gone.

This is true - hunters who use pets have been seriously nerfed.