View Full Version : Stuck at looking up player chars..

12-13-2007, 10:56 AM
recently im from time to time stuck on loading the game. Either its while loading the player chars or its while just before the world loads.. Sometimes it takes some minutes to go through sometimes i just need some tries. my Internet works fine, and when im ingame it runs without problems too.. I encountered this problem the first time some days ago. Reloging to the char window also let me stuck sometimes. I gues its something with the server, but if you have any Idea please post :)

12-13-2007, 12:45 PM
Look here:

This problem is still every day between 9am and 11am (GMT).
I think it has the same reason like this:

Maybe creating the ranking page overload the character database?

12-13-2007, 04:31 PM
Yeah you are right, i got these problems always in 'my' morning-time when the server has only around 100 players. When these database things are done in those times (what would be logical due to low server load) it should be improved. Ist really annoying when you have to relog due to some bugs and cannot get back to your waiting friends.