View Full Version : Non-existant monsters

12-14-2007, 04:24 PM
Hi! :)

I'm doing some quests with my Dark Elf, and I'm supposed to:

Quest 1:
Go to "Allahed's Valley"
Kill 7 Tiny Rock Golems
Kill 7 Leopards.

Quest 2:
Go to "Volcanic Zone"
Kill some monsters, don't remember which
Kill 2 Adult Dark Hyenas.

This is okay, the only problem is: There is no monsters called Leopard
or Adult Dark Hyena! I've searched through the whole Volcanic Zone,
can't find 'em. And looking for something in Allahed's Valley isn't too hard.

WTF is wrong?

12-14-2007, 05:50 PM
Since the last update, alot of content was moved to new areas, some was even replaced with new mobs, and some is simply missing. The next content update should resolve this, until then you are stuck grinding or asking in the realm chat if anyone has seen monster "x".

Good luck!

12-15-2007, 10:46 AM
Please write this errors in this thread to be sure this quests will be fixed with next patch: