View Full Version : Yet another one...

01-06-2008, 10:55 PM
Well it's my turn to say you goodbye.

Reasons don't matter... my recent discussions on the forum explain it easily. Not playing the game the way it should is a crime. As a good criminal, it's time to be jailed in real life instead of realm walls. I don't have my place here anymore.

I would thanks all Ignis, too many names to be said here :) For those who want to know all my chars have been deleted, so if you see another Sathilda or Mathilda around, it's not me. Oh and my apologies to all Ignis conjurers i've molested... i did it in order to make everybody having fun but it seems i haven't been understood :cuac:

I would thanks NGD to make a such great game, being 8 to do all that stuff is really impressive, and it's something i always remember even when i see current bugs and other issues.

Have fun everybody and remember : creativity pays, never follow the roads people want you to use.

/me is going to do the emo kid while drinking some Cherry Coke :ohill:

01-06-2008, 11:36 PM
this is crap just admit ure goin to alsius and u will be forgiven heh
cya and good luck;but seriusly sathilda atleast u could stay at our forums...plz:)

01-06-2008, 11:50 PM
Later Sathilda Good luck in life and remember make sure you have fun!!!

01-06-2008, 11:52 PM
yet another ignis leaves, its sad seeing people go.

Good luck in life, take care.

01-07-2008, 01:31 AM
this is crap just admit ure goin to alsius and u will be forgiven heh
cya and good luck;but seriusly sathilda atleast u could stay at our forums...plz:)
No, i go nowhere else, it's not a realm problem. The game has just become too stressful for me [put so emo kid crap here].

I will visit from time to time... and read Piz's comic too xD

make sure you have fun!!!
Don't worry for that !

01-07-2008, 10:47 AM
I will visit from time to time... and read Piz's comic too xD

Is it my responsibility now to get you back into the game? :biggrin:

No, really. Have a nice time with ChEEry Coke. :sifflote: maybe go outside, make real birds and people scare the $*** outta you and get back here and kill some goats for the dinner dammit

01-07-2008, 01:07 PM
[put so emo kid crap here]

i know its crap but what to use?
Red sobs? lol

01-07-2008, 11:11 PM
Is it my responsibility now to get you back into the game?

No, but it's your responsibility to make us laught by drawing the comic :D

i know its crap but what to use?
Choose yourself :P

01-07-2008, 11:38 PM
aww thats sad to hear :(

You was one of the players who experimented a lot and you have a deep knowledge about the game.

have fun in whatever you do now

01-08-2008, 09:02 AM
Good luck sathilda, take care :ohill:

So many are going, but often they come back... I hope will be your case too ;)

01-08-2008, 08:25 PM
Ooohh.. je lis jamais ce forum =)

Tu fais bien d'arreter tu jouais beaucoup trop =). Pire que moi c'est dire :P. Par contre c'est stupide de supprimer tes persos, qui sait peut-être que dans un an ou deux le jeu sera devenu intéressant et tu voudras revenir... c'etait déjà ça de gagner mais vu que t'aimes grinder remarque tu t'en fous p'tet :P

Quoi qu'il en soit bonne continuation et tu vas voir la vie sans Regnum c'est pur bonheur=)

Ciao et à dans une autre vie peut-être.