View Full Version : For the attention of all professional killers...

01-14-2008, 05:53 PM
Though some of you may not be so interested in the idea of uniting the clans of Ignis, trading equipment, or other such noble or practical pursuits available at the recently formed Hidden Council of Ignis, I know alot of you *do* like killing. Some of you have even made an art out of it.

If this sounds like you, please consider joining the Assassin's Guild at the Hidden Council of Ignis. Assassins are ranked by the number of guild kills they have successfully attained, gaining extra respect above what RP can offer, with paid assassinations of high level targets, proven with screenshots before the eyes of others, in an organised forum.

Because of the way the forum has been designed you only have to join and view the groups your interested in, such as the Assassin's Guild.

If you are interested, *please* use the your primary characters user name when you register, it makes it much easier for everyone involved.


01-14-2008, 06:02 PM
If I was in ignis - I'd jump on this....sounds kinda cool.

01-14-2008, 07:01 PM
If I was in ignis - I'd jump on this....sounds kinda cool.

Thanks hun, we're quite proud of the ideas the council members keep coming up with, it seems to be breathing some new life in to the game for a lot of players.

01-14-2008, 07:37 PM
If I was in ignis - I'd jump on this....sounds kinda cool.

+1 on that.... dang :p

01-14-2008, 09:44 PM
Yes...but now that I think about it I'm sure I'm on alot of Ingis' "shite" list as of lately....seems everything I go there I get a mob of maniacs chasing me :)

01-14-2008, 10:43 PM
I do have to admit, when I have serious spare gold past level 50, if I ever have a bad day in the war zone, I know what I'm gonna be spending it on...

Trix smiles evily

I'm interested to see which names get the most bounties on, I think I can guess what a few of them are gonna be...

01-14-2008, 11:19 PM
Yes...but now that I think about it I'm sure I'm on alot of Ingis' "shite" list as of lately....seems everything I go there I get a mob of maniacs chasing me :)

Perhaps cuz u keep killing low lvls near the wall save? ;)

01-14-2008, 11:21 PM
Perhaps cuz u keep killing low lvls near the wall save? ;)

They are just in my path.....I don't discriminate

01-15-2008, 06:33 AM
They are just in my path.....I don't discriminate

Me neither

http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/3972/up1ol7.th.jpg (http://img267.imageshack.us/my.php?image=up1ol7.jpg)

See? That's what happens when u hunt alone and you don't find me without hp or mana :p

Just teasing you really, 1st shot was mine this time ;)

01-15-2008, 08:02 PM
Sorry - I can't see the image it's wicked small. I'd like to see it (cause I'm not 100% sure who you are in-game)

01-15-2008, 08:19 PM
I'm interested to see which names get the most bounties on (them), I think I can guess what a few of them are gonna be...
Valorius shrugs with casual indifference. ;)

Perhaps cuz u keep killing low lvls near the wall save? ;)
Hehe, him too eh?

Just teasing you really, 1st shot was mine this time ;)
Going by the 15 rp you were awarded, it seems that Compoundius was already wounded when the fight began...and you only have 450 hp left. ;)

01-15-2008, 10:26 PM
Well, not wanting to break the group privacy too much, but there's currently no bounties on you as yet Val.

01-15-2008, 10:46 PM
Valorius shrugs with casual indifference. ;)

Hehe, him too eh?

Going by the 15 rp you were awarded, it seems that Compoundius was already wounded when the fight began...and you only have 450 hp left. ;)

Aye....I remember that fight now.....I was on auto run talking to my boss - he walked out of my cube and I looked up to a fight.....my bad for not paying attention :)

01-15-2008, 11:18 PM
Well, not wanting to break the group privacy too much, but there's currently no bounties on you as yet Val.
I shall redouble my efforts then. ;)

01-15-2008, 11:48 PM
Going by the 15 rp you were awarded, it seems that Compoundius was already wounded when the fight began...and you only have 450 hp left. ;)

He was full hp as I recall, dunno what he's been doing before but doesn't matter. I'm aware that my success chances in other context (meaning if I wasn't able to catch him off-guard) would be very slim to say the least (to be precise he only start attacking me after I casted ambush 5 and sudden strike on him, so when I was attacked by his pet he was almost with half hp).

By the way, very nice of you not attacking me when I was in need of rest, I would not provide much challenge in such conditions. Guess I'll have to stop calling you "infamous heretic"... but now that you know my main char I guess I won't be spared a second time ;)

Aye....I remember that fight now.....I was on auto run talking to my boss - he walked out of my cube and I looked up to a fight.....my bad for not paying attention

Yes, I was observing you tracking near the skeleton, then you switched in my direction and I waited with an ambush prepared, I noticed it was my lucky day when your pet stood motionless while I attacked you the first rounds... lucky me :biggrin:

Ok, but the reason I posted a pic next to my forum name is that I'm waiting for confirmation to enter the Hidden Council of Ignis. My identity can be confirmed by the eldest players of the Immortals so I'll wait anxiously for making part of this interesting new project!

01-16-2008, 01:02 AM
That bounty can't be counted :biggrin:

This occurred before the "call to arms" was made. :guitar:

But regardless - good on ya for getting me :clapclap:

01-16-2008, 09:16 PM
By the way, very nice of you not attacking me when I was in need of rest, I would not provide much challenge in such conditions. Guess I'll have to stop calling you "infamous heretic"... but now that you know my main char I guess I won't be spared a second time ;)
I actually spare a lot of enemy personnel, so i don't specifically recall which one was you. ;)