View Full Version : Things i would improve

01-22-2008, 07:47 PM
hi dudes i love this game!but obviously there are things i would change.dont you think would be better with a little(or lot)of blood?:metal: another thing i dont like is that the dead bodys disappear immediatly and that sucks!it would be better if they remain 4 much more time.like, if you've done a big battle or something like that,and when is finished there's just nothing...its horrible!much better if you can see all the deads no?:thumb_up: ?i hope they will improve that,4 the game's taste.REGNUM 4 EVER!!!!!!!!:guitar:

01-22-2008, 10:06 PM
i swear there is alot of ppl coming from runescape and yea blood would make it better and about the dead ppl no way dude as a conju i get sick of seeing dead ppl its so emo and I HATE EMOs!!! now the blood not so emo just making it look more violent since i just stabbed an orc with my knight and when i use gunting only 3 drops of blood come out WTF is it diabetic or something

01-23-2008, 07:21 PM
Hi,i didn't really understand why don't u like dead bodys,im italian so i dunno complicated words.of course i dont want that deads remain 4 ever,the training grounds would be covererd in deads!i just wanted that they stay more time like 15-20 minutes,:thumb_up: .Im of Syrtis too,im an Alturian.then it would be better if you could actually buy a horse not only rent it!and even that you could choose the color of the horse,not always brown!!!well, that's all 4 now.SYRTIS 4 EVER!!!

01-24-2008, 12:59 AM
Hi,i didn't really understand why don't u like dead bodys,im italian so i dunno complicated words.of course i dont want that deads remain 4 ever,the training grounds would be covererd in deads!i just wanted that they stay more time like 15-20 minutes,:thumb_up: .Im of Syrtis too,im an Alturian.then it would be better if you could actually buy a horse not only rent it!and even that you could choose the color of the horse,not always brown!!!well, that's all 4 now.SYRTIS 4 EVER!!!

Lol, just no.

01-24-2008, 02:27 AM
this thread should be moved to suggestions...
and i dont want blood and dead bodies...i want rainbows and unicorns

01-24-2008, 03:47 AM
15-20 minutes?

/me imagines how covered in dead bodies Rasius' Bay would be...

i want rainbows and unicorns
And ponies!

01-24-2008, 07:13 PM
suggestion?wher is it?
rain bows r ok but unicorns must be PINK!!!!!!!!!!with hearts all over,and barbie mounting them.lol.so nobady likes the dead bodys idea?too bad.even if 20 min.are maybe too much...well,i'd like like it.but i really think they should add bodys and blood,now it looks a little like a baby game.

01-24-2008, 09:29 PM
suggestions forum...