View Full Version : Error

02-26-2008, 07:38 PM
1st of all.. Hello everybody, I'm a new player ...

I've downloaded & installed the game , it has updated everything, but when I enter the game, after choosing the realm it closes and I get this error:
http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/3904/errorwl2.png (http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=errorwl2.png)
Can anybody help me to solve the problem?
Please.......... :smile:

02-26-2008, 08:50 PM
In what renderer are you playing? Direct 3D or OpenGL?

Also, name of graphic card, Ram, etc.


02-27-2008, 06:18 AM
Problem solved!!!
I've changed the render from OpenGL to Direct3D and now it's working without any problems... My video card is an old NVidia Gforce 4 (64mb) ... But it's strage because in other games I can use OpenGL... Anyway... I'm happy because it works now... Thanks a lot! :bananajoy:

02-27-2008, 06:47 PM
Problem solved!!!
I've changed the render from OpenGL to Direct3D and now it's working without any problems... My video card is an old NVidia Gforce 4 (64mb) ... But it's strage because in other games I can use OpenGL... Anyway... I'm happy because it works now... Thanks a lot! :bananajoy:

Good, I am glad its working for you.
