View Full Version : Strange problem

03-07-2008, 02:51 PM
Ok I have had a very wierd problem twice now, and that's one time too much.
I got this issue first time 1 or 2 weeks ago on Algaros bridge.

Suddenly my camera stops responding, it's fixed on one single point and I see myself like trough anothers eyes.

For example, if Surak would sit up in the air and look down on me he would probably see it like I see myself at those times.

I see myself like this for 5 seconds, and first time my game crashed instantly after this strange happening and second time my computer froze for 2 minutes.

Anyone got a clue ? To me it seems like a game problem.

03-07-2008, 03:27 PM
screenshots please?

03-07-2008, 03:39 PM
How can I get a screenshot when my computer either freeze or the game crashes ?
Also, this have happened two times now, it's not a very frequent problem.

I posted this problem to make NGD aware of it, and I think that no player can help me with this as it's for sure a problem with the game itself and not my system.

03-09-2008, 01:15 PM
How can I get a screenshot when my computer either freeze or the game crashes ?

If it freezes you could take a camcorder :superpusso: