View Full Version : I can't afford it anymore

03-31-2008, 06:20 PM
I can't afford anymore theese things. My reputation is destroyed. When people hear my name they think at spam at cheating at hacking at killing guests at suiciding when enemy runs after u and all the bad things. I really don't know what do to and I really don't know why i do theese unsence things on the forum and in game. Please help to be better. Special apologizing from AWD I hurt him a lot a talked to him very bad and said thing that wasn't true.

04-02-2008, 07:03 AM
You may have been venting to release anger...i do that sometimes to (a fair bit even), mabey when u feel angry, a heads up? xD
Serious though, its all good (from my view), venting is a way to keep ur mental state healthy

04-02-2008, 07:06 AM
funny cause i never was angry at you or something and I was so glad AwD talked with you and everything changed and you got the second chance... you're a cool chap no matter what you did, you're really young :) things like that are an impulse for you and you don't think before doing something. You will grow up with time ;D

04-02-2008, 09:51 AM
heh, you know what I've told you on msn, don't worry about it :)

04-02-2008, 02:17 PM
Lovele in response to this post

Spam is good (i should know)

Cheating or hacking form u? Ive never seen you do it, my answer to this for those who think about the people who do in fact not cheat, a simple answer from a simple goat. Is it not possible that the person accused of cheating is simply a better player than you?

Suicide in battle, YOU??? ill elaborate a little on this one. I hunt in Syrtis a LOT! reason is, it is better terrain than the other realms for hunting, but this isn't the point i am making. What I want to say is on the occasions i have seen you in battle, if you are in an equal or less equal number group you stand and fight as well as the rest. if you are outnumbered i have seen you try to escape until you realize there is no point so you try to take at least one of our party out before you die yourself. If however you outnumber us then yes you kick our asses (thinks hmm last night 3 of us were taken out by 17 greens after we caused havoc near your gate). Ignore the people who speak low of you, i know i do :wiggle14:

04-02-2008, 02:21 PM
You know that we always had some nice conversations in general or private, but when you killed people on my graduation or when you spammed the forum or when you said to the people that you want to fight them...

Everyone who killed people on my graduation acted wrong, very wrong. People that I dont know who killed my friends there, mhh I dont care. But we know each other and then you did this things.

You really need to show that you changed. Everyone is doing mistakes from time to time, the hole community is able to open their heart again for you I think.

04-02-2008, 02:27 PM
You all are so compassionate I shed a tear :hat:
Payback is a bitch, revenge is better served cold, etc etc. Let the kid learn of his mistakes and it's not gonna happen if you excuse his behaviour so soon.

04-02-2008, 02:51 PM
Although I believe everyone deserves second chances, There comes a point when you realize that the person is just taking advantage of your willingness to forgive.

04-02-2008, 05:42 PM
I don't really know you, but everything I heard about you so far was only good things.I think that's because I'm playing this game only two weeks. But my first opinion about you was really good :D

04-02-2008, 06:09 PM
I left the game for a while cause I really want to think about what I have done. And about the second chance I have already got it when I spammed the forums. And shame on me because I waste the second chance. I really want to think about what I have done. There is no way to make players to think bad about me now. They will always think even if I will be super good guy.

04-02-2008, 06:18 PM
I thought April Fool's day was over already?


04-02-2008, 06:21 PM
I thought April Fool's day was over already?

This is not a joke Hell Bound. I really want to think about what I realised.

04-02-2008, 06:24 PM
I thought April Fool's day was over already?


Why does everyone Rick Roll me?
Even you, Hell_Bound... Even you.
Sigh. And I thought you actually had changed into a good person.
Where is the world going?

Just... This is my response: http://lh6.google.com/DamnThoseWiffyDogs/Rvv7u9Ar9SI/AAAAAAAAASI/iOPzTY9iRf8/BetrayalMotivational.jpg&imgmax=640

04-02-2008, 06:35 PM
Bah....it was well known that there will be guests from enemy realms at luthi's grad....the people that attacked them lost my respect...you all knew that most guests wont fight back and used that chance to get rp....

04-02-2008, 07:21 PM
Just... This is my response: http://lh6.google.com/DamnThoseWiffyDogs/Rvv7u9Ar9SI/AAAAAAAAASI/iOPzTY9iRf8/BetrayalMotivational.jpg

LOL poor yoshi

04-02-2008, 07:22 PM
LOL poor yoshi

Yes. Poor Yoshi. Send him this link and 5 dollars:

04-03-2008, 08:21 AM
I believe as long as the incident doesnt last forever/re-curring, neither should the hate (only for our community, every1 else can burn for it xD)

Come back soon!