View Full Version : That's it

04-05-2008, 01:49 PM
I am gonna take a break from the game.
I will still be on, but only to perform clan administrative tasks and to chat with my friends.
Perhaps some wars, but not that much.

I am tired, so tired of:

1. No good war
2. No tactics
3. People who can't get their ass out to help their realm mates.

I know by earlier experience that taking a break makes you regain the will to play again.
This is the best for me to do at the moment.

That's it.

04-05-2008, 02:00 PM
Ohhhhh no :mf_hide:. You're one of the few I really enjoyed playing with. It's rare to find people who don't act cowardly nowadays :(.

I agree with your assessment of the situation though, but still Alsius is the most stubborn and fighting-till-death realm. I know the other day in a big attack with advantage turning in favor of Ignis:
"- some well-known alsius player I will not name: run!!!!"
"-me : no, fight!!!!!"

In Ignis or I'm sure Syrtis, most would have followed the hunter's advice... But this time only the hunter ran and got killed a few meters behind.. While we fought, I had my terror coming out of cooldown, and cleared that wave of elves :D.

Two things I dislike most in Alsius:
- conjurers (most suck and I came to realize that Ignitans are often better and way more online -- all hail to Lord Victor, Z, Val, Malt, Turmo, Narya, and the list goes on !!!).
- lack of appetite for war, lately, at least at the hours I play. A lot of players want it, but more just abandon us. Yesterday we went to Herb from pp, and you see a few lv 50, including mages (conjus & warlocks supposedly are better rewarded/more fun at war) running to go on hunt; We reached herb and Ignis was taking the fort... we were 7 but we fought 20 there, killed a few before going down because why walk all this way if not to fight? . It was very fun, too bad some people prefer to run endlessly through Syrtis with 1 kill / 2 minute instead of the heat of the battle.
The lack of war is also caused by lag and fewer players online because they don't appreciate the game design (Peli and Blood stopped playing because of the evades)

Other than that it rocks :p.

I know you'll be back soon enough though, see you then.

04-05-2008, 02:02 PM
Oh, that is a really sad news.
Although it hurts I liked your lovely dmg and I hope that you will come back soon.
Hopefully you will still come to mumble :)

04-05-2008, 02:06 PM
TV6 klockan 18.00 på vardagar, missa inte SG-1!

You still haven't given me any rps.
I must have them. I MUST!

Meh, you'll be back. This game is like heroine.

04-05-2008, 02:18 PM
I am gonna take a break from the game.
I will still be on, but only to perform clan administrative tasks and to chat with my friends.
Perhaps some wars, but not that much.

I am tired, so tired of:

1. No good war
2. No tactics
3. People who can't get their ass out to help their realm mates.

I know by earlier experience that taking a break makes you regain the will to play again.
This is the best for me to do at the moment.

That's it.

Menirah save wont be the same without ur raids xD
Take some time, come back and be invigotated, while ur gone, stay active on forum.

04-05-2008, 02:52 PM
I am gonna take a break from the game.

Oh noes ! You're the only one who opens his eyes while playing ! I can't be hidden with you around xD

04-05-2008, 02:53 PM
Alsius will be worse off without you. Please come back soon.

04-05-2008, 02:56 PM
I am tired, so tired of:

1. No good war
2. No tactics
3. People who can't get their ass out to help their realm mates.
That's it.

this is what i said would happen in the tread hippys but i went to impulsive and a litle mean. yea aparently we got a bunch of ppl in WZ selling RP when they can train in inner realm now. even alsius wich had the greatest tatics cant capture forts for more than 5mins anymore.

i got an idea that needs some more tuch and fixing that can bring back the war to warzone ill tell you guys when i got it.

04-05-2008, 02:57 PM
even alsius wich had the greatest tatics cant capture forts for more than 5mins anymore

Yes this is the problem.

Alsius capture Herbred, hold it fot 5 min.
Syrtis capture Aggers, hold it for 5 min.

This may differ from time to time of the day, but this is the usual behavior.

04-05-2008, 02:58 PM
It's been nice fighting you long ago xD Even tho I killed you like twice and you killed me countless times!

04-05-2008, 03:12 PM
I don't even know your nick in-game :)

04-05-2008, 03:27 PM
I don't even know your nick in-game :)
Does Teen Ranqe rings a bell?! Cos I remember killing you a few times xD

04-05-2008, 03:42 PM
Does Teen Ranqe rings a bell?! Cos I remember killing you a few times xD

Nope it doesn't :P

04-05-2008, 03:50 PM
Wow Znurre, it's really sad to see you go.. Even if only for a short time, hopefully...

I hope you will come back - like I did - in a short time, you're right: Taking a break DOES make you want to play the game again. I realised that, though I should have taken a longer one, because I'm already losing the fun again...

You were, and still are, a great player. One of the - if not THE - best Barb(s) I've ever seen while playing Regnum Online.. It was indeed an honour to face a Barb like you.. In wars you always made suicidal rushes and decided about the whole end of a war like this. Everybody came after you so you won. I've read the sentence 'You have been defeated by Znurre' an infinite amount of times, your damage is just too fking high :p

Yesterday we had a huge fight at pinos. We held it for 2-3 hours, even altough there were so many good high-levels, they just couldn't capture it. And I think if you had been there, you could have won after 30 minutes. Know why? Nobody in Alsius dared to start a rush.. They were just standing there waiting for somebody to be brave enough to do so.. Mostly, somebody in Ignis (warlocks mainly) rushed and cast an area. Then the warriors went and rushed and Alsius died. ..

The point of this story is: You were an awesome player and I will miss you... :huh:

FGood luck in whatever you're about to do ;)


04-05-2008, 04:04 PM
Yes this is the problem.

Alsius capture Herbred, hold it fot 5 min.
Syrtis capture Aggers, hold it for 5 min.

This may differ from time to time of the day, but this is the usual behavior.

its how ovious it is i think we should plan wars like aggers mondays 2 on 1 realm conflict all day long making it more fun switching ssides ok now we are with ignis trying to aggers now with alsius trying to get it back. and its to dam ovious and we are to danm slow we stay 20mins regrouping at briges and most ppl go hunting and only 6 jack asses even try to go for a fort while 50 ppl are waiting maybe if ppl regroup at a save and just run for a random fort TOGETHER!!! (<---- this means you syrtis!) without stoping and telling the whole realm to ignore every fort except that one (since pts sneek in forts capture and run) it might be a good war. im working on many ways to bring WZ to normal but this includes syrtis back on top repeating the underdog and leader cicle.

ill miss you :smile:

04-05-2008, 04:17 PM
damn dude....its really sad to see one of the best barbs go away...fighting against you has taught me so much...i hope when i return you shall be there too...Good luck man!

04-05-2008, 05:46 PM
Lets make Heglin's project work and make Alsius the best realm ever. Now Morphine is back we can do it!(he is crazy! running into 20 reds) Come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

04-05-2008, 06:09 PM
oh no boss!!:( i have so much to learn from you....you are not only one of the best players in RO but also a very good friend (and these two make a player "legend" imo,as was discussed in another threat)...its always fun to play with you and if i see around in any war, that gives me courage to charge,fight....i hope (and want and believe) you come back soon...damn you dont know but i was taking screenshot of us while we r dead after a charge into a group of enemy and they were more than 20 but i had to format my PC just a few hours ago and forgot to backup these ss...i need to get new ss now:wiggle14:, pls come back very soon...

04-05-2008, 06:12 PM

04-05-2008, 06:15 PM
Your not allowed to go. You promised we could go make baby goats somewhere



04-05-2008, 06:17 PM
I am gonna take a break from the game.
I will still be on, but only to perform clan administrative tasks and to chat with my friends.
Perhaps some wars, but not that much.

I am tired, so tired of:

1. No good war
2. No tactics
3. People who can't get their ass out to help their realm mates.

I know by earlier experience that taking a break makes you regain the will to play again.
This is the best for me to do at the moment.

That's it.

Better for you to be there when i return playing kinofuji.

But that will be when they fix the evasions and all that so you have time xD.

Anyway i havent played much lately, i played yesterday with mishel conjurer and all was the same.

But even with that i really want a PB figth and better for you to be there, if you are not peli will go to sweden to take you out of the hole you are hiding.

04-05-2008, 07:09 PM
you are not only one of the best players in RO but also a very good friend (and these two make a player "legend" imo)
+10. In my eyes he IS a legend.

04-05-2008, 07:14 PM
+10. In my eyes he IS a legend.
:( I hope he will come back too

04-05-2008, 07:54 PM
Ok... as some of you might have noticed, this didn't work out very well :P
I was back in the game within hours.

04-05-2008, 07:58 PM
Ok... as some of you might have noticed, this didn't work out very well :P
I was back in the game within hours.

Alsius is lucky :p

04-05-2008, 07:59 PM
We had a sexy lesbian talk with my dwarfette and his goat-chick and he realized he can't leave :wub2: :wub2:

04-05-2008, 08:01 PM
Hahaha, great news Znurre.

04-05-2008, 08:17 PM
Good, Znurre is one of the best barbs in alsius....

04-05-2008, 09:09 PM
Yup, come mind squash us conjus :P

04-05-2008, 09:44 PM
Ok... as some of you might have noticed, this didn't work out very well :P
I was back in the game within hours.

loooooooooooooool man your worse then me...atleast i waited to get drunk:P

04-05-2008, 09:46 PM
yay <3
Hopefully you liked my dmg, normally I only get yours

04-05-2008, 09:54 PM
normally I only get yours

:o damn what was that about?:P

04-05-2008, 09:54 PM
man if i returned after months, dont u do the same!! ill fricking kill you if i have to go to sweden myself! ;)

04-05-2008, 09:56 PM
:o damn what was that about?:P
I like tasty goats... but goats like me too :o
It reminds me in "all on badhor" by arki

04-05-2008, 09:58 PM
I like tasty goats... but goats like me too :o
It reminds me in "all on badhor" by arki


04-05-2008, 09:59 PM
I like tasty goats... but goats like me too :o
It reminds me in "all on badhor" by arki
no.. vince said that lol

04-05-2008, 10:00 PM
no.. vince said that lol
No one wants to tell me the truth. Vince is talking about you.
Yea slutty, arkenion is arki with the chocolate :)

Anyway.... lets stay ontopic. Znure is back, yay

04-05-2008, 10:04 PM
No one wants to tell me the truth. Vince is talking about you.
Yea slutty, arkenion is arki with the chocolate :)

Anyway.... lets stay ontopic. Znure is back, yay

/me is extremly jealeus...
I want chocolate! xD

04-05-2008, 10:23 PM
No one wants to tell me the truth. Vince is talking about you.
Yea slutty, arkenion is arki with the chocolate :)

Anyway.... lets stay ontopic. Znure is back, yay
Wtf lies!
And.. I'm Swiss, and proud of it :p

Ah right, the topic.. wb znuznu xD

04-05-2008, 11:18 PM
damn you made me feel bad:smile: now you owe me a good hunt and lot of ss:p im very happy that a star didnt fall from the sky;)

04-06-2008, 03:23 AM
Welcome back Foe, your arrival pleases me

04-06-2008, 03:36 AM
1. No good war

That's it.

I consider that between Alsius and Ignis we make good wars :D

04-06-2008, 03:40 AM
I consider that between Alsius and Ignis we make good wars :D


04-06-2008, 01:24 PM
Ohhhhh no :mf_hide:. You're one of the few I really enjoyed playing with. It's rare to find people who don't act cowardly nowadays :(.

I agree with your assessment of the situation though, but still Alsius is the most stubborn and fighting-till-death realm. I know the other day in a big attack with advantage turning in favor of Ignis:
"- some well-known alsius player I will not name: run!!!!"
"-me : no, fight!!!!!"

In Ignis or I'm sure Syrtis, most would have followed the hunter's advice... But this time only the hunter ran and got killed a few meters behind.. While we fought, I had my terror coming out of cooldown, and cleared that wave of elves :D.

Two things I dislike most in Alsius:
- conjurers (most suck and I came to realize that Ignitans are often better and way more online -- all hail to Lord Victor, Z, Val, Malt, Turmo, Narya, and the list goes on !!!).
- lack of appetite for war, lately, at least at the hours I play. A lot of players want it, but more just abandon us. Yesterday we went to Herb from pp, and you see a few lv 50, including mages (conjus & warlocks supposedly are better rewarded/more fun at war) running to go on hunt; We reached herb and Ignis was taking the fort... we were 7 but we fought 20 there, killed a few before going down because why walk all this way if not to fight? . It was very fun, too bad some people prefer to run endlessly through Syrtis with 1 kill / 2 minute instead of the heat of the battle.
The lack of war is also caused by lag and fewer players online because they don't appreciate the game design (Peli and Blood stopped playing because of the evades)

Other than that it rocks :p.

I know you'll be back soon enough though, see you then.

My response to "Run"...... "Feck no", better to die and fight than to live and fail..... Death or Glory all the way, but the lagg is a big factor...it just gets too immense to fight.

04-06-2008, 03:19 PM
I am gonna take a break from the game.
I will still be on, but only to perform clan administrative tasks and to chat with my friends.
Perhaps some wars, but not that much.

I am tired, so tired of:

1. No good war
2. No tactics
3. People who can't get their ass out to help their realm mates.

I know by earlier experience that taking a break makes you regain the will to play again.
This is the best for me to do at the moment.

That's it.

I will miss you Znurre
You always cracked me up in mumble chats.

You know you are absulotly right with numbers 2 and 3,
As of tonight i will no longer be play regnum either, some of the reasons mention above and a few others that are personnal

So good luck to everyone and enjoy this good game, To wudy and comp (i will login every so often and lvl but atm i need a break from this game).

A big thankyou go out to Alsius Hunters and The Thugsters for being such great friends and realm mates, and to anyone else i have missed a big thankyou.

PS. Sorry to hijack your thread Znurre.

04-06-2008, 03:27 PM
I will miss you Znurre
You always cracked me up in mumble chats.

You know you are absulotly right with numbers 2 and 3,
As of tonight i will no longer be play regnum either, some of the reasons mention above and a few others that are personnal

So good luck to everyone and enjoy this good game, To wudy and comp (i will login every so often and lvl but atm i need a break from this game).

A big thankyou go out to Alsius Hunters and The Thugsters for being such great friends and realm mates, and to anyone else i have missed a big thankyou.

PS. Sorry to hijack your thread Znurre.

Damn, that's bad news for me, my friend.

I will miss you, but maybe you'll pop into the game from time to time.

Good luck with everything you do...

04-06-2008, 04:30 PM
I will miss you Znurre
You always cracked me up in mumble chats.

You know you are absulotly right with numbers 2 and 3,
As of tonight i will no longer be play regnum either, some of the reasons mention above and a few others that are personnal

So good luck to everyone and enjoy this good game, To wudy and comp (i will login every so often and lvl but atm i need a break from this game).

A big thankyou go out to Alsius Hunters and The Thugsters for being such great friends and realm mates, and to anyone else i have missed a big thankyou.

PS. Sorry to hijack your thread Znurre.

I hope to see u soon Dude...
As for Znurre...WHAT DO U MEAN NO1 Helpin u?

War at samal right now, i attacked u 5 times, each time i died from 7 of ur realm mates...made me feel so bad at this game i logged for the day or more...grr

04-06-2008, 04:33 PM
I hope to see u soon Dude...
As for Znurre...WHAT DO U MEAN NO1 Helpin u?

War at samal right now, i attacked u 5 times, each time i died from 7 of ur realm mates...made me feel so bad at this game i logged for the day or more...grr

Then go back to point 1 and 2 and see :P
That was not a good war, in my opinion, and that was mostly because of no tactics.

It's either point 1, 2 or 3.

But yes. some people in this game are wonderful :)

04-06-2008, 04:49 PM
I am gonna take a break from the game.
I will still be on, but only to perform clan administrative tasks and to chat with my friends.
Perhaps some wars, but not that much.

I am tired, so tired of:

1. No good war
2. No tactics
3. People who can't get their ass out to help their realm mates.

I know by earlier experience that taking a break makes you regain the will to play again.
This is the best for me to do at the moment.

That's it.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :mf_hide:

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooo:mf_hide:


The game needs players like you. Don´t abandon us :( .

04-06-2008, 04:51 PM
he came back after an hour...nothing to worry about:P

04-06-2008, 06:14 PM
Yeah he hit me pretty hard soon after posting this. :D

04-06-2008, 11:21 PM
and we had utghar sex at pp :bananajoy:

04-07-2008, 05:54 AM
Yay, can you rap-up that utghar baby to go with some fries? :banana:

04-07-2008, 06:25 PM
Utghar babies - full of goatly goodness


04-07-2008, 10:11 PM
Utghar babies - full of goatly goodness
aww a happy hippy dwarf, ehh utghar :o

04-08-2008, 01:33 AM
Yay, can you rap-up that utghar baby to go with some fries? :banana:

No, seriously, i wish to eat that child, and any others like it...also the eldar