View Full Version : Problem!! Please help!!

04-06-2008, 01:12 AM
Right when I click on RegnumOnline it says RegnumOnline.exe has encountered a problem and must close or w/e. send error report and such. Can someone help me fix this please?

04-06-2008, 07:11 AM
what's the error exactly ?
what's your operating system ?

if vista, the game should not be installed in program files.

otherwise, try reinstalling or deleting the content of the live server folder. sometimes it helps.

04-06-2008, 03:51 PM
what's the error exactly ?
what's your operating system ?

if vista, the game should not be installed in program files.

otherwise, try reinstalling or deleting the content of the live server folder. sometimes it helps.

this is what i do all the time re instal fixes it by the 3time charm if not big problemo. and tnx for the program files thing that should fix all my problems.

edit: it did no mutting TNX! :smile: