View Full Version : Forum posts

04-20-2008, 01:27 PM
Often you'll find forums posts ending in rows and arguments. A lot of people seem to be terrible persons, while they're very nice in real life or in-game. A fact is that without physical communications things go very easily wrong. This is a sad thing, but at a forum, where people discuss about points that are very important to some people, things like this occur very often.

I think we all should watch ourselves when replying, including me. In some cases people probably didn't meant to sound so rude, but they do because their limited knowledge of English or lack of physical contact or sound(sarcasm is often misunderstood).
So I ask you and myself to try to sound as nice as possible when you post a reply and keep in mind while reading a post that the poster is human too, probably not a bully or nasty person and trying to talk to the rest of the world. This can stop the way too often occurring fights at this forum. Fights are supposed to be fought in the game, not at the forums.

(I hope you got my point, I think I sounded a but vague at some points.)

04-20-2008, 01:39 PM
Well said, I agree with you 100% on this, I have had people contact me in game and complain to me about the drivel i have written in this forum, as you have said it is probably (amongst other things) due to the fact they possibly have a limited knowledge of English. Either that or they have simply taken what ive said the wrong way.

04-27-2008, 03:39 AM
I disagree, most of the people i've come into contact with in Regnum, and especially these forums seem nice at first, then they turn to complete asshats and try to suck every bit of generosity out of you. I used to think the same as Yest. But i've become cold and bitter. Especially with NGD, they don't have their heads screwed on the right way. so this is for you NGD ../..

04-27-2008, 03:41 PM
Agree with yest. I would also add a thing probably off-topic... When disapproving something with the "reputation" icon, leave a comment on the reason.

04-27-2008, 03:50 PM
I disagree, most of the people i've come into contact with in Regnum, and especially these forums seem nice at first, then they turn to complete asshats and try to suck every bit of generosity out of you. I used to think the same as Yest. But i've become cold and bitter. Especially with NGD, they don't have their heads screwed on the right way. so this is for you NGD ../..

Envy hugs Aric

04-27-2008, 03:58 PM
I love the message and the purpose of this thread

yes everyone should try to be as nice as possible

04-27-2008, 04:00 PM
Envy hugs Aric

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: