View Full Version : DIfferently patched servers lead to reupdate

05-14-2008, 06:50 AM

i am playing Regnum from Germany, so that I have the option to play on the German servers as well (even if I dont want to).
Now the last update only updated the RA Server. For me this is quiete annoying, because the client stores the update version for all Live Servers in one directory and by default the Muspell server is selected.
This means, my client starts up and is first downloading the actual update for the German server. When i select RA then, he is downloading the update for the RA server. No i can play on RA. Both times its around 11MB. I am not sure how the ingame resources are handled after an update. But if they cannot be reused, it will download these every time as well.
After I quit the game and restart it, i am going to the same stuff again.. 2 downloads.

- Either different folders on harddisc for every live server
- or remember the last selected Server (my preference)
- or all live servers are updatde at once

At the other german players... is there an option to disable the german servers? Or an option to change order they are displayed?

By the way... this means also, that the germans on their servers can still play without fatigue and reduced XP.

Thx for answers.

05-14-2008, 10:08 PM

Yes, this is a new issue that we need to solve. Thank you for reporting it.


05-15-2008, 10:40 AM
Thx Niclam.

One suggestion, if the servers will not get different folders on harddisc, will maybe be to have the following steps:

1) Choose server
2) Press enter world
3) Do check for update and update if necessary

But i am not sure how this will be for users, that switch servers in between with all the ingame resources. But this you and your team will know better then i do.

05-16-2008, 08:36 PM
Hi Niclam,

i heard about the hotfix on 0.9.30.
But it doesnt seem to work on this issue. A new start of the game will show me 0.9.29 as version while it downloads resources of the german servers. When clicking on RA he downloads RA resouces and says then 0.9.30... but a new start will still port me back.

05-18-2008, 12:29 AM
We have a solution for that already (update after selecting play) but it will be available next monday.

Sorry for the inconvenience.