View Full Version : MoD in Terror in a PvP

05-17-2008, 10:09 AM
Well? What do you think?

05-17-2008, 10:12 AM
Well? What do you think?

Depends on situation, i say both are vaild at some times.

05-17-2008, 10:18 AM
Terror is ok...mod is gay...

05-17-2008, 10:37 AM
I voted that too. I once fought an extremely stupid warlock who cast terror on me next to jabe with all the cyclops wandering around...he seems to have underestimated its area :p

05-17-2008, 10:47 AM
Terror is ok...mod is gay...
My word. If only because of the duration.
I only used terror in emergency situations anyway..

But I think it also depends on the class you're fighting against. In a Warlock PvP, I think both of them are valid due to low health of warlocks.. But against warriors it's ok :)

And it also depends on what you do a PvP for. I do them to see who's the better fighter, so using MoD or Terror is pointless against mages.

Edit: Hi Laleja! :p

05-17-2008, 10:49 AM
I think it depends on how you define PvP. If it's an arranged PvP, where both parties agree on fighting, i think MoD is lame, while terror (along with all other areas) is ok. If it's just one player attacking another, I think MoD is valid to defend yourself.

My definition of PvP is the former, so I voted accordingly.

05-17-2008, 11:05 AM
Of course both are valid!
They're both spells. :P

At lvl 38, I used MoD to defeat a lvl 50 Hunter. ^^

05-17-2008, 11:07 AM
Of course both are valid!
They're both spells. :P

At lvl 38, I used MoD to defeat a lvl 50 Hunter. ^^
Me too, but that's not the point.

The point is that MoD is a spell where you simply can't loose unless the enemy is an archer or barbarian or if you don't play properly.

05-17-2008, 11:09 AM
The point is that MoD is a spell where you simply can't loose unless the enemy is an archer or barbarian or if you don't play properly.

Exactly. Sure, it's not very fair. But it's valid.
If you want to be the person everyone hates, then use MoD. XD

05-17-2008, 11:15 AM
they are both valid, but it may be stupid if you're hunting and use mod on a single target as you may meet a much larger group later.
Terror is also stupid against a single target(unless you want to catch him range >25<30

05-17-2008, 11:19 AM
Terror is the only 30 range spell for warlocks which hinders enemy movement.

05-17-2008, 11:22 AM
Yes but considering the long casting time (1.5 seconds even with the highest level of arcane devotion) he may run out of range or closer than 25 range.

Anyway... When warlocks used MoD in 1on1 I was like "omg.", and I stood there just clapping for his great work.

05-17-2008, 12:07 PM
MoD is valid...but gay...its like those SC freaks that hit you over 1k every 6sec...

05-17-2008, 12:12 PM
Of course both are valid!
They're both spells. :P

At lvl 38, I used MoD to defeat a lvl 50 Hunter. ^^

MoD won't change anything for me, I'll continue with normal hits.

05-17-2008, 12:15 PM
MoD won't change anything for me, I'll continue with normal hits.

Lame. =( :bounce:

05-17-2008, 12:25 PM
MoD si not valid only if every warlock have it.

05-17-2008, 12:37 PM
MoD si not valid only if every warlock have it.
:) beacuse they cancel each other? :P or you mean "When to many ppl is using it over and over." ?
Hey btw.

05-17-2008, 12:42 PM
Sultar is fine for me, I dont see a Problem in using it.
But I dislike the idea of using MoD most of the time. It is nice against knights because they start fullbuffed in a pvp and they will block most of the spells.

Against Warlocks it is stupid, same with Conjurers.
Against Marksmen it sounds good because of spell elude, but they hit hard with the bow. Against hunters it is useless when they use a pet and sotw... sotw sucks in pvp imho.

But anyway I dont like pvps.

05-17-2008, 12:50 PM
Jajajajaja i killed luthi when she used mod;D

05-17-2008, 12:52 PM
Before i weren't used to cast those spell on PvP but as we said in French "Trop bon, trop con" (something like "too kind, too stupid" in english), because :

- Confuse make a fight vs archers very very hard
- You can mindpush a barb, he will just stop and cast howl.. pwned... :jacky_chun:
- No you won't camou under sotw ;) And if i can kill your pet with the areas it's even better :fingers:
- I've a number #1 pt warlock reputation to respect, and i like to show people how overpowered is a warlock :D

05-17-2008, 12:53 PM
Sorry, I have bad english.

I think MoD only is not valid in a pvp with 2 warlocks with have MoD in these configuration becouse if one warlock dont have MoD (nigromance 15), have adventage to fight becouse have the other branchs in highest lvl and cast summon MoD.

If you cant summon MoD, you cant demand to the other warlock to dont use MoD.

05-17-2008, 12:56 PM
MoD just makes you look pt in my book :P

But I just have to hope that my 40% chance of cancellation works so I cn live to help or till someone else comes (mind blank)...

05-17-2008, 01:03 PM
Sorry, I have bad english.

It is better then mine :P Thnx for explanation.

05-17-2008, 01:06 PM
MoD just makes you look pt in my book :P

But I just have to hope that my 40% chance of cancellation works so I cn live to help or till someone else comes (mind blank)...

Yes, because you're a conj... give me steel skin, mind blank and self heal (that never misses) maybe i'll reconsider my tactics ;)

A barb can take ages to kill you, a barb kill a warlock with 3-4 normal hits with TFB buffed, because howl(5) + jaw breaker(4) = death... the barb has just to come at range 10...

05-17-2008, 01:08 PM
Not all conjurers use as much protection as me, and a warlock has a variety of spells against steel skin :PP

05-17-2008, 01:09 PM
Both valid, but MoD is unfair(which doesn't say a thing, it is war)

05-17-2008, 01:11 PM
Both valid, but MoD is unfair(which doesn't say a thing, it is war)

PvP implies a duel, not war.

05-17-2008, 01:13 PM
PvP implies a duel, not war.
A duel is about to kill or to be killed. Would you let yourself get killed?

05-17-2008, 01:16 PM
Not all conjurers use as much protection as me, and a warlock has a variety of spells against steel skin :PP

A warlock don't care of steel skin, when an ennemy conj cast it, it's just a request for his/her own death :D

Darkness (+spam dmg spells here) = death ^^

But the thing i want to say is simply : why warlocks shouldn't use all their skills available when the others class do it ?

It's good to remember that the only defensive buffs we have are barrier and wind wall, a warlock should do his/her best to not being dizzied, confused because not using them means instant death...

<=== Would be happy to change barrier with a resist dmg skill instead... it's stupid that a marks breaks EB in one critical hit...

05-17-2008, 01:18 PM
A duel is about to kill or to be killed. Would you let yourself get killed?

Some people value a thing called honour, I don't mind if you don't though.

I think MoD is much worse in the arena than in a WZ duel, as no one uses escape skills (and some don't work), and because of the confined space.

05-17-2008, 01:28 PM
MoD isn't valid for a PvP (game tradition and all that) except against a SotW user (only way to protect). Anyway, Archers weren't overpowered at the time PvP rules were meant.

Terror is valid but very lame. This is not the proper way to win a PvP, whatever the class, except Hunter with pet (because here at least you are trying to knock down the pet too).

I'm talking about PvP as in "arranged pvp" AND "spontaneous pvp" when there are two players, alone and both full hp/mana.

Both are war spells.

Btw all this talk about "MoD is valid for PvP" was also in the Spanish Inn (where I guess Necro get his poll ideas) and it's really shameful to see so many people condoning winning at all cost rather than fighting with honor and winning using skills. And also many lv 50 warlocks who don't even know or understand about the rule... pts.

Btw, MoD when you outnumber your enemy greatly (like 10+vs4-5) is lame too (special mention to some people here).

05-17-2008, 01:28 PM
Jajajajaja i killed luthi when she used mod;D
Yea, years ago. :razz:
We can try it again one day, just reach lvl 50.

05-17-2008, 01:51 PM
MoD isn't valid for a PvP

Against people like you i know i won't have to use them because you won't, but unfortunatly this implicit rule seems to be lost...

On the other hand, there is no honor at war, i want my realm winning at any price (we're the Reds motherfuckers muahaha) :thumb: This includes the fact that i tank for our warriors on war and using war skill on PvP -.-"

05-17-2008, 04:17 PM
Against people like you i know i won't have to use them because you won't, but unfortunatly this implicit rule seems to be lost...

On the other hand, there is no honor at war, i want my realm winning at any price (we're the Reds motherfuckers muahaha) :thumb: This includes the fact that i tank for our warriors on war and using war skill on PvP -.-"

Well you can use it against another Warlock on 1vs1 in any situation, but then you've got no right to brag on how you owned him, and he's more than entitled to make it known that you're a noob/pt :theking:. A PvP/duel is a real confrontation of skills, the goal is to win by being better than his opponent not using skills that ensure victory.

I know it's hard these days with 85% high level warlocks being noobs, half players being archers (more than half of them hunters), and tons of barbs with a few knights and the overpowered deflective barrier.

On the subject of "evil reds", it's totally normal that you use war spells at war. The sad part is that Ignis has now become like Syrtis and only (or 90% of the time) wins through numbers rather than teamplay.

05-17-2008, 04:38 PM
Ok, in the arena and in an arranged PvP it is very lame. But I agree with Sathilda, why shouldn't warlocks use all the spells they have while other classes do? (*cough*SotW)

05-17-2008, 04:54 PM
Both are valid... Just extremely lame.

05-17-2008, 04:59 PM
Ok, in the arena and in an arranged PvP it is very lame. But I agree with Sathilda, why shouldn't warlocks use all the spells they have while other classes do? (*cough*SotW)

What are you talking about? Archers get bitched at an equal amount when they use SotW in a duel, so your point is moot. Besides, under MoD, there'd be no SotW :p

And it's much easier to dance around a SotW'er that wont be casting offense spells for 20 secs then it is to minimise the dmg of 1 minute of a warlock's full arsenal while you can't cast anything.

05-17-2008, 05:30 PM
Use anything you have....I know I will

05-17-2008, 06:35 PM
Jajajajaja i killed luthi when she used mod;D
I didn't ;( :p

05-17-2008, 09:20 PM
Lame. =( :bounce:

Why, can you explain me why it's lame to continue attacking a lock under MoD ? ?

05-17-2008, 10:09 PM
Use anything you have....I know I will
I agree, when I attack someone I expect the person to do his best.

05-17-2008, 10:14 PM
im telling you right now how a warlock can pwn a pwarju 57% +chance garanty very feew ways a warju can escape this:

1 steal zarkit(if not sucesfull use meteor and take mana)
2 terror to keep him down(a warju in this situation might us sanct or time master to get away it will be smart to hold him down)
3 this warju is totaly fucked now in distant combat so he will use splinterwall and close combat and see if edvin can bust his ass so MoD will realy fuck him up badly.

knowing my enviroment and having this happen to me already (xuk lately in pp whuped me by stealing my zarkit and using MoD) there are very few waays i can get out of this shit hole these 2 spells put me in and one being devine other being keeping my distance and using sultar but thats until 47 :/