05-25-2008, 03:45 AM
Some here are too young to understand the concepts that I have been and will be talking about, others know (for they feel it deep down inside), but choose to ignore...
However, even though this be true I feel compelled to share with you all the reasons I like NGD so much.
You see NGD is a company that comes from a very poor Nation-State, relative to Western nations, known as Argentina.
For an example of just how poor lets look at some facts (it should be noted that all numbers are taken from Wiki):
In 2007 Argentina's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is a measure of a nation's economy based on what they produce and what that production is worth in the Global economy, was ~523.7 billion (US) dollars. Now Argentina has roughly ~40.31 million people, so per person Argentina's GDP works out to be ~13.3 thousand (US) dollars per person.
In contrast the US GDP, in 2007, was ~13.5 trillion dollars, which works out to be ~43.4 thousand dollars per person (total population of the US is ~ 304.2 million).
Now most of you are probably thinking "so what"... But these numbers, if you understand political economic theory, relate to the political influence a Nation-State has in the world. This translates into three things (though you should know this is just my own list):
(1) How much influence Argentina can sway the political agendas of other nations through trade, service agreements (that is through what they can offer other nations).
(2) How much global resources Argentina can secure for themselves (that other nations make) like machinery, vehicles or steel (to name a few).
And (3) how the combination of both (1) and (2) in turn help to increase (or decrease if Argentina, or any nation, fails to achieve optimum results in points one and two) the standard living of the average Argentinian (such as increased chances for education, more opportunities for work and more technological goods).
Now to truly understand how NGD is special, at least in my eyes, we have to understand the historical relationship the West (and by West I mean the US) has had with Argentina.
You see in 1970's American leaders started to worry about the socialist political movements that that were occurring in South America, namely Chile and later Argentina. See back then America was still trying to suppress the global movement of Communism. However, in it's frenzy to rid the world of Communism it neglected to realize that there was a fundamental difference between Socialism and Communism. Not really though, for America knew the difference but Socialism was just as dangerous, if not more then Communism, because Nation-States which turned Socialist meant that America could not secure cheep resources, nor cheep labor forces. And this meant that the economic and global political power of America would decline, if unable to have access to cheep resources or labor.
Thus, in the 1970's America conducted a botched coup in Chile to rid the Socialist President Salvador Allende, because at that time America wanted cheep copper from Chile (*Allende wanted to socialize Chile's copper mines and give the profit made to Chileans). However, this coup led to Allende's death, which ironically occurred on 9/11/73 (get it 9/11, and no there is no connection to this and the Al Qaeda attacks that occurred on 9/11/01 in New York, but it's still ironic).
After Salvador Allende was killed America, through corrosion of the corporate and political elite (by letting them think they would profit *from the coup on Allende), was able to institute a pro-capitalist President in Chile. From that point on the people of Chile, its resources and environment were enslaved for the benefit of their own power-elite and America.
Unfortunately, because of proximity and a belief in socialism, Argentina became the next target in America's so called war on Communism. So in 1973-76 America backed Jorge Rafael Videla's military government. Under Videla, the Argentinian government, started to kill its own people (about ~30,000 people died) under a movement called the Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance or the "Dirty War". As a matter of fact Jorge Rafael Videla, during this time, is quoted to say, "As many people as necessary must die in Argentina so that the country will again be secure.." Sadly this government sponsored war, which was backed by America, lasted until 1983 and left Argentina in economic ruins. And once again America profited, because it found another Nation-State willing to sell both its resources and labor for cheep.
Now given this history one might ask, "What is the significance of NGD?" Good question and here is the answer...
NGD represents a symbol (anyone who has read my posts knows how much I love symbols), in my mind, of a Nation-State that is starting to come out from under the economic and political oppression that was forced on it by the Western world because it dared to believe in an economic, governmental system which put its people before profits.
And although Argentina had to adapt to a capitalist economic system, its people still believe is socialist concepts and evidence of this NGD's decision to put in the fatigue system within their game. And bless you NGD!
Yet the fact that a corporation, such as NGD, can exist within Argentina shows that quality of life for Argentinians is starting to increase...
And in light of this NGD, people of Argentina I leave you with this one thought...
Know that America sits in the twilight of its hegemonic power over the world, for soon there shall came a great readjustment in world power...
These signs are everywhere and are hard to escape...
But know as one Nation decreases, others increase...
However, for Nations such as England, Australia and Japan...
I would be afraid, very afraid...
For your ties to the American dollar shall in turn cause your collapse!
Therefore, NGD my hats off to you!
And to Argentina god bless you!
On a side note, however, Argentinians you have one hot looking President. Yes, I like very much! :D
*And yes, other then wiki numbers, this was penned by me with the knowledge I, believe I have, in Global Economic Theories and US relations with other Nation-States
Edits denoted by *'s
However, even though this be true I feel compelled to share with you all the reasons I like NGD so much.
You see NGD is a company that comes from a very poor Nation-State, relative to Western nations, known as Argentina.
For an example of just how poor lets look at some facts (it should be noted that all numbers are taken from Wiki):
In 2007 Argentina's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is a measure of a nation's economy based on what they produce and what that production is worth in the Global economy, was ~523.7 billion (US) dollars. Now Argentina has roughly ~40.31 million people, so per person Argentina's GDP works out to be ~13.3 thousand (US) dollars per person.
In contrast the US GDP, in 2007, was ~13.5 trillion dollars, which works out to be ~43.4 thousand dollars per person (total population of the US is ~ 304.2 million).
Now most of you are probably thinking "so what"... But these numbers, if you understand political economic theory, relate to the political influence a Nation-State has in the world. This translates into three things (though you should know this is just my own list):
(1) How much influence Argentina can sway the political agendas of other nations through trade, service agreements (that is through what they can offer other nations).
(2) How much global resources Argentina can secure for themselves (that other nations make) like machinery, vehicles or steel (to name a few).
And (3) how the combination of both (1) and (2) in turn help to increase (or decrease if Argentina, or any nation, fails to achieve optimum results in points one and two) the standard living of the average Argentinian (such as increased chances for education, more opportunities for work and more technological goods).
Now to truly understand how NGD is special, at least in my eyes, we have to understand the historical relationship the West (and by West I mean the US) has had with Argentina.
You see in 1970's American leaders started to worry about the socialist political movements that that were occurring in South America, namely Chile and later Argentina. See back then America was still trying to suppress the global movement of Communism. However, in it's frenzy to rid the world of Communism it neglected to realize that there was a fundamental difference between Socialism and Communism. Not really though, for America knew the difference but Socialism was just as dangerous, if not more then Communism, because Nation-States which turned Socialist meant that America could not secure cheep resources, nor cheep labor forces. And this meant that the economic and global political power of America would decline, if unable to have access to cheep resources or labor.
Thus, in the 1970's America conducted a botched coup in Chile to rid the Socialist President Salvador Allende, because at that time America wanted cheep copper from Chile (*Allende wanted to socialize Chile's copper mines and give the profit made to Chileans). However, this coup led to Allende's death, which ironically occurred on 9/11/73 (get it 9/11, and no there is no connection to this and the Al Qaeda attacks that occurred on 9/11/01 in New York, but it's still ironic).
After Salvador Allende was killed America, through corrosion of the corporate and political elite (by letting them think they would profit *from the coup on Allende), was able to institute a pro-capitalist President in Chile. From that point on the people of Chile, its resources and environment were enslaved for the benefit of their own power-elite and America.
Unfortunately, because of proximity and a belief in socialism, Argentina became the next target in America's so called war on Communism. So in 1973-76 America backed Jorge Rafael Videla's military government. Under Videla, the Argentinian government, started to kill its own people (about ~30,000 people died) under a movement called the Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance or the "Dirty War". As a matter of fact Jorge Rafael Videla, during this time, is quoted to say, "As many people as necessary must die in Argentina so that the country will again be secure.." Sadly this government sponsored war, which was backed by America, lasted until 1983 and left Argentina in economic ruins. And once again America profited, because it found another Nation-State willing to sell both its resources and labor for cheep.
Now given this history one might ask, "What is the significance of NGD?" Good question and here is the answer...
NGD represents a symbol (anyone who has read my posts knows how much I love symbols), in my mind, of a Nation-State that is starting to come out from under the economic and political oppression that was forced on it by the Western world because it dared to believe in an economic, governmental system which put its people before profits.
And although Argentina had to adapt to a capitalist economic system, its people still believe is socialist concepts and evidence of this NGD's decision to put in the fatigue system within their game. And bless you NGD!
Yet the fact that a corporation, such as NGD, can exist within Argentina shows that quality of life for Argentinians is starting to increase...
And in light of this NGD, people of Argentina I leave you with this one thought...
Know that America sits in the twilight of its hegemonic power over the world, for soon there shall came a great readjustment in world power...
These signs are everywhere and are hard to escape...
But know as one Nation decreases, others increase...
However, for Nations such as England, Australia and Japan...
I would be afraid, very afraid...
For your ties to the American dollar shall in turn cause your collapse!
Therefore, NGD my hats off to you!
And to Argentina god bless you!
On a side note, however, Argentinians you have one hot looking President. Yes, I like very much! :D
*And yes, other then wiki numbers, this was penned by me with the knowledge I, believe I have, in Global Economic Theories and US relations with other Nation-States
Edits denoted by *'s