View Full Version : No text in "How To Play" box

06-03-2008, 08:39 AM
Hi, a newbie player here,

When I click the in-game question mark icon near the bottom-left of the screen, the "How To Play" box appears with its tabs, but no text ever appears in the box. Sorry if this is a known problem, I did search the forum but couldn't find any references to it.

I'm running on Windows XP SP3 with 3GB of ram and an XFX 7600GT video board, and I'm on a 1Mbps broadband connection. Everything else in the game seems to be operative and as far as I know there are no other problems with the computer.

Thanks in advance for any assistance,


06-03-2008, 10:41 AM

Anyway, like I said in that thread I posted above, its been left undone since before ive been playing, thats longer than a year.

New players are helpless and don't know what to do,

How hard can it be to write a paragraph or two on how to play, and theres been a years time... :confused:

06-03-2008, 01:43 PM
Thanks, and apologies for not finding that thread myself. John

06-03-2008, 06:42 PM
As far as I remember that box been empty ever since the game went official for about 1 year now and still nothing there in the "How to play" section in-game.

06-03-2008, 11:56 PM
The game is settling after a year, at least on the initial steps. So, we are about to start writing a small introduction to the game interface and options.
