View Full Version : Graphic problem.

06-14-2008, 02:45 PM
Glaurung has this sort of problem:

Although he tried installing new drivers, reinstalling Regnum and stuff like that, it still happens every time he logs in

How to help?

06-14-2008, 07:58 PM
i had the same problem.. i just changed the render to openGL and now everything is back to normal

06-16-2008, 07:18 PM
Hi Pizdzius,

As Zaul said, the problem can be solved by changing your renderer to OpenGL. We are working to solve this texture problems under Direct3D, and hopefully have a proper update soon.


06-21-2008, 05:57 AM
Well, i experience this problem (too) since last update, after connecting it appears 5-30mn later !:rale:

the screens :
http://imgs.imagup.com/member2/1214022915_screenshot-2008-06-07-02_30.jpg (http://www.imagup.com/img/execid/181752.html)

http://imgs.imagup.com/member2/1214022930_screenshot-2008-06-20-21_42.jpg (http://www.imagup.com/img/execid/181754.html)

So i reinstalled RO client, updated Directx, Nvidia drivers (Geforce 8500gt here), etc .. nothing helped ! :fury:
I was almost doubting of my hardware but this couldn't be ( i know we never know).

Well .. only one thing : PLAYING AMUN SERVER ! so i guess it's more about the host than the client ?..

Yes, we can play in OpenGl but .. well .. i don't really get the same fps rate ! 260 (direct3D) at the 'choosing character' window to 60 (Opengl), and it's getting worst with a lag from a war ...

Please, do 'heal the beast' !
