View Full Version : Black void after into movie.

06-15-2008, 04:37 PM
only started today never had problems since last easter after the into movie i get a black screen and need to re-boot

only new thing on my Pc is i defragged my drive would this have any effect?

my PCs system info:

windows XP home ed 2002, service pack 2
intel celeron CPU 3.06Ghz, 504 MB of RAM

edit: help... please...?

06-15-2008, 10:30 PM
Okay am posting this on behalf of tyron......... he had a scenery crash and had to totally reboot his comp. He tried to get back to the game but got the black void or was told that he was already logged in.

He had to change computers to get back to the game....... his user name is Andaaron


06-16-2008, 08:26 AM
that just sucks ass... im trying a re-download...

problem solved i deleated the live folder then started the game so that it would do a redownload and thats worked fine ^^