View Full Version : Truce!

06-30-2008, 01:21 AM
[In-Character, but I still mean it :hat: ]

From Ignis Embassy in Alsius Prime, to Alsius Ruling Party

Dear Honorable Dwarven and Uthgar Masters,

This letter is presented to you today with hopes of forming a momentery truce between our great nations.

As of late, the state of affairs between the three nations of Regnum has slowly been tipping into Syrtis favor. Many of the finest champions and heros of Alsius, and Ignis have defended to the death our respective territories, but have been unable to keep Syrtis zerglings [horde] contained. As you know, Syrtis is naturally gifted with plentiful resources, and their population booms according to the surplus of supplies. We have been dealt by the hands of the gods to trim such a population.

Simply, Syrtis has become a pest, a vermin, upon our lands. We ask for your cooperation, oh Masters, in the only course of action for dealing with such a pest.

Extermination. With extreme prejudice.

Articles of Truce:

1. This is a temporary agreement for the month of July.
2. Alsius and Ignis forces are not to engage in combat. They will, however move together to form Syrtis Hunting Groups, or Fort Attack/Defense Groups.
3. All Forts and the Castle of Syrtis will go to each nation on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each nation is responsible for taking back their own forts in their territories.
4. All Syrtis forces in the WarZone are to be hunted and eliminated.

If you agree to such terms, you will show a gesture of peace upon meeting Ignis forces. You will give a bow, and you will receive a bow.

We will appreciate your cooperation in this venture. And as proof of our honorable intensions, please look at 'Us' vs 'Them' attached to this letter

As heard and recorded from the divine angel Alita, by Saint Eseubius.

[Let the summer rumble begin ]

P.S. If anyone can translate this and pass it along that would be awesome!

06-30-2008, 01:51 AM
WAIT!!!........WHAT??!?!? Noooooo...........
I am but a simple Igni.....Brought up to believe that anything not RED is "To Be Killed on Sight!!"**(See Note) /me Checks Ignis handbook.......Yep...Sez so right on page 3. Can we make this a voting poll for Ignis and one likewise for Cabra...ahem....I mean....Alsius....es(??) to see how it goes over?

**...unless conned Hard, Very Hard or Impossible.

06-30-2008, 01:52 AM
pfff, bring it on, wusses :guitar: The stores aren't running out of arrows any time soon, and I bet you have just enough orifices for me to stick them to. And I will create many, many more :)

06-30-2008, 02:30 AM
pfff, bring it on, wusses :guitar: The stores aren't running out of arrows any time soon, and I bet you have just enough orifices for me to stick them to. And I will create many, many more :)

let them come! :syrtis: PWNz!!!!!!!! we can take u and another cuple realms! even dought we are the ""worst""

now why isnt your sig green SHOW YOUR PRIDE DANMIT make at least one letter green!

06-30-2008, 02:53 AM
I thought this truce has already started a month ago.

I was hunted down by 2 archers 3 days ago. 1 from Ignis and another from Alsius. Although they came from separate locations, I watched them part ways when I was dead.

A month ago, I noticed the 2 realms fighting us at Herbred. It wasn't a 3 way.

Anyways, yeah. Bring it on.

06-30-2008, 02:55 AM
I thought this truce has already started a month ago.

I was hunted down by 2 archers 3 days ago. 1 from Ignis and another from Alsius. Although they came from separate locations, I watched them part ways when I was dead.

A month ago, I noticed the 2 realms fighting us at Herbred. It wasn't a 3 way.

Anyways, yeah. Bring it on.

us alling with ignis made us worser imagine alling with alsius :lol: what they gonna do give extra rp xD

06-30-2008, 08:57 AM
If you stop taking pinos every 5 minutes it's fine with me. We both have our reasons to hate Syrtis. They banished your people because they were different and in that silly war the killed 'by accident' our leaders.(OC:read the part about Alsius where you choose realm in the character creation menu)

Let the slaughtering begin.

06-30-2008, 09:29 AM
I was there at Eferias with my barbarian, and what I can say is that it was totally lame. Fighting side by side with ennemies goes against the game design.

I already saw hunt from people of others realm, fighting togother. They can use the escapist spell to move faster than anyone. All I have to say is that it's lame.

It may happens that you accidentally helps an ennemy catching a runner. But helps in war like that: Good job Trullin you prooved again that Alsius isn't few but good, there are also lame in the ranks.

06-30-2008, 09:45 AM
I think its an awesome idea ...LETS KICK SOME SYRTIS ASS !!!

I think joining forces will show that we can fight side by side against the greenies...what say you Alsius ??? Unite and Conquer !!!

06-30-2008, 10:41 AM
Hmmm, Ignis just took pinos....

06-30-2008, 11:33 AM
Once we have wiped out the pixie elves, i call upon Ignis to help the Dwarves slaughter all goats and makes us the masters of Alsius!!


06-30-2008, 07:29 PM
[Well, killing of goats is another idea for another time ;P]

Just some replies to some of the comments.
1. I don't really believe it is against the game design, in fact if it was I shouldn't be able to post the above item. I just wanted to add alittle flavor to the game, since the best part of a MMORPG is the community.

2. Also, about RP...never crossed my mind. You lose some, you win some, but pwnage is forever! :devil:

3. This is an official truce that may take some time to sit with the whole nation, and not an ad-hoc event brought on by a single hunt.

4. Interracial action. Aside from working with complete strangers you can't talk to, I see alot of uh...half and halfs being made from the spoils of war (Piz-zy babies). You know what I mean :naughty:

And no, angels don't procreate :harhar:

06-30-2008, 07:43 PM
Me agrees to the terms

06-30-2008, 08:11 PM
Me agrees to the terms

now u my friend...DESERVE TO FUKIN DIE!!!!!!

I think its an awesome idea ...LETS KICK SOME SYRTIS ASS !!!

I think joining forces will show that we can fight side by side against the greenies...what say you Alsius ??? Unite and Conquer !!!

U PTPTPT, nice try but nop

If you stop taking pinos every 5 minutes it's fine with me. We both have our reasons to hate Syrtis. They banished your people because they were different and in that silly war the killed 'by accident' our leaders.(OC:read the part about Alsius where you choose realm in the character creation menu)

Let the slaughtering begin.

im trying to fix that about my realm, if u help me it will stop

06-30-2008, 09:20 PM
So, for the record, ALL my warlock crowd control spells go bye-bye??? The idea is fine for hunting but in fort wars(I think the main area for being Zerg'd) it would be disasterous....Well, except for caster :D RP++

06-30-2008, 09:28 PM
So, for the record, ALL my warlock crowd control spells go bye-bye??? The idea is fine for hunting but in fort wars(I think the main area for being Zerg'd) it would be disasterous....Well, except for caster :D RP++

this cant work

1 not everyone agrees
2 it can break at varius moments
3 your all PTs :sifflote:

now keep your ares u might need them, even in an alliance a SMART warlcok nows how to use them unless both armies are severly stupid...which is the case.

06-30-2008, 11:00 PM
this cant work

1 not everyone agrees
2 it can break at varius moments
3 your all PTs :sifflote:

Yeah I agree, but I hope the message spreads far enough to have an effect in the realms. There will be some interfighting, especially with people who never bother to read the post, or live in another time zone and not able to talk to someone who has read this.

3. If you are the Lord of PTs, I must take this as a compliment. Your noobishness knows no boundries, Lord.

06-30-2008, 11:14 PM
Honnestly, for me, hunting with other realms is unfair due to the escapist spell.

06-30-2008, 11:57 PM
Yeah I agree, but I hope the message spreads far enough to have an effect in the realms. There will be some interfighting, especially with people who never bother to read the post, or live in another time zone and not able to talk to someone who has read this.

3. If you are the Lord of PTs, I must take this as a compliment. Your noobishness knows no boundries, Lord.

im lord of the pts because even with all these pts, i been the biggest so far and still unchalenged!

@dracus: yea true but fort wars dnt matter WE PWN THEM ALL

07-01-2008, 07:56 AM
Not to forget our Spanish speaking brothers I've threaded into their fourms as


Let's hope someone could understand me :thumb_up:

07-01-2008, 10:22 AM
i was jsut talking in my clan about how big the greens are getting and how alsuis and ignis should join togather... to kill..

i guess i was late on the idea...
i agree....
ill let my clan know.

War Path

07-01-2008, 10:54 AM
Don't forget that the goats must die too...

07-01-2008, 10:58 AM
Don't forget that the goats must die too...
We need to kill the greens first before we can start a civil war, ok?

07-01-2008, 12:25 PM
Why not just all kill the game, like some people are trying to do.. NERF NERF NERF!

I don't want an alliance with Alsius or Syrtis, lets all just brawl. Yay.

07-01-2008, 02:57 PM
july will be month of pure joy playing in syrtis then =)

07-01-2008, 03:06 PM
july will be month of pure joy playing in syrtis then =)

I really enjoy each "Ignis has taken Aggersborg" and "Alsius has taken Menirah" messages from now on.

Truce won't work because of the greedy nature of the filty goats and necromancers.

07-01-2008, 03:49 PM
We need to kill the greens first before we can start a civil war, ok?
Yes, of course.

Use the goats to our advantage first, in order to kill the wood pixies.

Once done, we can achieve our secondary aim: death to all goats and supremecy over Alisus!

(The Nordos will be allowed to live, but will become our slaves...:biggrin: )

07-01-2008, 04:32 PM
/me is probably the only one that favors an alliance with Syrtis over Alsuis. If theres one place I'll never go, its Alsuis dammit :biggrin: Syrtians know how to party, and live, I feel like alot of the players in Alsuis are just... cold... uh... dull.... boring.... people.... *yawn*


The goats need all the help they can get :fingers:

Screw you, ill help my gay bretheren!

07-01-2008, 04:51 PM
/me is probably the only one that favors an alliance with Syrtis over Alsuis. If theres one place I'll never go, its Alsuis dammit :biggrin: Syrtians know how to party, and live, I feel like alot of the players in Alsuis are just... cold... uh... dull.... boring.... people.... *yawn*


The goats need all the help they can get :fingers:

Screw you, ill help my gay bretheren!

We don't know how to party?

07-01-2008, 05:05 PM
We don't know how to party?

Yes our parties in Syrtis central save are better, lot more dancers here. We also have the finest cider and nectars. We don't drink cheap frolated beers :)

07-01-2008, 08:23 PM
I already saw hunt from people of others realm, fighting togother. They can use the escapist spell to move faster than anyone.

One of the most overpowered tactics in the game, actually.

I went hunting in Alsius with an Ignis hunter and Marksman about a week ago. We had at least 40 kills by the time i died (in a very short span of time), and the only reason i died was because some dumb ass ignis pt came up and shot me from behind.


In retaliation i helped Inkster and a few other Cabras wipe out a big Ignis party at the Alsius Orc Camp. Revenge is sweet. ;)

PS: If the cabras and ignis want to fight together that's fine with me- it will largely preclude them using area attacks. :)


In character: Until now ye citizens of Alsius, you have been largely spared my fury. Fully 90% of my efforts have been directed at our evil neighbors to the East.

However, I pledge that should you systematically join arms against my beloved Syrtis with the inferior blue skinned elven swines, that you will feel my full wrath unleashed.

Of late i have put to the test of steel your hunter corps, and even in your own frozen homelands, they have not fared well. Many of your best have i slain in single combat. Many repeatedly.

Join with the twisted blue faced perversions of Elfdom, and the Queen of Daggers and her loyal Order shall show you why you rightly fear the night.


07-01-2008, 09:18 PM
In character: Until now ye citizens of Alsius, you have been largely spared my fury. Fully 90% of my efforts have been directed at our evil neighbors to the East.

However, I pledge that should you systematically join arms against my beloved Syrtis with the inferior blue skinned elven swines, that you will feel my full wrath unleashed.

Of late i have put to the test of steel your hunter corps, and even in your own frozen homelands, they have not fared well. Many of your best have i slain in single combat. Many repeatedly.

Join with the twisted blue faced perversions of Elfdom, and the Queen of Daggers and her loyal Order shall show you why you rightly fear the night.


Elves are known for their cowardly, so we are not really upset because of the fact that yet another clan joins in the endless failing assaults on our lines.

You want some? Come and get some.:nunchaku:

07-01-2008, 09:35 PM
Join with the dark elves, and indeed i shall. >:}

07-01-2008, 10:54 PM
That just show how weak you feel. Your both realms know they'll never win the war, so they unite to eliminate the greatest one.

Don't have enough energy for a threesome ? Poor you :D

07-01-2008, 11:00 PM

In character: Until now ye citizens of Alsius, you have been largely spared my fury. Fully 90% of my efforts have been directed at our evil neighbors to the East.

However, I pledge that should you systematically join arms against my beloved Syrtis with the inferior blue skinned elven swines, that you will feel my full wrath unleashed.

Of late i have put to the test of steel your hunter corps, and even in your own frozen homelands, they have not fared well. Many of your best have i slain in single combat. Many repeatedly.

Join with the twisted blue faced perversions of Elfdom, and the Queen of Daggers and her loyal Order shall show you why you rightly fear the night.


[Good Job In Character Val!]

Syrtians, Hear This!

You have played puppet master long enough. You have slain our leadership (Alsius), you have killed your own (Ignis), and you have driven those who could have been your compainions and allies into far-off lands no sentient being should live.

You have created this, and WE want revenge!

07-01-2008, 11:04 PM
Our OWN ? They colored their skins to prove they were NOT our own ! They don't even hug trees !

07-01-2008, 11:06 PM
[Good Job In Character Val!]

Syrtians, Hear This!

You have played puppet master long enough. You have slain our leadership (Alsius), you have killed your own (Ignis), and you have driven those who could have been your compainions and allies into far-off lands no sentient being should live.

You have created this, and WE want revenge!

Can't let you say that. Ignis are darkened necromancer who have given their souls for powers and a bunch of outlaws, their are not our people.

And so far your truce is totally not working HAHAHA :)

07-01-2008, 11:24 PM
That just show how weak you feel. Your both realms know they'll never win the war, so they unite to eliminate the greatest one.

Don't have enough energy for a threesome ? Poor you :D
hahahaha xD

07-03-2008, 01:17 AM
they are blue for alsius humper period, fuck them we doggy and tree style all u at once WHO WANTS TO CLIMB MY TRUNK!!! :metal: :lightsabre: suck on that pts....now swallow!

heres a leson if u guys want to beat syrtis: ok syrtis suxs and so do all of u but we do it best, no way u can beat us in that but do something else together...SWALLOW IT WHOLE! ;) 8inches