View Full Version : Two computers + ADSL Router + Regnum = Help!

07-09-2008, 03:49 PM
I have 2 computers that share ADSL connection (512/128) in my room. On my primary Regnum is running just fine, but when i dl and install Regnum client on the second one, its stuck at the loading screen...when u have to accept licence agreement.
Any suggestions on what should i do? Its not IP adress conflict, Internet works on both comps. Both comps have WinXP SP 2..

07-09-2008, 05:35 PM
Hi Ironfoot,

Do you have NAT enabled on your router? Which is its brand and model?


07-09-2008, 06:06 PM
D-Link DSL-524T
Ahem...i dont know what NAT is...explain like you would do to a noob ;) please.

07-09-2008, 06:20 PM
D-Link DSL-524T
Ahem...i dont know what NAT is...explain like you would do to a noob ;) please.

Well, you have to go to the Router Settings that can be accessed by putting in your navigator its IP address. You login with the proper user and pass.

It is important to check that the DHCP server is enabled and no manual IPs configured in both PCs. First make sure about this and then we'll continue.


07-09-2008, 06:52 PM
Ok i logged in router settings, DHCP is enabled, and on both PC's is "Obtain IP automatically' checked (under LAN dialog window).
And ofcourse firewall is off at both PC's.

07-09-2008, 06:53 PM
I have 2 computers that share ADSL connection (512/128) in my room. On my primary Regnum is running just fine, but when i dl and install Regnum client on the second one, its stuck at the loading screen...when u have to accept licence agreement.
Any suggestions on what should i do? Its not IP adress conflict, Internet works on both comps. Both comps have WinXP SP 2..

A better question is does the 2nd pc work with the game when the 1st pc is powered off? If does run the game then you could have a NAT problem. If you can't then more likely you have a problem with that 2nd pc running the game.

(N)etwork (A)ddress (T)ranslation is the process of modifying network address while in transit across a routing device for the purpose of remapping a given address into another. So it will take the IP address (i.e. and changes it to (in most cases for home networks) the public IP address of your router.

07-09-2008, 06:54 PM
I browsed the options in router, and NAT is enabled (even tough i dont know what that is).

07-09-2008, 07:06 PM
A better question is does the 2nd pc work with the game when the 1st pc is powered off? If does run the game then you could have a NAT problem. If you can't then more likely you have a problem with that 2nd pc running the game.

The pc's are independent.. But i tried turning the 1st off, and game launcher is still stuck at "Loading..."
This second pc's hardware is enough to run regnum without problems...I played it before on it, worked fine.
See, not that simple..Any ideas?

07-09-2008, 07:24 PM
I still need to know if the second PC is getting its IP address by DHCP (automatic) or manual input. ;)


07-09-2008, 07:50 PM
If this is windows....

Go to Start -> RUN
Type in cmd
Type in ipconfig
Post what u see

07-10-2008, 01:24 AM
OK. I just spend 4,5 hours with a friend trying to figure out this problem out. We done every possible thing, summon spirits, black magic, etc..
You know what the problem was??? F***ing ZONE ALARM instalation, that has been turned off ages ago, even from startup in Windows!!! A program that wasnt even running was the problem!
I uninstalled it and now it works fine.. Never ever install that dumb-ass prog ever again..
Thanks everyone who tried to help, if someone has this kind of problem, you know what to do. And delete it from regedit as well, lol. :fury: :fury: :fury:

07-14-2008, 06:53 PM
Zone alarm .... a dumb*** program?

Not on your life ............ if you are not running some kind of firewall, you need your head examined. If using a router, then you are running a firewall, Zone alarm is 1 of the most trusted and widely used firewalls known. I've been using it since it's inception, and never had an issue. It's also gotten some people banned from their ISP, for trying to hack into other people's pc, it does it's job. Maybe, it wasn't set correctly, if you need help with it, give me a scream, I know it inside and out. I wouldn't be caught dead without it. I only does what it's told to. But, as you said, it will stop alot of things from getting out, or getting in, which is what a firewall is supposed to do. If you have any doubts....try going to GRC.com and do a scan .......it will let you know if you have a "backdoor" open. Trust me, with Zone Alarm ..... no way in.