View Full Version : Who is the best warjurer in Regnum ?!
Here in this topic you can vote, who is in your opinion the best warjurer in regnum. Some good I know are listed if you want to vote another one vote "others" and post the name
07-18-2008, 04:27 PM
I'll say Wyatt when he uses his Zarkit. He uses it but no mental skills just support skills so he buffs his zarkit heals etc so it wont die, and he can heal everybody with hp DI and what not.
07-18-2008, 04:35 PM
Best warjurer I saw was Rangox but the best hybrid I saw was Valour.
07-18-2008, 07:13 PM
Best Warjuror is Valour. He is pain in the ass in front line, and keep healing allies.
07-18-2008, 07:23 PM
Using mental spells doesnt make you a warjurer.....
A warjurer spent points in attack skills and uses at least the 60% of the skills on the enemies.
Its the same stupid stament as the one who says support conjurers cant use mental skills.
07-18-2008, 07:31 PM
Best Warjurer is Rangox for sure.
07-18-2008, 09:13 PM
lol wonder if GIGO read this yet :biggrin:
07-18-2008, 09:17 PM
Gigo=best warjurer that i know lol
07-19-2008, 12:11 AM
Hmm, 60% attack eh?
Axe, no doubt in my mind
07-19-2008, 12:46 AM
i want it to duble and axe, we hadnt had out PvP yet but we do have encountered. he is a tought batle ill give u that much but he doesnt share; i had to figure out from him the art of using a conjus defensive powers ofensively like alot of ignitian warjus do and keep it withing realm likke i do to syrtis.
the alsirian warjus are simple, use the neviroment but if u get them in an open empty field they are screwed, they also use the big spells like edvin, TM and sultar. but if those fail and are in cool down u are fucked so they become desparete.
i will NEVER share the syrtian warju strategy in these forums until i pass on my title.
now im voting for axe hoping if he sees this he will do the same and at my grad we fight.....but for now its certenty just a matter of time and when.
/me starts leveling in preparation ITS ON....(starts strategizing and editing super lvl 50 warjurer set up.....fuck this is ahrd lol)
07-19-2008, 12:50 AM
wooah wooah wooah? valour a warju? his mental is up to silence not bad, and uses tremmor alot but NO ZARKIT.
get him here leme see hes set up basics hes just a tought suport conju to kill. i dont even think he got edvin!?!?!
guys a warjurer FIGHTS!!!!!!!!! lets make it realm based axe ignis, me syrtis and rangox for alsius but i think i never seen him fight much.
and um guys WTF u talking about I HEAL i never said i dont heal ever! im aginst that.
fuck this i like ranting im not voting till the end :P i wana see how this goes withou my vote ;)
07-19-2008, 01:10 AM
*Arkenion voted for GIGO \o/
How can anybody seriously vote anything other than "Others". :looking:
Btw, lately Ink and myself stole zarkits from Gigo at Aggers.
07-19-2008, 02:37 AM
Well, I'm not in the list, so I voted 'other'. But maybe I don't count anyway since I consider myself a support warjurer.
07-19-2008, 03:03 AM
How can anybody seriously vote anything other than "Others". :looking:
Btw, lately Ink and myself stole zarkits from Gigo at Aggers.
remember in syrtis central I HANDED U zarkits to kill the ignitans sice syrtis couldnt....WTF i want a refund, the ignitians killed u and i had to BJ syrtis to come and help. :rale:
im thinking about others, since fighting another warju is easy! i rarely find good fights but i forget names and they are not on this list.
i think we need an event: 1 a willing admin in amun (kidnap surak plan under way) so we can all be lvl 50s. and 2 a time and place a nice crowed ect ect.
event basicly :biggrin: . im fixing ultimate warjurer set up for lvl 50 and looking for a nice balanced spot
BTW- im not taking the best warju out my title till some one beats me to it, either way IM BEST OF SYRTIS!!! :banana: so comon take it from me!! INK LOCKS ARE NOT WARJUS UR PTs!!!!!!!!
I voted others because all I see when warjurers fight is a warlock stealing their zarkit. I have a conjurer with a zarkit and the ONLY time I use that zarkit is when I'm leveling (cause I'm only 45). When in a fight I drop the zarkit quickly so it doesn't get used against me and concetrate on DIs, heals, and mana.
Wars (and fort wars) have plenty of warriors but it doesn't have enough conjurers looking out for the big guns.
07-19-2008, 03:08 AM
I voted others because all I see when warjurers fight is a warlock stealing their zarkit. I have a conjurer with a zarkit and the ONLY time I use that zarkit is when I'm leveling (cause I'm only 45). When in a fight I drop the zarkit quickly so it doesn't get used against me and concetrate on DIs, heals, and mana.
Wars (and for wars) have plenty of warriors but it doesn't have enough conjurers looking out for the big guns.
this guy made a bad voting selection not ur fault. but u dnt make sence like me i understand but dnt vote.
majority of ppl not on this list suck patheticly rlly rlly bad!!!!!!!!! i killed an ignitian warjurer a while ago for 15rp (dont know level but im 46) i was leveling in swamp rested no zarkit and used the alsirian strategy aginst him then made zarkit to kill his and he used a very poor version of the ignitan strategy but no zarky to help him so he was fucked and i killed him.
i claped :)
/me recants vote and would like to vote for axe.
Remember some moons ago he caught me on an off day as Compoundious and beat me. Outside of that - he's the only "warjurer" I have ever died to...and I don't think I did after that day.
So, whatever Axe gets.....add one more to it.
07-19-2008, 07:01 AM
Well guys thanks for some votes and thanks gigo. Im sure we will fight someday, but I saw you all complaining about stolen zarkits and the only thing I can say to this is "??" My never get stolen because I use Divine Intervation on it
07-19-2008, 08:01 AM
I havn't run into him in a while, and when i did it was only a few times, but Axe IMO had one hell of a good setup.
The best Syrtis Warjuror is Korrigan IMO, though he's really a hybrid. For pure Warjuror, i'll go with Gigo, King of spam.
My fav warju is Nepa! \o/
Well she is not real warju, has a Zarkit but all other conju goodnes that saved my ass many times in many tough situations.
So then.... I know Dixer and Axe from wars. Maybe those 2, dunno :)
07-19-2008, 11:23 AM
Valour is the best!!!:metal:
07-19-2008, 11:28 AM
I voted GIGO, just because he got mad when I didn't vote for him as best conj XD
07-19-2008, 04:31 PM
ok WTF is this????????
now suport conjus trying to get here, laleja ur a suporter not a fighter i never seen u fight. and valour comon he hates warjus!!!!!
ok we seriusly need a warjurer meating; a warjurer fights just because u got litle mental and use tremmor ur NOT a warju.
remember ppl, warjurers fight. axe, im not sure bout ut set up. in herb the other day u were only healing and not powers out of u that do damege.
(yea i died since syrtis was eating shit and more ignis came BUT WTF y didnt u fight?)
and remember ppl, DI doesnt last ofr ever zarky is vanurable and conjus are more important.
07-19-2008, 04:38 PM
ok WTF is this????????
now suport conjus trying to get here, laleja ur a suporter not a fighter i never seen u fight. and valour comon he hates warjus!!!!!
ok we seriusly need a warjurer meating; a warjurer fights just because u got litle mental and use tremmor ur NOT a warju.
remember ppl, warjurers fight. axe, im not sure bout ut set up. in herb the other day u were only healing and not powers out of u that do damege.
(yea i died since syrtis was eating shit and more ignis came BUT WTF y didnt u fight?)
and remember ppl, DI doesnt last ofr ever zarky is vanurable and conjus are more important.
They have no idea what a warjurer is XD
(GIGO btw, do you use Staff Mastery? :P)
Gigo you suffer from megalomania.
Sorry but i can't take anybody with a forum signature like yours seriously.
07-19-2008, 06:07 PM
They have no idea what a warjurer is XD
(GIGO btw, do you use Staff Mastery? :P)
yea, in my opinion its only good if u can get it maxxed if not dont do it.
eli2 :fungers: U!!!!!!!!!!!
07-19-2008, 09:07 PM
korrigan is good...but there are no "good" warjurers^^
07-19-2008, 10:35 PM
korrigan is good...but there are no "good" warjurers^^
No. They're all very evil.
07-19-2008, 11:34 PM
Gigo you suffer from megalomania.
Sorry but i can't take anybody with a forum signature like yours seriously.
Bwehehehhehehehheheheheheheheeh, Ohh man that cracked me up :superpusso:
07-20-2008, 12:08 AM
korrigan is good...but there are no "good" warjurers^^
wana PvP already ptpt? hus da biggest pt wars comon BRING IT!!!! :lightsabre:
07-20-2008, 12:35 PM
I still think gigo is the best warjurer cuz he knows it and i know it.
07-20-2008, 04:55 PM
Technically the class of warjurer does not exist in this game
(before you say yes it does, show me the warjurer npc trainer)
Making this poll pointless ^^
If however it was a poll for wannabe Warlock that would be different :biggrin:
Technically the class of warjurer does not exist in this game
(before you say yes it does, show me the warjurer npc trainer)
Making this poll pointless ^^
If however it was a poll for wannabe Warlock that would be different :biggrin:
07-20-2008, 05:34 PM
Technically the class of warjurer does not exist in this game
(before you say yes it does, show me the warjurer npc trainer)
Making this poll pointless ^^
If however it was a poll for wannabe Warlock that would be different :biggrin:
hilarious XD
I haven't really encountered any warjurers, well I encountered one warjurer from alsius, took me a couple of seconds to kill but can't remember his name, he tried to run away (lol foo')
the only warjurer I know is gigo and I haven't noticed him in battle really, I guess it's because he's a fort war dude while I'm mostly hunting.
07-20-2008, 06:24 PM
wana PvP already ptpt? hus da biggest pt wars comon BRING IT!!!! :lightsabre:
you are...:biggrin:
07-20-2008, 07:07 PM
Technically the class of warjurer does not exist in this game
(before you say yes it does, show me the warjurer npc trainer)
Ok, these are the warjurer Trainers
07-20-2008, 07:22 PM
Ok, these are the warjurer Trainers
The 2nd picture is awesome. XD
07-20-2008, 08:10 PM
ok WTF is this????????
now suport conjus trying to get here, laleja ur a suporter not a fighter i never seen u fight. and valour comon he hates warjus!!!!!
I am a supporter, that's true. But I fight as well. Just because I don't use a Zarkit doesn't mean I don't. And I think staff mastery is way more effective.
I am a supporter, that's true. But I fight as well. Just because I don't use a Zarkit doesn't mean I don't. And I think staff mastery is way more effective.
By far I agree....a conjurer with a zarkit is a pain yes...but kill the zarkit and the conjurer will go soon after. Usually...I stalk them and wait for them to re-cast for the zarkit...then I ambush em :D Wasted mana - yay!!
07-20-2008, 09:06 PM
There is no such thing as a warjurer.
07-20-2008, 11:37 PM
Ok, these are the warjurer Trainers
:wub2: ILY GoS u pwn!!! u pwn gold and platnum!!! :metal:
now the npc in the 2nd pic is a bitch!! NAWT :lightsabre: :guitar:
07-20-2008, 11:46 PM
dude ppls....
laleja its not using a zarkit...its that ur not a fighter, sure the other day u busted mmy ass in pinos but ur not a fighter. you are a suport conju, a warjurer is a straught our fighter that suports as 2nd dary so valour and laleja ARE NOT WARJURERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ink u dip sht...warjurers is an invented class not by me but i sure know it well and almost better than everyone at it.
@ AWD: running away is auseful alsirian strategy because u turn at last second to ambush the enemy when they are of guard and ur ready but it only works on ignitans aperently and some alsirians...syrtis is the master of running like litle PTs
edge and red pt..i out PT both of u and PvP cowards!!!!! :fury:
anyone with a problem just friking pvp loosers...awd ill go hunting with u.
remember ppl...a warjurer is a fighter (but ur not of the huck pts u got to heal also)
and awd GoP has a warjurer, hes name is mydrin or somehting like that :P
07-21-2008, 01:35 AM
Now now Gigo, how can i be a dipshit when you supply substandard items like this?
(taken at Pinos a couple of days ago)
Baaaaaaah! :horsey: :horsey: :horsey:
07-21-2008, 02:13 AM
What is a warjurer in your opinion? For me a support conjurer is only one who uses only support and tactical spells, no intention to do any damage, though some spells (ivy/evendim) might do. Apart from those there are still two kinds: The offensive support build with either high lv mental, a summon, or magnifications and those who don't even put supporting as first priority.
I guess only the last sort is what you call a warjurer, but exactly the last sort are just noobs and people who have chosen the wrong subclass but don't want to start a 2nd char. There are some good players with offensive support build. From what I've seen, Laleja's setup isn't that bad, 400 dmg from a medium staff really hurts (on the other hand you were imo once a really good, maybe even the best full supporter in Syrtis, far better than *some* of your clanmates which have played longer; you don't know how shocked I felt when you first hit me with that staff, and it really wasn't because of my hp :p )
I voted others because I think that the guys mentioned there are on an absolute scale just not good enough to get such a title. Maybe from all active 100% warjurers the best one is in on that list, but I guess there are plenty support conjurers who would be a better warjurer with a simple change of setup because they master the class, movement in pvp and the use of tactical spells better. Many supporters have once leveled as warjurers and defended themselves all the time, so support conju doesn't mean not being able to play offensive.
07-21-2008, 02:21 AM
I (?)
No..... Lenah, Pepita conjuradora, Morrigan, Exilius, And Gimli :sifflote:
07-21-2008, 02:21 AM
Now now Gigo, how can i be a dipshit when you supply substandard items like this?
(taken at Pinos a couple of days ago)
Baaaaaaah! :horsey: :horsey: :horsey:
Bug -.- :wish:
07-21-2008, 02:30 AM
not a bug, I saw it with my own eyes, that is with Kath's eyes xD
07-21-2008, 02:33 AM
not a bug, I saw it with my own eyes, that is with Kath's eyes xD
xD jejejejeje
07-21-2008, 05:57 AM
EDIT: It was kind off early, so I overlooked.
(on the other hand you were imo once a really good, maybe even the best full supporter in Syrtis
Thanks, Kathris. But what do you mean by "once"? I still have the same level of support, maybe even more than before I changed my setup.
I completely agree with you about warjurers.
And, no, I don't think I am a warjurer, I wouldn't want to be counted with those. My first post wasn't meant entirely seriously:
But maybe I don't count anyway since I consider myself a support warjurer.
BTW, have you seen those pictures?
07-21-2008, 12:28 PM
My comment to that picture: OMG! I guess he was using berserk, under DS and sudden strike ?!(This message has to contain at least 10 characters :/)
07-21-2008, 12:46 PM
Was not a bug as Kathris said, Gigo cast a summons at pinos fort, i stole it, he cast another Eli stole it. The elves were promptly dispatched from the fort leaving us both with a souvenir
Was not a bug as Kathris said, Gigo cast a summons at pinos fort, i stole it, he cast another Eli stole it. The elves were promptly dispatched from the fort leaving us both with a souvenir
I said it before and I'll say it again...
07-21-2008, 01:40 PM
and awd GoP has a warjurer, hes name is mydrin or somehting like that :P
he's not a warjurer, just using it for levelling :)
07-21-2008, 01:41 PM
Damned I should have taken a screenshot of the wall at that fight it was so %&@****!!!!!. Like 10-20 ppl standing in a row there, and yet they sucked so hard. Normally you rather feel like making your testament in that situation, but it was only syrtis :biggrin:
07-21-2008, 01:50 PM
I might make a fool of myself speaking about the class I know the less, but really I won't ever cast a zarkit for a fight. To level Ok it helps, but to fight I know too well what a warlock can do with it and how fast a barbarian will ruined it.
Gigo, before trying to fix Syrtis clan like INQ that is a great clan with great players, you'd better look at your fighting style. We have very good conjurors in Syrtis (Rana, Laleja, puntacana, Gotten, Galynn, Darknesslady, etc.)* And i never see them giving Zarkits to ennemies.
IMHO a good conju in war must have max life, some mentals (mind push is really useful), SM to 15 for mana comm, and lots of sorcery for self protections. But as I said it's my non conjuror PoV. I played a little with Lena's conjuror at lvl 31. And you have lots to do even with a low level. And you are not that weak I can assure you.
* Sorry for all conjurors that i've forgotten :(
07-21-2008, 02:44 PM
A smart conjurer is one that can't be killed, for instance it takes 30 men to kill 1 Valour. Thats how people should play.
edge and red pt..i out PT both of u and PvP cowards!!!!! :fury:
Still waiting, after 1 year of playing I only saw you once, and it was on my Syrtis character.... really suprised we've never met.
07-21-2008, 02:59 PM
he's not a warjurer, just using it for levelling :)
But he wasn't leveling at pines for when 2 zarkits were captured, nor was he leveling when a similar event happened later at herbred ^^
07-21-2008, 04:46 PM
A smart conjurer is one that can't be killed, for instance it takes 30 men to kill 1 Valour. Thats how people should play.
Still waiting, after 1 year of playing I only saw you once, and it was on my Syrtis character.... really suprised we've never met.
every time i go to war i look for u :ohill: only saw 3 times in gmae
07-21-2008, 04:50 PM
Inkster I think Gigo is a good guy he just want to provide you with the finest Zarkit he can.
07-21-2008, 04:59 PM
Back when I was in Syrtis... when I was a level 25 Conjurer, I was a "minor" Warjurer. I had Life and Summon maxed, with some Mental and Mana Control... I was like that on the basis that I could heal in Fort Wars, but I wouldn't be helpless if I was attacked by someone. No one really likes being helpless afterall :biggrin:. However, I was still helpless because I was level 25, lol :\
07-21-2008, 05:10 PM
Back when I was in Syrtis... when I was a level 25 Conjurer, I was a "minor" Warjurer. I had Life and Summon maxed, with some Mental and Mana Control... I was like that on the basis that I could heal in Fort Wars, but I wouldn't be helpless if I was attacked by someone. No one really likes being helpless afterall :biggrin:. However, I was still helpless because I was level 25, lol :\
You'll always find a situation where you will be helpless in WZ. Even with my level 50 hunter it happens. Revive pet in cooldown, and confused level 5 by a marksman I can tell you that this is like let's try to hurt him a bit but you know you won't do anything good because all your controls spells aren't available, and you don't have your full firepower against a highly damaging class.
Same with my level 50 barbarians sometimes I'm involved in lost battles I just try to take someone down with me knowing It's almost impossible that happens.
07-21-2008, 05:44 PM
every time i go to war i look for u :ohill: only saw 3 times in gmae
there there :ohill:
We'll party someday son..... someday
07-22-2008, 12:17 AM
there there :ohill:
We'll party someday son..... someday
i say red pt today :( Y WERENT U DERE! :fury:
we were taking turns in my friends house playingdiferent games. but i had to exit soon cus they suck at RO :/
were u on? red TELL ME!!!!!!!!!
i miss u wen i go to die like a pt i dont see company from the other realms :(
BACK ON TOPIC!!!!!!!!!
ok i searched some warjuriring, with google translate i found out some german dush bag killed our reputation because ""this dumbass preaches doing alot of damege with a conjurer is warjurer" and fuck this idiot has heal self in 1 and never uses it.....they called him Mr A (i used google translate dont ask me WTF because im having a hard time figureing out). well anyways tell him i wana whup his ass PLEASE!!!!!! hes another easy kill even for easy mobs. -on a side not, acording to the code of warju, break the news for him that he inst a warju pleaseeee
now another thing. im sryy guys suport conjus are not warjus. warjus are primary fighters and secondary healers, u guys are aperently the oposite but i still love ya.
and now for the fenaly, to avoid whinners each realm will have a warju candidate to fight for their realm (since they are the best warju there now for the RO title). so guesing it would be me vs axe and that alsirian guy. well have fun, it will be an honor dying to axe so i can get his ass latter at lvl 50, that cow guy IDC :P
07-22-2008, 12:59 AM
Can't you understand that warjuror is a pejorative term, it's negative. And of course a warjuror with his bloody summon is almost always useless in war. You are only providing zarkits to warlocks, and that's stupid. Screenshot with Eli and Inkster possessing your two Zarkit would have totally shamed me If I were you.
Now try to fix whatever you want, but start looking by your playing style and team play.
07-22-2008, 02:33 PM
Can't you understand that warjuror is a pejorative term, it's negative. And of course a warjuror with his bloody summon is almost always useless in war. You are only providing zarkits to warlocks, and that's stupid. Screenshot with Eli and Inkster possessing your two Zarkit would have totally shamed me If I were you.
Now try to fix whatever you want, but start looking by your playing style and team play.
i know warjuror is a negative part of it.
now how long does a warlock last with my somons? the longgest probaly 40mins until its gone and thats because my DI are on conjus and other players, zarkys are last on my list.
and for those of u that find this hard to belive...i do get DIed but doesnt afect zarky which suxs and i do kill warlocks/jurers with somon even if its mines because if u fight right the somon isnt rlly a problem.
INK + ELI, i will be more than happy to pvp and die to one of u then give u ur ovious prive........just to make u work for it and try :fingers:
@dracus, i did learn from was more of a journy for me than others.....i know what to change but change comes slow, slower than laggy updates
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