View Full Version : Why NGD won't have any more money from me
08-03-2008, 02:39 PM
I'm sick of constantly facing people that are abusing of the 3D engine of regnum to defeat you or to escape from you [1] [2] [3]. It's been reported for so long and nothing is done.
You only change camo after 6 long month of complaints. Getting status of war on the wap every programmers in the community has done it. I send an email about the rock climbing abuser, I do not recieved any answer and Gimli's post and mine were suppressed from the forum.
I feel like you don't consider our opinion as valuable, so I'll keep playing to cost you money for servers, but I won't give you any more money till I see something changing in your way of dealing with clients.
[1] Position bug or whatever at ruins near Central market.
[2] Rock climbing use to shoot at people.
[3] Whatever with facing bug.
08-03-2008, 02:44 PM
The last patch alone imo made me buy a new pack of ximerin. Gameplay lag improved a fuckload lot. I am always sceptical about NGD, and this whole new server seems like another one of those money-grubbing things they would do, but in the end, the game is (yeah, slowly) getting better, and I consider my money well spent.
Oh, and btw, I had the same problem with you months ago, and people said it is not cheating:
PS: Wow, I just checked the topic again, looks like the user who did it was banned. Heh, looks like NGD thinks it's cheating after all? :P
08-03-2008, 02:48 PM
From the first picture i have seen this and it was simply a positioning bug
the other 2 pics why do you have the need to whine about people climbing rocks?
Is it simply the fact you cannot do it yourself
rock climbing isnt a bug abuse
its a hobby ^^
08-03-2008, 03:00 PM
sadly, i am with gph.
There are many bugs and anoyances that should be fixed before, and some development concepts are very weird to me. Think of the "disconnecton dizziness" for example. It's a bad solution to a problem that has existed ever. Game crashes.
I don't use to talk abour balance and balance teamwork, but it's a failed attempt to my thoughs.
And so...
I think my next Xime will come from the video contest. :)
Woah, it's being so hard to write this down in english! Sorry about mistakes. I'm trying. It's not easy to write in a language that you don't know very well.
Ironic at the end, but true.
08-03-2008, 03:05 PM
Hi gph,
The mail you sent on Friday was checked and communicated. The answer isn't already sent because we are deliberating what to do with this kind of issues. Now it's weekend and, of course, I'm at home reading this and clearing this up.
The threads were deleted because they broke one of the forum regulations (
In-game abuse or bad behavior reports can't be posted in this forums, for such issues there is an e-mail to post them:
I am sorry that you felt unattended and we'll do everything to make a better service for our customers. The only thing I request to users is that they must know that we have office hours and they are from 9 am to 5 pm (GMT-3), Monday to Friday.
Some answers have their delay, I know you deserve a quick answer, but we are doing everything we can. Anyways, everytime you find something you believe we are lacking, please comment it to
08-03-2008, 03:08 PM
office hours and they are from 9 am to 5 pm (GMT-3), Monday to Friday.
(singing badly) working 9 to 5 what a way to make a living ... (sorry)
08-03-2008, 03:13 PM
(singing badly) working 9 to 5 what a way to make a living ... (sorry)
As many of us in NGD, I leave the offices at 7...
08-03-2008, 03:20 PM
I know this is off topic but with regards to on this point 1 on this link
forum regulations (
Does that mean i cant call Compost a huge pile of steaming yeti poo? :sifflote:
(rules was a closed thread so i couldn't ask that there)
08-03-2008, 03:22 PM
Does that mean i cant call Compost a huge pile of steaming yeti poo? :sifflote:
(rules was a closed thread so i couldn't ask that there)
A compost can be that, the question is "Who claims to be a compost". :)
08-03-2008, 03:24 PM
Lol, we all have our bad days. Anyway, im totally against people using rock climbing to escape someone, how is that suppossed to be funny? Its not tactic, its not some freaking skill lol, its abusing a glitch in the game.
Are we all suppossed to learn how to climb tree's and rocks, and where we can hide? Because I see more and more of this lately, if this is considered skill, then pfft, call me George W. Bush
08-03-2008, 03:25 PM
A compost can be that, the question is "Who claims to be a compost". :)
Compost is no less than our lovable Compoundious :wub2:
:edit: btw George it does take some skill to climb the trees and rocks, test it out
08-03-2008, 03:45 PM
A compost can be that, the question is "Who claims to be a compost". :)
:metal: admin-spam is awsome!!!
back on topic: no ofense ignis but u guys been using this buug alooot!! in stone the tower is bugged if u ""climb it" and then we can atk you guys while fasing you but some of u done this axidentaly.
in my opinion nahue the famos ignitian bugger dough banned left an ever last impresion on the ignitian realm...
08-03-2008, 03:56 PM
According to the forum regulations this thread should be deleted or at least the links to the pictures should be deleted.
In-game abuse or bad behavior reports can't be posted in this forums, for such issues there is an e-mail to post them:
That's why. So gph abused the forum regulations right now. I dunno what is worst, climbing rocks or violate the forum rules.
I recommend to calm down a bit dracus.
regards by an overpowered marksman...
08-03-2008, 04:19 PM
According to the forum regulations this thread should be deleted or at least the links to the pictures should be deleted.
That's why. So gph abused the forum regulations right now. I dunno what is worst, climbing rocks or violate the forum rules.
I recommend to calm down a bit dracus.
regards by an overpowered marksman...
I though it wasn't bad behaviour ... thanks to proove my point.
08-03-2008, 04:23 PM
I though it wasn't bad behaviour ... thanks to proove my point.
u got lucky >.< ...... lets not start with mii
08-03-2008, 04:25 PM
I though it wasn't bad behaviour ... thanks to proove my point.
The complaint is correct, only if you delete those screenshot links. :)
Believe me...if I could rename my character I would call him Compost.....because many think I'm a steaming pile of poo I'm sure :D
08-05-2008, 04:21 AM
The last patch alone imo made me buy a new pack of ximerin. Gameplay lag improved a fuckload lot. I am always sceptical about NGD, and this whole new server seems like another one of those money-grubbing things they would do, but in the end, the game is (yeah, slowly) getting better, and I consider my money well spent.
I honestly have to say that IMO in many ways the game is moving backwards.
08-05-2008, 09:07 AM
The last patch alone imo made me buy a new pack of ximerin. Gameplay lag improved a fuckload lot. I am always sceptical about NGD, and this whole new server seems like another one of those money-grubbing things they would do, but in the end, the game is (yeah, slowly) getting better, and I consider my money well spent.
Oh, and btw, I had the same problem with you months ago, and people said it is not cheating:
PS: Wow, I just checked the topic again, looks like the user who did it was banned. Heh, looks like NGD thinks it's cheating after all? :P
Not banned because placing herself on high places where you can't kill the char to get your so important rp's Miraculix... Once again, no ban for it.
You better get info before using what it takes to get what you want...
Banned for account steal, as you can see in the thread:
/me Getting tired of so much demagogy in the forums. :sleep_1:
08-05-2008, 09:16 AM
Not banned because placing herself on high places where you can't kill the char to get your so important rp's Miraculix... Once again, no ban for it.
This sarcasm is not good. Players are abusing some things in game and we don't see any reaction. And such answer encourage some of them to do this cause NGD see nothing wrong with it.
08-05-2008, 09:44 AM
No sarcasm at all, calling things by their names.
It's not a matter of encouraging to anything. Trying to get ban for a player who climbs to a particular place is exagerated, even more if you are using words as "honor" while a big hunting party tries to get a single char.
Okey this might not be clear enough: I never said she was cheating. I asked if what she did was considered cheating. If I thought it was 100% cheating I might have reported it, or not. Either way, there wouldn't be a post about it probably.
The only thing I said was that imo tactics like these are lame. Because: She did not hide BEHIND a rock, or climb at some spot where we could not see her. We COULD see her, and we SHOULD be able to shoot at her. We just couldn't because of an obvious game bug.
That's why I thought this might be considered cheating, but I wasn't sure, so I asked here. And it seems that the majority of people think it is not cheating. So, once again, I'm sorry for all the trouble Beo, and thanks everyone for clearing it up.
I continue to say the same: it's not cheating, come back and use the ban affair (btw, happy to see that account stealers gets banned)... is just demagogy.
08-05-2008, 10:14 AM
I continue to say the same: it's not cheating, come back and use the ban affair (btw, happy to see that account stealers gets banned)... is just demagogy.
And still say that walking inside or on solid objects is cheating. It is low profile/sanctuary for free. It is giving advantage over others.
08-05-2008, 10:17 AM
And still say that walking inside or on solid objects is cheating. It is low profile/sanctuary for free. It is giving advantage over others.
Climbing rocks and hiding in tree's is becoming necessary to play war apparently? You must know how to climb up a tree to escape your enemy? I don't think they were put there for the reason most people use them for now.
08-05-2008, 11:07 AM
And still say that walking inside or on solid objects is cheating. It is low profile/sanctuary for free. It is giving advantage over others.
Both cases are not the same, I think it's pretty obvious. Why you put it here? (Big D again)
In miraculix thread is climbing, not entering into objects. In yours it seems positioning bug again, and it seems it's just for you. Anyway, both threads points at first to players... Bad habit.
Asking ban using the forum or trying to blame someone as cheaters on forum is not the way. There's a mail you can use for it.
Most of the times this threads can't be considered as cheating, but names got dirty already. Shame.
08-05-2008, 11:16 AM
Both cases are not the same, I think it's pretty obvious. Why you put it here?
Xuk case is not position problem same as bicho. It is using solid objects for getting advantage. Xuk climbed on rock and waited there for ppl and when it was to hot he just walked 2 steps back. Bicho used flor as rock, tree. All climbing and walking inside objects is the same. In a matter a fact cimbing is walking inside object. That is why we have not facing information IMVHO. And it is bug abusing if you like it or not.
08-05-2008, 11:26 AM
Xuk case is not position problem same as bicho. It is using solid objects for getting advantage. Xuk climbed on rock and waited there for ppl and when it was to hot he just walked 2 steps back. Bicho used flor as rock, tree. All climbing and walking inside objects is the same. In a matter a fact cimbing is walking inside object. That is why we have not facing information IMVHO. And it is bug abusing if you like it or not.
Lol, Bicho seems a positioning bug as the one on fort towers. When you see other's char "standing in the air" in previous level to top, while he's in fact at the top. (some others bugger's-busters posted on spanish forum calling other players cheaters for it...)
Btw, it happens a lot with mobs too (what big cheaters these mobs are... they should get banned!! :superpusso: )
"Using solid objects for getting advantage". You mean running around a tree? A rock? Using high places to hit and not get hit by warriors? Entering into a fort?
"And it is bug abusing if you like it or not." ---> This explains everything, lol.
08-05-2008, 11:37 AM
"Using solid objects for getting advantage". You mean running around a tree? A rock? Using high places to hit and not get hit by warriors? Entering into a fort?
"And it is bug abusing if you like it or not." ---> This explains everything, lol.
Like it or not climbing a rock is using a bug. So climbing a rock to attack warriors is bug abusing clearly.
08-05-2008, 11:40 AM
Lol, Bicho seems a positioning bug as the one on fort towers. When you see other's char "standing in the air" in previous level to top, while he's in fact at the top. (some others bugger's-busters posted on spanish forum calling other players cheaters for it...)
Btw, it happens a lot with mobs too (what big cheaters these mobs are... they should get banned!! :superpusso: )
"Using solid objects for getting advantage". You mean running around a tree? A rock? Using high places to hit and not get hit by warriors? Entering into a fort?
"And it is bug abusing if you like it or not." ---> This explains everything, lol.
Mobs don't do that for purpose. I am not talking about runing around objects i am talking about geting not facing bug. Bicho case was before positioning problems came to RO and he done it twice there. I asume that you are one of those who walk inside rock to rest or cast area spell?
08-05-2008, 11:56 AM
Mobs don't do that for purpose. I am not talking about runing around objects i am talking about geting not facing bug. Bicho case was before positioning problems came to RO and he done it twice there. I asume that you are one of those who walk inside rock to rest or cast area spell?
First, afaik positioning problems have always existed in Regnum. It comes and goes from time to time.
Second, how do you know intentions on other's minds? You, cheater! You got a new bugged skill called: "mind-reader"?!?
Third, you don't have ANY evidence on that pics. But you keep on accusing.
Fourth, my time to get accused? And which pic are you going to use this time? One of my char dancing? Maybe one yawning to death because of these exemplary posts...
08-05-2008, 12:05 PM
Second, how do you know intentions on other's minds? You, cheater! You got a new bugged skill called: "mind-reader"?!?
If using brain is cheating then hurray! If someone is walking on rock near bridge and stand there for some time then when it is getting hot he do few steps back and sit down and then when my buffs are over he just walk slowly from rock casting area dizzy spell is ok then good luck. Not every tree and not every rock can be used. Many players is choosing the right rocks and trees. You think that is is accident? it can be but not bloody 2 time in row. Should i play with turned recording 24/7? I am sure that for players like you never will be enough evidence.
O.K. Pass. I will not kick with horse.
08-05-2008, 12:14 PM
If using brain is cheating then hurray! If someone is walking on rock near bridge and stand there for some time then when it is getting hot he do few steps back and sit down and then when my buffs are over he just walk slowly from rock casting area dizzy spell is ok then good luck. Not every tree and not every rock can be used. Many players is choosing the right rocks and trees. You think that is is accident? it can be but not bloody 2 time in row. Should i play with turned recording 24/7? I am sure that for players like you never will be enough evidence.
O.K. Pass. I will not kick with horse.
You should admit that you can't be sure about bicho. But you keep on Xuk issue just to "win" something... I am not really sure what.
I try to make you think about a bad habit that is getting increased lately and you just have to find a guilty person or something, even accuse who doesn't agree with you...
Who's the horse? ;)
08-05-2008, 01:41 PM
You should admit that you can't be sure about bicho. But you keep on Xuk issue just to "win" something... I am not really sure what.
I try to make you think about a bad habit that is getting increased lately and you just have to find a guilty person or something, even accuse who doesn't agree with you...
Who's the horse? ;)
This is so funny. Just look at the post YOU quoted from me. She was in my LoS, i could SEE her, i'm an archer, i should be able to shoot her. I couldn't, so that's a bug. She knew it, so she abused it. Very simple story.
But it seems you think that all bug abusers should be banned, except the ones that use the positioning bug? Or maybe except alsius or smth? And we're the bad guys here? And you have the nerve to try and mislead everyone into thinking we're trying to point people out, for "our precious RP's" or stuff like that?
LOL, demagogue. Go back to your rocks in Alsius, we'll find you in the end. Just make sure I don't get pictures of you humping them, I have a bad habbit of reporting people who hump rocks.
btw, she didn't get banned for humping rocks, but stealing accounts? Ooooh okey then she was an honorable player it seems.... not.
I dare you to remove rock climbing.
Its not a bug its a feature!
Everybody can learn it, and its fun ;)
Challanges are:
All 4 ways up the rock at Pinos Save.(1easy,1medium,2hard)
The big red near Samal Save. (there are 2 routes and both are double staged,hard)
The rock near Samal Bridge. (it is double stage too,medium)
Trees in syrtis woods.(medium)
To all you abusers STOP IT you are ruining the last thing you need skill for in regnum.
08-05-2008, 02:34 PM
I dare you to remove rock climbing.
Its not a bug its a feature!
Everybody can learn it, and its fun ;)
Challanges are:
All 4 ways up the rock at Pinos Save.(1easy,1medium,2hard)
The big red near Samal Save. (there are 2 routes and both are double staged,hard)
The rock near Samal Bridge. (it is double stage too,medium)
Trees in syrtis woods.(medium)
To all you abusers STOP IT you are ruining the last thing you need skill for in regnum.
It may be fun to do when your outside of war, but people deliberatly using it to escape someone isnt.
08-05-2008, 02:37 PM
It may be fun to do when your outside of war, but people deliberatly using it to escape someone isnt.
it actually takes a while to climb the rocks so kill em faster.
with regards to all this ive seen a lot worse
example: a hunter (not giving realm) cast lp and 5 seconds later SOTW. This should not be possible and it was not a lag issue, it was witnessed by a few people
08-05-2008, 02:40 PM
it actually takes a while to climb the rocks so kill em faster.
with regards to all this ive seen a lot worse
example: a hunter (not giving realm) cast lp and 5 seconds later SOTW. This should not be possible and it was not a lag issue, it was witnessed by a few people
Yes but Inkster can't you not see the problem in someone climbing a rock, and then he is able to hit his target, run, hit, run.
Its even harder for warriors like myself. And I find it very disturbing that now people teach each other what spots to hide in, how to climb the trees. "Hey if anyone comes we'll all hide up in the tree when were low on HP"
08-05-2008, 02:43 PM
logical way around the hit run when the opponant is up rock is pretty simple, stay out of range ^^ he bound to get bored and come down then u can eat him
08-05-2008, 02:44 PM
Then learn it. I think i can climb every climbable object in regnum and most not only one way. If you can't get up there it is _your_ fault for not learning it. (except dwarfs, they have problems somehow)
What? :eek: So now we are suppossed to be trained in ways to climb rocks and follow the targets? How do you not see the sense in that? They weren't put there for people to climb them, there are errors in them, and people are using the errors.
logical way around the hit run when the opponant is up rock is pretty simple, stay out of range ^^ he bound to get bored and come down then u can eat him
I'm not going to wait over 5 minutes to kill 1 person, and if I do it still wasn't worth it. Either way I lose.
08-05-2008, 02:49 PM
This argument is going nowhere. In the style of a certain lyric poster on this forum
Heres how i see this topic going:
You spin me right round, baby
right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
Angry White Boy Polka (
08-05-2008, 03:01 PM
This argument is going nowhere. In the style of a certain lyric poster on this forum
Heres how i see this topic going:
Headshot! lol
You made someone to look like an ass again^^ Good job :)
I am glad my clan name expresses what i think about rock climbing.
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