View Full Version : Graphic problem

01-18-2007, 01:43 AM
HI I just downloaded this game and when I went to create my character all I saw was a white character with no color or features to speak of. Then when I entered the game there were many things that were just white blobs like rocks and npc's etc.

My graphics card is ATI Radeon X300 SE with 128 MB PCI Express.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, cause this looks like a great game and I would love to try it out.

01-18-2007, 02:33 AM
I just wanted to add that I have tried some of the suggestions on other posts like adjusting graphics setting, playing in windowed mode and not in windowed mode. I've also updated my graphics card with the latest updates.

Sorry I have screenshots but not sure how to shrink them down to post them. Ive never posted screenshots before.:confused2:

01-18-2007, 03:04 AM
HI I just downloaded this game and when I went to create my character all I saw was a white character with no color or features to speak of. Then when I entered the game there were many things that were just white blobs like rocks and npc's etc.

My graphics card is ATI Radeon X300 SE with 128 MB PCI Express.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, cause this looks like a great game and I would love to try it out.

Sounds like the game needs to download some skins and characters... just log off and in again. If it happens again, post a screenshot here.

01-18-2007, 03:05 AM
I just wanted to add that I have tried some of the suggestions on other posts like adjusting graphics setting, playing in windowed mode and not in windowed mode. I've also updated my graphics card with the latest updates.

Sorry I have screenshots but not sure how to shrink them down to post them. Ive never posted screenshots before.:confused2:

Just post them on imageshack.us and link them here.

01-18-2007, 05:17 AM
Ok Ill try posting some screenshots cause im still having a problem.




01-18-2007, 07:09 AM
I had that problem once... Seems to be a model and texture thing.

Try this: When you launch the game, you have 3 buttons: play, exit and options... Go to options and check "Update all new resources at once". Click on play. It will take a LONG, REALLY LONG TIME, but you shouldn't have any texture problem.

Regards, Xeph

01-18-2007, 08:38 AM
Thanks so much for all your help. :D Ill give it a try right away and let you know how it went.

01-18-2007, 06:31 PM
Well I tried what you suggested and at first it didn't work. But then I thought I would give it one more try so I deleted all the Regnum files and redownloaded everything. I then made sure to check that box you told me about and guess what. Everything is working fine now. :D

Thank you so much for all you help Xephandor. Because of you I can now play this great game. :D

01-18-2007, 07:49 PM
Well I tried what you suggested and at first it didn't work. But then I thought I would give it one more try so I deleted all the Regnum files and redownloaded everything. I then made sure to check that box you told me about and guess what. Everything is working fine now. :D

Thank you so much for all you help Xephandor. Because of you I can now play this great game. :D

I'm glad you can play again!
Post here if you have any problem and happy leveling!!

01-22-2007, 12:43 AM
the problem is with driver ati catalyst 7,1, with version 6.12 works ok