View Full Version : HOw do i check my system details? plz help

08-17-2008, 04:09 AM
hey guyz im not really good with computers so can someone tell me where do i go to check my computer system details like grahipc card wat kind it is, my cpu details, and so on.. plz help me!

08-17-2008, 06:12 AM
from your desktop ....... right click "my computer" , properties .......... there you go

08-17-2008, 06:19 AM
i check and it shows alot of differnt catergorys, in general is says
microsoft windows xp
version 2002
servive pack 2

registered to:
(my name i aint telling u)

(bunch of numbers, its probably important so im not gonna say it)

pentium(r) 4 cpu 3.00GHz
2.99 GHz, 512 mb of ram

It doesnt show what my grahpic card is? where do i find my graphic card details?

08-17-2008, 06:20 AM
hey guyz im not really good with computers so can someone tell me where do i go to check my computer system details like grahipc card wat kind it is, my cpu details, and so on.. plz help me!

Hello Shadow445,

To view that kind of information you must do the following:

Go to the start menu, then click on Run.

Once you open Run you will put Dxdiag and then click Ok. it will open a new window in which it will show alot of information about your PC, including graphic card, Ram, etc.

PD: Service Pack 3 was released a while ago, I suggest you upgrade your PC to it using Windows Update.


08-17-2008, 06:27 AM
There are a lot of peeps out there (including me he he) who aren't really that good in computers.

If you make a 101 I swear I'm gonna fall in love with you (wink, eyelash flutter, he he)....... So what's a folder? jk

08-17-2008, 07:30 AM
wow total thanks man WOOT WOOT.. uhh i dont want to save i love you incase ur a guy.

08-17-2008, 07:33 AM
wow total thanks man WOOT WOOT.. uhh i dont want to save i love you incase ur a guy.

no problem, anytime.
