View Full Version : John McCain or Barack Obama?

09-02-2008, 02:09 AM
which of both canditates for beeing the president of united states of america do you want to win?

09-02-2008, 02:14 AM
you should have an "other" option, for people can write in a person's name or even vote for an independent...

I fall in the other category and will write in Ron Paul's name for president.

09-02-2008, 02:52 AM
Obama all the way :punk:

As a Hilary fan and female myself, I was stunned to see McCains VP choice...:looking: that Palin woman doesn't do it for me.

09-02-2008, 03:03 AM
... that Palin woman doesn't do it for me.

That might because your a female, but personally I think she's hot - to bad shes a neo-fundamentalist Christian...

09-02-2008, 03:12 AM
neo-fundamentalist Christian...

Kind of a turn off for me...

Obama. Only beacause he seems a bit lees dangerous than that bush loving really old man...

09-02-2008, 03:37 AM
You do know obama and mccain arent the only 2 running for presidency right? Its just the news follows democrats and republicans more because they think we're into that more than independent people.

either way, i chose barack. Who knows, maybe he'll make all the white people slaves. I'll be happy.

09-02-2008, 04:12 AM
Hola har =D
Oh, english topic? xD

My vote (from argentina via FedEx (?)) is for... Obama xD
McCain sounds for me like another kind of Bush.

09-02-2008, 04:28 AM
neo-fundamentalist Christian...

Then she's a no-go.

Barack seems to be a good candidate (far better than any of our presidents here in Argentina), but maybe too "soft" to be president. I'm not as informed as I'd like to be, so I'll vote later.

09-02-2008, 04:36 AM
Haha, notice how everyone doesnt want another bush (mccain)

09-02-2008, 04:38 AM
Then she's a no-go..,

Have you see what she looks like...


Hot man, very hot!

But yeah, in the end I agree with you, sadly.

09-02-2008, 08:48 AM
Barrak, shame that his under constant 'KKK' assassination threats

09-02-2008, 12:40 PM
None of them :p both are part of freemasonery

09-02-2008, 12:48 PM
None of them :p both are part of freemasonery

I'd like america to have ONE black president, at least

09-02-2008, 01:25 PM
None of them :p both are part of freemasonery

Freemasonry? It sounds like you hate them...

09-02-2008, 01:29 PM
Freemasonry? It sounds like you hate them...

check out the Bilderberg list this year. McCain, Obama, Hilary. All were there. I wouldn't vote for any of them :p

09-02-2008, 01:32 PM
check out the Bilderberg list this year. McCain, Obama, Hilary. All were there. I wouldn't vote for any of them :p

I'd vote 'Rayne' as president instead of Jesus.
False advertising will be punishable by throat punches! xD

09-02-2008, 01:35 PM
check out the Bilderberg list this year. McCain, Obama, Hilary. All were there. I wouldn't vote for any of them :p

Because all of them are Freemasons, right?

09-02-2008, 01:37 PM
Because all of them are Freemasons, right?

you seem to hate me today :p I just show you my reasons, that's all

09-02-2008, 01:37 PM
Douche and Turd (http://www.southparkstuff.com/season_8/episode_808/epi808videos/)

09-02-2008, 04:18 PM
Douche and Turd (http://www.southparkstuff.com/season_8/episode_808/epi808videos/)
I saw that episode a week ago.

VOTE OR DIE! hooho

09-02-2008, 10:38 PM
Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, ‘Where is that marvelous ape?’:

(from here (http://www.rumromanismrebellion.net/2008/07/15/the-comedy-stylings-of-shecky-mccain))

-> Barack Obama

09-02-2008, 10:59 PM
lulz. I find that joke funny xD

09-02-2008, 11:55 PM
you seem to hate me today :p I just show you my reasons, that's all

No, I was just asking. :confused2:

09-03-2008, 02:26 PM
I think both are horrible in my view, and I will probably run off to Europe if Obama wins. :punk:

09-03-2008, 03:25 PM
Why am I the only one who wants McCain? D=
(actually, I don't give a fuck any way and I voted McCain because people wants Obama 'cause he's "black")

09-03-2008, 05:22 PM
I would vote for Condo Rice...

09-03-2008, 06:38 PM
Why am I the only one who wants McCain? D=
(actually, I don't give a fuck any way and I voted McCain because people wants Obama 'cause he's "black")
Lol, hes just another dunce and another Bush.

But yeah people need to live on the east side. Obama isn't the brightest guy on the block (I think a monkey would be a smarter president, and his wife reminds me of Marie Antionette ;P) he'll only win because he's african american, other black people don't know anything else, its just in their instinct to get other black people on top.

"Nigga you betta vote fo Obama or ill bust a cap in yo ass"

The racism where I lived was bad enough where it was, I hear its the same thing down on South Africa, the blacks are crushing the whites.

A day without a story of someone getting shot was a miracle,

... Unit 455 we've got a robbery on 39 Qualtom Rd. target suspet is a....
African American male, I know....

You ask me its all because of rap, all these little brats trying to live like their idols, the life of the hood. Suprisingly to me its no different in Poland, when I moved here, no black people causing crime, hah, instead we got hooligan skinheads. (Wiggers) Livin the life again.

The only good I can see ot of Obama winning is MAYBE a change in immagration laws, which the USA really needs, wiiii more illegal mexicans jojojo, no really then it would mean I could go back to living in my black infested town of Cleveland, the city with the largest african american population,

No really then if immigration laws were reversed would I go back :O?

Hmm in Cleveland, America:
-Blacks who kill you
-State of the art school (where food is given to you for free, where I have photoshop as a freaking class, where we have computer blackboards, where books are public, and where I actally enjoy education)
-My whole life
-an empty house that lies unsold

Hmm in Lodz, Poland:
-wiggers who will punch you in the face if you look at them
-uber graffiti (RTS or LKS finnaly :P ?)
-cracked buildings and the best color in the world: gray
-IBO program :p
-non violent black people studying medicine
-Cherry coke (this really kinda seals the deal)
-and Piz, (someday :P ?)

Where to go where to go XD

09-03-2008, 09:00 PM
I may vote for Obama. Depends if Nader can make it onto the ballot.

09-04-2008, 02:27 AM
Hmm in Cleveland, America:
-Blacks who kill you
-State of the art school (where food is given to you for free, where I have photoshop as a freaking class, where we have computer blackboards, where books are public, and where I actally enjoy education)
-My whole life
-an empty house that lies unsold

I hope someday you will be able to go back to Cleveland :(

09-04-2008, 04:47 AM
Ron Paul FTW !!!

09-04-2008, 05:30 AM
Ron Paul FTW !!!

May all that you do be blessed...

09-04-2008, 12:51 PM
I hope someday you will be able to go back to Cleveland :(
Thats so nice coming from you Xeph :P

But now ive just got problems, I don't know if I even want to go back, I don't know what my neighborhood will be like 2 years from now, it was already down the wrong road.

And here in Poland ive started a 2 year diploma program, so im not coming back in 2 years, im really into this program.

09-04-2008, 05:21 PM
How much longer does it take for you over in the USA to elect a presidant allready, you have been going on for months!

09-04-2008, 05:51 PM
you have been going on for months!
no those are just the campaigns, its not the voting process itself,

09-04-2008, 07:17 PM
I'd like america to have ONE black president, at least

Thats a pretty silly reason to have someone sworn in... If ya ask me.

PS: I think they're both twats xD

09-04-2008, 07:54 PM
... I think they're both twats xD


Be careful, for the dimwits around here will stone you for such language...

They tried on me, long ago, but I was able to doge there attacks with my superior intellect...

09-04-2008, 07:59 PM
Superior intellect?

09-04-2008, 09:36 PM
Superior intellect?

Sorry, but this is flame-bait/trolling. Just put him in your ignore list and stop fighting.

09-04-2008, 09:39 PM
Sorry, but this is flame-bait/trolling...

Umm, no I was trying to warn him about how some people here are touchy on some words... Twat being one of them, and you of all people should know this.

However, the intellect comment was said in jest...

09-04-2008, 09:51 PM
Umm, no I was trying to warn him about how some people here are touchy on some words... Twat being one of them, and you of all people should know this.

However, the intellect comment was said in jest...

My comment was towards kraetyz. I got the meaning behind the intellect comment, don't worry.

09-04-2008, 10:23 PM
Thats a pretty silly reason to have someone sworn in... If ya ask me.

PS: I think they're both twats xD

I just want it to expose all the 'KKK' members so they can all be shot down and rot in hell.

The rest, i dont give a damn whichever guy becomes president.

09-05-2008, 03:53 PM
I just want it to expose all the 'KKK' members so they can all be shot down and rot in hell.

The rest, i dont give a damn whichever guy becomes president.
The KKK is pretty open anyway, they meet every year and still do rants under the governments protection.

Same with NeoNazis and Communists

09-05-2008, 04:41 PM
There are/were two tests made by two Dutch organisations/newspapers, www.stemwijzer.nl and www.kieskompas.nl
Normally they're used for Dutch elections. The statistics showed that most people ended up closest to John Edwards.
I think he would indeed be the best, but now he's not in the race anymore I'd vote for Obama if I were American.
I think McCain would be dangerous and I wouldn't be surprised if he'd start a third world war.

Choose McCain and you'll loose Europe. He's going to scare everyone away.

09-05-2008, 05:46 PM
... Choose McCain and you'll loose Europe. He's going to scare everyone away.

Didn't you mean to say, "Choose McCain and he'll conquer Europe. And after that the world will bend on its knees!"



09-05-2008, 06:01 PM
Find a way to finish your two wars before fighting Europe

09-05-2008, 06:20 PM
Find a way to finish your two wars before fighting Europe

Oh we could finish both in seconds, if there wasn't international law on warfare (like Geneva Protocol, United Nations Charter and such).

If these rules didn't exist I'm most assured that no nation would be able to stop McCain and co (and Bush would have been the true leader of the world).


09-05-2008, 06:30 PM
Oh we could finish both in seconds, if there wasn't international law on warfare (like Geneva Protocol, United Nations Charter and such).

If these rules didn't exist I'm most assured that no nation would be able to stop McCain and co (and Bush would have been the true leader of the world).


and perhaps you're in the Skull and Bones yearbook :p

09-05-2008, 06:35 PM
and perhaps you're in the Skull and Bones yearbook :p

Yep, as well as the Freemason Year Books of '00 and '04...


09-05-2008, 10:01 PM
Yep, as well as the Freemason Year Books of '00 and '04...


Of course.

09-06-2008, 01:44 AM
We definitely don't need these socialists who represent the democratic party as president.

John McCain may not be conservative enough and Palin may be a fundamentalist, but it is the best option. Personally, I'd rather have a Conservative Catholic in. Fundies are annoying.

09-06-2008, 09:11 AM
Oh we could finish both in seconds, if there wasn't international law on warfare (like Geneva Protocol, United Nations Charter and such).

If these rules didn't exist I'm most assured that no nation would be able to stop McCain and co (and Bush would have been the true leader of the world).

That's not true. That's plainly not true.
The USA has got an enormous debt and I think that Russia and China would help us when we're under attack out of 'humanity'(read:"Yahoo(tm)! We can fight the USA with a good reason!"). Next to that you shouldn't underestimate the power of the EU. But maybe I asked too much, it happens more often that Americans think they are the best and can beat everything. ;)

You need to look with glasses to find people that agree with McCain. Only some people in a party nicknamed 'the liberals' (the irony!) have got some people that agree with him. We even had a program at the television about the convention in Denver, but the political commentators completely burnt McCain and Pallin down. Although I have to say that there was one commentator linking Denver to Neurenberg.

Overall you could say that most people here find American politics disgusting and populistic. But hey, that's just the humble opinion of a country from an ancient continent.

09-06-2008, 11:03 AM
Ok but please don't judge all American's like that, because were not all the idiots Europe thinks of us to be.

09-06-2008, 12:23 PM
That's not true. That's plainly not true.
The USA has got an enormous debt and I think that Russia and China would help us when we're under attack out of 'humanity'(read:"Yahoo(tm)! We can fight the USA with a good reason!"). Next to that you shouldn't underestimate the power of the EU. But maybe I asked too much, it happens more often that Americans think they are the best and can beat everything. ;)

You need to look with glasses to find people that agree with McCain. Only some people in a party nicknamed 'the liberals' (the irony!) have got some people that agree with him. We even had a program at the television about the convention in Denver, but the political commentators completely burnt McCain and Pallin down. Although I have to say that there was one commentator linking Denver to Neurenberg.

Overall you could say that most people here find American politics disgusting and populistic. But hey, that's just the humble opinion of a country from an ancient continent.

First things first...

The harhar icon at the bottom of my post is to signify that what I said was said in jest (and that goes with the devil icons too).

Second, there is no way in hell America would ever attack Europe - our alliance with her has made us rich beyond compare (we manufactured most, if not all, the weapons for the allies in WWII). Today we have way to much trade between our nations to goto war with Europe.

Also Europe is very critical in helping us with any world instability issues that may arise (such as Iran or Russia).

And finally, our nation might be a young one, but remember most of us came from you.

Ok but please don't judge all American's like that, because were not all the idiots Europe thinks of us to be.

First, you are not the brightest bulb in the house....

And second, your not even considered an American any more you defector!


09-06-2008, 12:37 PM
So Hell Bound, for you, a person who doesn't speak in a manner like you is inferior to you. And only if someone approves the choice of your lyrics then only you "approve" of them as an intelligent person. That's just sad.

"Also Europe is very critical in helping us with any world instability issues that may arise (such as Iran or Russia)."

No wonder!

"Second, there is no way in hell America would ever attack Europe - our alliance with her has made us rich beyond compare"

Hell Bound, if I may - USA is a country with one of the highest world debts.

09-06-2008, 12:37 PM
Second, there is no way in hell America would ever attack Europe - our alliance with her has made us rich beyond compare (we manufactured most, if not all, the weapons for the allies in WWII). Today we have way to much trade between our nations to goto war with Europe.

True, yet you did leave the acctualy comeing to help bit untill AFTER you got rich from selling wepons =)

But I wouldent give yourself to much credit for WWII the Naziz got in WAAAAY over there heads when they started pokeing russia as well as England/France...

Hell Bound, if I may - USA is a country with one of the highest world debts.

That is also true your a bit to big for your resorces to fuel...

09-06-2008, 12:51 PM
So Hell Bound, for you, a person who doesn't speak in a manner like you is inferior to you. And only if someone approves the choice of your lyrics then only you "approve" of them as an intelligent person. That's just sad.

I think it's a matter of perspective really...

I mean of your content with personal insults (because your unwilling to put effort in what you write) and speaking like Gigo well then yeah I guess...

Also when it comes to music I praise those that understand the meaning of the message, those that try to to convey a message with music or those that don't get it but accept it...

If all those things make me sad then so be it.

"Second, there is no way in hell America would ever attack Europe - our alliance with her has made us rich beyond compare"

Hell Bound, if I may - USA is a country with one of the highest world debts.

Historically this is true, what I stated about WWII making America rich. As a matter of fact if not for that money we made we wouldn't have been able to shape the world as much as we have.

And believe it or not, even though we are one of the most indebted nations in the world - we still have some of that WWII money hanging around...

Though most of it is in gold bars now ;)

09-06-2008, 01:36 PM
First, you are not the brightest bulb in the house....

And second, your not even considered an American any more you defector!

Id kick your teeth down your throat the next time you say that kind of SHIT to me

1st Im probably going to much smarter than the worthless mope that you are, your a faggot in emo's clothing, a wannabe trying to be a wannabe.

2nd, I was born in America and lived my entire life there, and my ass was kicked out of it when I was 15 to a country that I had no knowledge about in language, how was I suppossed to take care of myself with a language I know dipshit about?

When I left America I learned to look at the world in a different perspective finnaly, the world was open to me, and I learned more in a year here than I learned from 15 years there, everyone there thinks only inside the box, the box is america, now I can think outside it.

I was in the media for weeks, I wrote letters to the president, and your going to tell me some fuck that im not an American? My country kicked me in the ass without any help, and im glad they did it, everyone should have the opprotunity to go through the kind of hell I went through, because at the end of it you find the real truth.

Hopefully this will be my final post on these forums, and to the kind of fatfuck like you.

09-06-2008, 06:24 PM
Id kick your teeth down your throat the next time you say that kind of SHIT to me

1st Im probably going to much smarter than the worthless mope that you are, your a faggot in emo's clothing, a wannabe trying to be a wannabe.

2nd, I was born in America and lived my entire life there, and my ass was kicked out of it when I was 15 to a country that I had no knowledge about in language, how was I suppossed to take care of myself with a language I know dipshit about?

When I left America I learned to look at the world in a different perspective finnaly, the world was open to me, and I learned more in a year here than I learned from 15 years there, everyone there thinks only inside the box, the box is america, now I can think outside it.

I was in the media for weeks, I wrote letters to the president, and your going to tell me some fuck that im not an American? My country kicked me in the ass without any help, and im glad they did it, everyone should have the opprotunity to go through the kind of hell I went through, because at the end of it you find the real truth.

Hopefully this will be my final post on these forums, and to the kind of fatfuck like you.


Edge what can I say my man...

Other then you fell into my trap...

I really don't believe what I said, but its so hilarious that it would cause you to react this way!

Oh, and since you did react this way...

You got a long ways to go before you can hope to touch the intelligence of this "worthless mope[,]... faggot in emo's clothing[,]... dipshit[,] fatfuck"

And thanks for proving this point, really I couldn't have done it without you! ;)

09-06-2008, 07:09 PM
And thanks for proving this point, really I couldn't have done it without you! ;)

Obviously that wasn't very mature of him, but remember that he's 16, repeating a previous year of school because of the moving to poland and he's lonely without his best friend from america. So you could be a little more nice to him

We both know his hormones now are raging, that's why you should close one eye on his impulsive behaviour

09-06-2008, 07:14 PM
Yep, as well as the Freemason Year Books of '00 and '04...


Interesting. It's strange to find a Freemason outside the Lodges, especially because of the secrecy of the organization.

09-06-2008, 07:36 PM
Obviously that wasn't very mature of him, but remember that he's 16, repeating a previous year of school because of the moving to poland and he's lonely without his best friend from america. So you could be a little more nice to him

We both know his hormones now are raging, that's why you should close one eye on his impulsive behaviour

If there is one thing I understand the most, its the youthful male mind...

However, no matter what age one is we all have to learn something about ourselves...

Good, bad or indifferent...

And yet what one should always do is try to strive above one's animal instincts and not view reality from one's perspective alone...

But don't fear all is forgiven and forgotten...

Always has been and always well be...

For one thing I detest the most is people that always keep your mistakes over your head, as if unwilling to accept that you could possibility have the ability to change.

And if that person really did want you to change they wouldn't do such things, for to do those things cause stumbling blocks to be put in one's path while trying to change...

Man cannot change through guilt, he can only change by accepting his faults - and guilt doesn't allow you to do this...


09-06-2008, 08:03 PM
If there is one thing I understand the most, its the youthful male mind...

However, no matter what age one is we all have to learn something about ourselves...

Good, bad or indifferent...

And yet what one should always do is try to strive above one's animal instincts and not view reality from one's perspective alone...

But don't fear all is forgiven and forgotten...

Always has been and always well be...

For one thing I detest the most is people that always keep your mistakes over your head, as if unwilling to accept that you could possibility have the ability to change.

And if that person really did want you to change they wouldn't do such things, for to do those things cause stumbling blocks to be put in one's path while trying to change...

Man cannot change through guilt, he can only change by accepting his faults - and guilt doesn't allow you to do this...


I don't think we can have serious conversation with all those ridiculous triple periods at the end of almost each sentence you write. Sorry, but these are very irritating.

09-06-2008, 08:03 PM
Man cannot change through guilt, he can only change by accepting his faults - and guilt doesn't allow you to do this...

Wise words.

09-06-2008, 08:51 PM
I don't think we can have serious conversation with all those ridiculous triple periods at the end of almost each sentence you write. Sorry, but these are very irritating.

LOL, sorry but the "triple periods at the end of almost each sentence" represent broken thoughts or sentences which need more to be said, but because of not wanting to be wordy I simply leave it as that...

Sorry you don't like the style, but it's not going to change.

Wise words.

From time to time such things do come from my mouth, and thank you.

09-06-2008, 11:09 PM
Maybe here isn't a good place to speak about politics.

09-07-2008, 01:14 AM
I'm really far from both when it comes to political ideology.

Rather Obama than McCain though.

09-07-2008, 10:03 AM
Demon Monger

09-07-2008, 11:27 AM
To repeat from last night on IRC:


09-08-2008, 01:58 PM
No reason needed.
