View Full Version : Alsius on Horus

09-04-2008, 04:13 PM
I'm not an "old-time" player like Refetan, or Plover, but I would like to say a couple of things:

Hats off to you people in Alsius on the Horus server. You guys are a true force to be reckoned with when you gather your troops, and storm through the realms. I have to admire a group that is capable of such good tactics and strategy. Even as frustrating as it can be to watch "the enemy" defend a fort inside Syrtis, it's typically a *very* impressive job you guys do. :clapping5365:

Hopefully, when the Syrtis mage population comes of age, and more of them become available in the warzone to provide support, we'll make a better match for your 1 mage to every 2 damage-dealers warparty setups. :looking:

It's almost a shame that there is no inter-realm chat, but I totally understand why NGD chooses not to allow that. There are a few of you out there that I admire, and would like to extend a "tip of the hat" to on occasion. guess I'll just have to try to sneak in a quick bow here and there, or maybe a wave. The problem is that in-game, that can also be interpreted as an insult... :(

I will admit that there are a few of you out there who don't deserve much more than an arrow between the eyes, but I'll try to keep this post as positive as possible. You know who you are. :devil:

I look forward to more battle in the wz with you, without the challenges you present, there would be much less enjoyment from this game.


Level 50 Alturian Hunter from Syrtis
Co-founder of The Eternals of Horus

09-04-2008, 05:16 PM
/me slaps that post,

so far i have seen alsius as save camping 4 times, thats from my 5 trips into WZ Alsius Ra should be asamed of the few of you on horus dragging the realm down, I find it incredibly lame that on Ra I realy feal for Alsius and how much there wz is occupied by hunters and raid partys, Yet on Horus as soon as they can, they have its shamefull...

Also dont start handing out cookies yet theres maybe 7 players in the war zone at one time, alsius has the most 50's its only normal that they are dominating, meanwhile everyone else is busy lvling... its just a matter of time :devil:

09-04-2008, 05:23 PM
/me slaps that post,

so far i have seen alsius as save camping 4 times, thats from my 5 trips into WZ Alsius Ra should be asamed of the few of you on horus dragging the realm down, I find it incredibly lame that on Ra I realy feal for Alsius and how much there wz is occupied by hunters and raid partys, Yet on Horus as soon as they can, they have its shamefull...

Also dont start handing out cookies yet theres maybe 7 players in the war zone at one time, alsius has the most 50's its only normal that they are dominating, meanwhile everyone else is busy lvling... its just a matter of time :devil:

I am not saying Alsius is without problem players. But I am saying that they are *far* more organized than we are. I totally agree that there is savecamping and gatecamping going on by some disreputables out there... however, my post is specifically directed at some of the tactics and strategy being utilized. there are both good and bad players on both sides of the field.

And if you've only been to the wz 5 times now... how could you possibly know how many ppl are out there at once?

Either way, I'm not trying to turn this into an argument, just making some observations.


09-04-2008, 05:27 PM
numbers taken from experiance and also from what I have heard :)

I guess this early that near saves are the only real place to find players... once the server grows it will be fine, (I allways loved CS as a place of safety on RA anyone within 20M dies in about 10 seconds XD)

09-04-2008, 06:22 PM

I am speaking for myself in this post. I too am not an "old-time" player like some of these other folks. I would also like to say that higher level persons like yourself and us running into other mobs have led us to develop these tactics. While you see us having our stuff together I see us as having an organized chaos. Also feed back from your players have led us to behave more cohesively at times as they let us know where some of our weak points are.

I like a tactic that I have seen you Syrt guys use where one of the high levels takes one of the low levels out and escorts them around the wz. I dont know if it is routine, accident or just because, but it is a good tactic to get up and comers used to being out there.

One thing I would recommend for some of the newer Syrt players is to wait until you have a group prior to attacking. A lot of times when we are defending these forts and succeeding it is because rather than attack as a team (all realms are really guilty of this at one time or another) your guys bum rush the fort in singles. Also I noticed the Syrt folks go afk a lot (afk running, afk in the woods) and that tends to help increase tensions when you come back to your screen and you have to respawn at the altar.

For the most part all realms have some people that save camp, its not something we promote, but you know statistics someone has to screw something up for someone.

Temporarily Level 41 Warju
High Council of the Masters of Noobs

09-04-2008, 09:12 PM
Lol, I have alot of respect for Alsius, certenly a bit more organisation then us, but i'm not one to complain. Oh and Nyte, guess who.

DO A BARREL ROLL!!!:metal:

09-04-2008, 10:55 PM
Not much to add really.

Respect to Alsius 95% honorable only a small minority making it tough. Same for Ignis too. The good thing is we are all growing together.

Here's to Horus :beerchug: and honourable enemies. (Mostly)

09-05-2008, 03:59 AM
A lot of you guys out there in alsius are honorable but its the same in all realms as sydonay pointed ou there are always people who spoil it. Ive enjoyed the fights weve had if not been frustrated at times mostly with our little noobs who think they can conquer the world at lvl 20. Generally though hats off guys you make us think about what we are doing and how we can make it better


09-05-2008, 07:00 AM
A lot of you guys out there in alsius are honorable but its the same in all realms as sydonay pointed ou there are always people who spoil it. Ive enjoyed the fights weve had if not been frustrated at times mostly with our little noobs who think they can conquer the world at lvl 20. Generally though hats off guys you make us think about what we are doing and how we can make it better


You think thats something?? Im a lowly 34 knight, and i was in a party with higher lvl ppl and a lvl 11 archer!!!! LVL 11!! :ranting:
I hate that noobing...

09-05-2008, 03:51 PM
I have mostly encountered nubalsiusers gatecamping and savecamping, still grinding :(.

A lot of older players went to alsius here though.

09-05-2008, 04:00 PM
Yay unsighned red karma thanks for re slapping my opinion im just saying there was no point congratulateing Alsius as they are possibly the most "underhanded" realm on Horus thus far, that and only 7 players in all syrtis give a care in the world about forts right now so if they want to come dont bring a zerg or we just wont bother trying... (as yesterday)

09-05-2008, 04:08 PM
Yay unsighned red karma thanks for re slapping my opinion im just saying there was no point congratulateing Alsius as they are possibly the most "underhanded" realm on Horus thus far, that and only 7 players in all syrtis give a care in the world about forts right now so if they want to come dont bring a zerg or we just wont bother trying... (as yesterday)


I've had many fights with over 7 Syrtis and I don't go into the WZ often..

09-06-2008, 12:49 PM
The vital word is FORTS not WZ

Currently I would put the balance of power as

Alsius (have the most high lvls/50s)
Syrtis (most players)
Ignis (seem rather quite in the WZ guess they might be behind the wall still)

But thats a matter of opinions :)

09-06-2008, 01:46 PM
The vital word is FORTS not WZ

Currently I would put the balance of power as

Alsius (have the most high lvls/50s)
Syrtis (most players)
Ignis (seem rather quite in the WZ guess they might be behind the wall still)

But thats a matter of opinions :)

Not really Ignis are doing well..were just biding are time and lvling are asses off..Alsius are doing well cos they have more higer lvls..3 of us..defended aggy the other day for awhile..till they brought reinforcements..cant say i really see syrtis that often..i see more goat hair lying around :P Im going for the big push to 50 now..im lvl 42 and will be lvl 43 later today :) btw we gained another lvl 50 Anu from the clan Wustenfalken..grats again Anu xDDD

09-06-2008, 02:44 PM
Thanks again Meco! :-)

09-06-2008, 03:59 PM
ok, here is what I see a lot.

Alsius, when the Tyr clan is on they are really hard to take down. I talked to them the other day, and they are all using Team speak, and a lot of time you will find them leveling in Mass at Ignis Orc camp.

Ignis, has a lot more than people realize, because I have seen their crew around, but my guess a lot of them are behind the wall leveling like mad which scares the shit out of me.

Syrtis, has a lot of players, but most are lower level. We are starting to gain a pretty good crew, but not like that of Alsius. What Syrtis is lacking a lot is conjurers. Me, and the people I run around with can defend forts, but without conjurers we eventually get run over most of the time.

In conclusion, we all need to give the new server a little time, so realms have a lot of different classes in war; then we can see what realm actually has the skill and not. At the moment alsius is pretty much running everyone over.

09-06-2008, 11:44 PM
ok, here is what I see a lot.

Alsius, when the Tyr clan is on they are really hard to take down.

Thx for the roses:naughty:

You and Nyte are greatfull players. We meet us at the next Fight^^

09-06-2008, 11:53 PM
First of all thanks for the compliments, Nyte, but Syrtis has some really good players, too.
The worst enemy to my mind is Refetan right now, hats off to you guy... I used to be a barb, am playing the hunter for the first time and have to say that nearly everytime we meet I have to review my skills.
And you´re an inveterate enemy yourself, Nyte. It´s always thrilling who is the last one standing when we meet ;o)

I´m a little scared that in some time it will be pretty much the same on Horus as it´s on Ra or the German servers... Alsius has good players, who try to prevail with strategie, but it´s few of them. Syrtis will have a mass of high level players in a little while and then Tyr´s Zorn will not do.

Now our advantage is, that most of Tyr´s players know each other a while and - like Refetan said - communicate via ts. But I hope that Alsius will also get enough new players when Horus is open to everyone. Probably some former Syrts decide to become an Alsius or Ignis player - we´ll see.

I just hope that we´ll have as much fun as we had till today - or even more.

Always hoping for a good fight,

09-07-2008, 12:05 AM
thx you are also a good player. see you next time.

hf gl illuminati

09-07-2008, 06:12 PM
First of all thanks for the compliments, Nyte, but Syrtis has some really good players, too.
The worst enemy to my mind is Refetan right now, hats off to you guy... I used to be a barb, am playing the hunter for the first time and have to say that nearly everytime we meet I have to review my skills.
And you´re an inveterate enemy yourself, Nyte. It´s always thrilling who is the last one standing when we meet ;o)

I´m a little scared that in some time it will be pretty much the same on Horus as it´s on Ra or the German servers... Alsius has good players, who try to prevail with strategie, but it´s few of them. Syrtis will have a mass of high level players in a little while and then Tyr´s Zorn will not do.

Now our advantage is, that most of Tyr´s players know each other a while and - like Refetan said - communicate via ts. But I hope that Alsius will also get enough new players when Horus is open to everyone. Probably some former Syrts decide to become an Alsius or Ignis player - we´ll see.

I just hope that we´ll have as much fun as we had till today - or even more.

Always hoping for a good fight,

But, you are very evasive which makes it harder for me. I have ways to counteract this, but I don't have the points at the moment :(. Anyways, it's always fun, and hope to see you soon. :naughty:

09-07-2008, 06:46 PM
but my guess a lot of them are behind the wall leveling like mad which scares the shit out of me.

In just a couple of months we will have alot more people over the wall, which is when I hope the fun stuff will start for us. We still come out of the hole sometimes for an occasional pop up :sifflote:

I do have fun fighting alongside each and every opponent I come across.

I overall like the way that Horus is turning out though, Ignis is rich and bountiful with Mages, Syrtis has great archer opponents, and Alsius has its fair share of warriors.

It makes a nice mixup, and actually ihmo creates a nice balance between the classes and realms, I love Horus, and I can't wait till the wars only get bigger and better overtime.

I would say our playing style is totally different (and more fun) than the playing style on Ra.

See you all in the war ;P


09-08-2008, 08:55 AM
ok, here is what I see a lot.

Alsius, when the Tyr clan is on they are really hard to take down. I talked to them the other day, and they are all using Team speak, and a lot of time you will find them leveling in Mass at Ignis Orc camp.

I´am glad to hear that Refetan and Nyte...Its almost funny to fight against u two guys...

I know the first time we meet with Lvl 50 and i died with a 1000 Dmg. Arcan Strike:ranting: from u Refe...

but we still need more Player at Horus, to get a really good fight..


09-08-2008, 07:30 PM
Dying like this has become a habit, its a 1 hit KO to almost everyone (mostly mages)


Hmmmmmm? Thats insane imo, and I see it everytime.

09-08-2008, 07:33 PM
Dying like this has become a habit, its a 1 hit KO to almost everyone (mostly mages)


Hmmmmmm? Thats insane imo, and I see it everytime.
It's because you're level 34, they die fast.

I see Alsius also uses area-chains at Horus, good... :D

09-08-2008, 08:04 PM
It's because you're level 34, they die fast.

I see Alsius also uses area-chains at Horus, good... :D

So do Ignis ^^ We got spanked a few times at Samal by three consecutive Sultar's. I'm really happy about the groups of German players who have moved to Horus =D

09-08-2008, 10:13 PM
I´am glad to hear that Refetan and Nyte...Its almost funny to fight against u two guys...

I know the first time we meet with Lvl 50 and i died with a 1000 Dmg. Arcan Strike:ranting: from u Refe...

but we still need more Player at Horus, to get a really good fight..


Your a great barb. I have to focus you because I am terrified of barbs. xD Wish we could fight side by side sometime, but as you know it's war and thats not possible. :( I found some new leggings today btw. :naughty:

09-09-2008, 06:18 AM
Your a great barb. I have to focus you because I am terrified of barbs. xD Wish we could fight side by side sometime, but as you know it's war and thats not possible. :( I found some new leggings today btw. :naughty:

thx for compliments.....Ur terrified of barbs or of me :D??

Side by side would be nice...i´ve heard something at TS u know?!

But Yesterday, near Ignis Orcamp was a great fight. We had no chance to win the fight...

I love that and i want more


09-09-2008, 06:18 PM
Yea, I can get into ts if you want to set something up some time. My German is non existent though :(

09-10-2008, 06:19 AM
Yea, I can get into ts if you want to set something up some time. My German is non existent though :(

that was not a good idea, because my english isn´t the best....

btw. nice fight arround herb yesterday...

09-20-2008, 03:42 PM
Today were good fights too! Thank you for coming back, we have missed you... :clapping5365:
Without you the Syrtis warriors are going insane in the warzone with no good group to fight against... so please play more on Horus.

Oro the Manslayer

09-20-2008, 04:13 PM
I cant wait to join the fun..Im currently lvl 41 knight...Argh!!

09-21-2008, 04:20 AM
Its been good fighting you guys, we just waiting for you to come back so we can have some good battles. It gets awful lonely in the wz with noone to hunt lol

all the best

09-21-2008, 09:59 AM
this topic fails.
alsius is nub

09-21-2008, 10:02 AM
this topic fails.
alsius is nub
People who make new accounts to bypass bans aren't much better :wiggle14:

09-21-2008, 06:23 PM
I am mature now -_- no more spamming.

09-22-2008, 08:50 AM
Yesterday we had a very good run! Taken Herbred, defended it agains waves of syrtians (we actually zerged them this time). After 4-5 waves, they abandoned it, and took undefended Aggers out of desperation. Then we recaptured Aggers, and in the meantime they took Herb. And then we again took herb, and again none came to fight..
Later we come to samal, and on the way we see a syrtis group, so we wipe them out, take samal, barely any reds...Then Vainamoinen had his grad, And after we went to stone where we finally died at the hands of syrtis. A very very good run, most fun i had on Horus up till now.

Btw refetan, i had precise block on me, and i took your arcana strike (1100), lethal strike(1k), and normal attack (698), i remeber i was finished so fast..

Still i think we killed like 5 times than what we gave, or even more.
Looking forward to more battles like this. :swordfight:

09-23-2008, 03:32 AM
Yup it was a good day. Many battles we lost but every time we lose we learn (or some of us do). :viking:

Congrats to Vainamoinen on his graduation. Seems the weekend was a good time to do that :).

Best Regards

09-23-2008, 03:53 AM
lol ill admit i love to figth alsius on this server but no props for ignis?

when we war our war parties are 2 - 4 players strong (about as big as syrtis hunting parties) and we still manage to take and hold forts just last night kaliek and i held off 5 alsius at aggy without a door and wyatt and i held off 7 syrtis at samal without a door but there we were reinforced pretty quickly

hehe i wish i could fight ref without his barb excorts xD

09-23-2008, 03:59 AM
lol ill admit i love to figth alsius on this server but no props for ignis?

when we war our war parties are 2 - 4 players strong (about as big as syrtis hunting parties) and we still manage to take and hold forts just last night keliek and i held off 5 alsius at aggy without a door and wyatt and i held off 7 syrtis at samal without a door but there we were reinforced pretty quickly

Never seen Ignis fighting like Alsius on Horus. Ignis offers no challenge.

09-23-2008, 04:02 AM
Never seen Ignis fighting like Alsius on Horus. Ignis offers no challenge.

hehe that shall change
besides most of the fights against ignis consist of a nice round 5vs1 hows that ever going to be a challenge? last time it happened to me though i did manage to kill 2 of em almost 3 before dying

09-23-2008, 11:22 AM
hehe that shall change
besides most of the fights against ignis consist of a nice round 5vs1 hows that ever going to be a challenge? last time it happened to me though i did manage to kill 2 of em almost 3 before dying

Hmm 5v1 and you almost killed 3??And you are a knight? Either you are the best regnum player EVER, or those are some of the biggest noobs EVER and they were like 15 levels lower. Or they were injured when they attacked you.
Or you just make this up.:harhar:

09-24-2008, 04:53 AM
Hmm 5v1 and you almost killed 3??And you are a knight? Either you are the best regnum player EVER, or those are some of the biggest noobs EVER and they were like 15 levels lower. Or they were injured when they attacked you.
Or you just make this up.:harhar:

mmm no o.O, why would i have to make shit up? its a game i dont have to prove myself to people over the internet, you can take it as a lie or the truth doesnt matter to me think what you want

1 lvl 40ish, oro and 2 others i didnt see others

the lvl 40 conju i killed, one barb(unsure on his lvl)
and almost got oro

i was at herb i do believe
bottleknecked em in the tower dropped down after they were at the top

09-25-2008, 05:38 AM
kill the goats! :gun_bandana:

09-25-2008, 09:52 AM
Cmon dont be so evil :)

Goats are fine, we have great wars even if we lose the most times.

Keep going guys, horus is active and interesting with you ;)

09-26-2008, 12:19 AM
Well you often win cause you have numbers but today it was so... Great fights at stone and pinos.
Btw could you drop your speed a little? :wink:

09-26-2008, 01:26 AM
Goats are great on Horus, probably the strongest realm at the moment.

Ignis though... Ignis is just a joke, I couldn't believe the stuff I was seeing. Hunter with no passive speed, Marks with level 1 DS, Marks WITHOUT DS, barb with 1 handed weapon...
And the fort wars, hah, they're the biggest joke of all.

I recommend everyone should make a lvl1 char on horus and bring it to Ignis to check out the fun. Hell you might even make some rp from them xD

09-26-2008, 01:57 AM
Are you sure it was one handed? There are some two handed weapons with the one handed animation :p

09-26-2008, 02:13 AM
Are you sure it was one handed? There are some two handed weapons with the one handed animation :p

You truly are Sherlok.

09-26-2008, 02:17 AM
You obviously didn't catch my question. Are you sure it was one handed?

09-26-2008, 02:32 AM
You obviously didn't catch my question. Are you sure it was one handed?
Who do you have to act Watson? Sherlok was never alone!

09-26-2008, 02:34 AM
Thanks for your reply. Took you long enough to think up.

09-26-2008, 02:48 AM
lol ok.. ok.. ignis is sad right now :/ half our lvl 50's arent ever even on and when we try to take forts >.> its like 4 people and that just doesnt cut it when syrtis can muster about 10 - 15

seriously ignis is undermanned by a good 20 - 30 good fighters
all i ever see out there is me dark prince kaliek and some germans

i have no barbs to fight along side me really just efrendi max and a couple others who are barely ever on

but the big thing is when we do try to get a hunting party together one person will say "oh they have too many" and leave while we have others coming and then another will do the same until soon we have 2 - 3 people left willing to fight and like today it was at one point 2 vs 10 at samal, i mean i can try to kill one of ya but there so many knockdown spells that i got hit by in a matter of a few seconds it was unreal there was one point i got hit by 3 ambush's at the same time

but hey atleast a few of tried where as the rest of the realm just walked away

09-26-2008, 03:29 AM
Thanks for your reply. Took you long enough to think up.
No, not really. You see I try to play the game as well, I don't just camp the forums. You should try playing the game as well.

EDIT: Smurv, it's not numbers. We've wiped ignis groups outnumbering us time and time again. They are just... complete noobs, that's all.

09-26-2008, 03:31 AM
No, not really. You see I try to play the game as well, I don't just camp the forums. You should try playing the game as well.

EDIT: Smurv, it's not numbers. We've wiped ignis groups outnumbering us time and time again. They are just... complete noobs, that's all.
I would if my ping wasn't staying at 2000 - 2100 and not going any lower.

By the way, would you please come up with more arguments than just that one?

09-26-2008, 03:34 AM
No, not really. You see I try to play the game as well, I don't just camp the forums. You should try playing the game as well.

EDIT: Smurv, it's not numbers. We've wiped ignis groups outnumbering us time and time again. They are just... complete noobs, that's all.

we've done the same to syrtis and alsius its just depends whos on but i think we did get the short end of the stick when it comes to good players

09-26-2008, 07:48 AM
Chill out guys :P

Ignis has a prob right now, few high lvl chars, ok they will get over with it in a few while... As i said all sometimes win and lose :P
Alsius are great, Syrtis need a few more locks to have the ability to rush more effectively, we have only 3 high lvl locks atm.
So horus needs more time :)

PS: My speed is fine :)

09-26-2008, 09:01 AM
In the next days many Ignis players including myself will reach Level 50.

I haven't been in the WZ for a few weeks cause I can level save in our realm.

I think we will have some nice battles soon.

09-26-2008, 09:19 AM
In the next days many Ignis players including myself will reach Level 50.
I haven't been in the WZ for a few weeks cause I can level save in our realm.
I think we will have some nice battles soon.

Thats what we all hope...It´s kind of Sad to fight only against syrtis...
We see in Wz...

p.s. for myself: buy a new dictionary...


09-26-2008, 12:26 PM
Hey Smurv, i suggest you get better teammates than that Efrendi, the guy is a total SC monkey (he casted like 15 SCs on me while we held Samal a couple of days back), and to top it off, he has a bad form.
While we wiped him and his group of 5-6 guys like 6 times, once they actually managed to kill me (4v1) that SC monkey danced on my dead ass.

Now i dont know if he is reading this, but if not, tell him he has a LOT more to learn, world is much wider than SC + OWTH.

09-28-2008, 07:10 AM
The wars in Horus are starting to show results.

Today Ignis went to aggersborg and we holded it off for about 1 hour, was a good fight.

And we also went to hebred, we killed and got killed but never got to capture, only got to brake the door.

and then we also had nice fights at samal :).

09-28-2008, 10:29 AM
Yup, it was matter of time :)

Horus become more interesting everyday, keep going!

09-28-2008, 01:51 PM
Yup was good fighting......... Horus may be growing up at last :)


09-29-2008, 02:26 AM
Hey Smurv, i suggest you get better teammates than that Efrendi, the guy is a total SC monkey (he casted like 15 SCs on me while we held Samal a couple of days back), and to top it off, he has a bad form.
While we wiped him and his group of 5-6 guys like 6 times, once they actually managed to kill me (4v1) that SC monkey danced on my dead ass.

Now i dont know if he is reading this, but if not, tell him he has a LOT more to learn, world is much wider than SC + OWTH.

i need more teammates period most of the time its me vs like 5 - 10 xD
good fun though some awsome suicide runs yielding 1 maybe 2 kills depending on the pt count of the party :)

p.s.: sorry mei at aggy you were the closest target no hard feelings xD
its just unlucky that that area hit all 7 of you killed me pretty fast though after i killed you

09-29-2008, 03:41 AM
You will start to see my face out there more and more now that im high enough lvl to war well

09-29-2008, 04:01 AM
You will start to see my face out there more and more now that im high enough lvl to war well

wooo another alsius to kill :D

09-29-2008, 04:11 AM
We about even now smurv :P

09-30-2008, 05:40 PM
I havn't been warring much as of late, as I got disguisted with some people in Syrtis. Getting online and having non one to hunt with or war with isn't my idea of fun. I do have a nice gift on the herizon though, but only time can tell on how much of an impact that it will make. Sounds like war is picking up rather nicely which is cool.

09-30-2008, 05:48 PM
Miss you already Refe.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Yeah its picking up on Horus, more good fights seem to be happening more often.

Best Regards

09-30-2008, 05:48 PM
I havn't been warring much as of late, as I got disguisted with some people in Syrtis. Getting online and having non one to hunt with or war with isn't my idea of fun. I do have a nice gift on the herizon though, but only time can tell on how much of an impact that it will make. Sounds like war is picking up rather nicely which is cool.

I think alsius is dropping in strategic playing -_-

09-30-2008, 06:35 PM
I havn't been warring much as of late, as I got disguisted with some people in Syrtis. Getting online and having non one to hunt with or war with isn't my idea of fun. I do have a nice gift on the herizon though, but only time can tell on how much of an impact that it will make. Sounds like war is picking up rather nicely which is cool.

Well what did you expect, you got to 50 so fast non hardly anyone in INQ was at hunting lvl when you go there :/

10-01-2008, 03:49 AM
As this seems to be the Horus WZ thread of late..

Just want to say how much fun we had at Pinos fighting you Tomatoes =D Fights like that are really great, and it was nice to see some old friendly faces.

~ Lust

10-01-2008, 08:12 AM
Last night was another fun night in the wz on Horus. For the first time when I've been on, the whole map went blue (after many nights at first of it being green).

Here's our party in front of Algaros Fort (I think): Mosyl, The Sweetness, Lumiya (Necrovarus), me, and La.


10-01-2008, 10:23 AM
Yes i agree it was fun to day running between samal and aggers, was great fun

I think alsius stragey is fallen only due to new players entering the wz, and afew others not being online anymore.

10-01-2008, 06:15 PM
/me had fun killing alsius yesterday and the day before, thanxs :)

gained like 350 rps

10-01-2008, 11:20 PM
Syrtis pwned Vesper (The Great Green Dragon) for first time today, so we were lil quiet at midnight (in wz i mean)...

We will make a new thread about this though...

Grats Syrtis!

PS: Dear Ignis, your turn now! ;)

10-02-2008, 05:28 AM
PS: Dear Ignis, your turn now! ;)

We don't kill our dragon; we worship and nurture it. We feed it with prisoners we take from Alsius and Syrtis, and sometimes annoying newbies.

One day the dragon will fly out, and rain fire and death on our enemies.

10-02-2008, 08:29 AM
PS: Dear Ignis, your turn now! ;)

I dont think so Ruelz :( We could try it, but we dont have enough healers...

Maybe in about a month or so ;)

10-02-2008, 10:30 AM
I checked XP rankings, you have 5 lvl 50 conjus. Syrtis has only 2 lol

So the prob isn't the healers, you have plenty of them... Tell them to change setup, not be warjurers, and you will do it!

And a hint to help: "Archers dont need heal, maybe only 5 times in whole fight", figure it out...

Good luck with Tynax :)

10-02-2008, 04:15 PM
I checked XP rankings, you have 5 lvl 50 conjus. Syrtis has only 2 lol

So the prob isn't the healers, you have plenty of them... Tell them to change setup, not be warjurers, and you will do it!

And a hint to help: "Archers dont need heal, maybe only 5 times in whole fight", figure it out...

Good luck with Tynax :)

Even if we have 5 conjurers, the problem is that most of us dont get online at the same time or dont even know each other.

Maybe when ignis grows more on a certain time with more players we can probably kick tenax behind ^^

PD: The wars in Horus are awesome, and its growing.

10-02-2008, 04:26 PM
Well we had a date to kill vesper...

Spammed it in Syrtis tab for some days, everyone informed his clan and so on...

Soon we will try again, i assume.

Yes, wz is more interesting every day :)

10-03-2008, 10:03 AM
I checked XP rankings, you have 5 lvl 50 conjus. Syrtis has only 2 lol

we may have 5 of them yeah but 3 are crappy wannabe warjus >.>

10-03-2008, 04:48 PM
we may have 5 of them yeah but 3 are crappy wannabe warjus >.>

As i said in game Smurv, dont rag on support... they might not save ur ass in future...lets remember katie's thread -


10-05-2008, 08:33 PM
As i said in game Smurv, dont rag on support... they might not save ur ass in future...lets remember katie's thread -


enlighten me then, how are conjus that cant heal or rez going to save my ass? infact all they did were buff with lvl 1 buffs that are nearly useless to leech rps

so yeah im gonna rag on support when it doesnt provide any support
you werent there you didnt see what happened so stay out of it

10-06-2008, 10:01 AM
How about learning the little ones, giving them abuse in game like you do doesnt really much either, does it ? :p

10-06-2008, 10:27 AM
How about learning the little ones, giving them abuse in game like you do doesnt really much either, does it ? :p

mm once again you werent there you dotn know what happened or why i went off

you of all peopel should know i dont usually start fights

10-06-2008, 12:40 PM
mm once again you werent there you dotn know what happened or why i went off

you of all peopel should know i dont usually start fights

Dont start this crap, anybody would agree you help players grow, not shout at them ! I was stood right there, i might not have seen the conj in action, but i saw how you were behaving >.<

10-07-2008, 10:55 AM
Dont start this crap, anybody would agree you help players grow, not shout at them ! I was stood right there, i might not have seen the conj in action, but i saw how you were behaving >.<

hmmm, im suppose to help the same people that same i dont know how to use my own character after saving their asses.... i think not, they shouldve thought about asking for advice before dissing on others

10-13-2008, 08:41 AM
I´m a little scared that in some time it will be pretty much the same on Horus as it´s on Ra or the German servers... Alsius has good players, who try to prevail with strategie, but it´s few of them. Syrtis will have a mass of high level players in a little while and then Tyr´s Zorn will not do.

Now our advantage is, that most of Tyr´s players know each other a while and - like Refetan said - communicate via ts. But I hope that Alsius will also get enough new players when Horus is open to everyone. Probably some former Syrts decide to become an Alsius or Ignis player - we´ll see.

Today I have to quote myself... I have been hoping, that I'm not right with my suggestion, but unfortunately it seems I am.
Fights are really nice if there is approximately the same number of both realms, but yesterday the typical Alsius phenomenon appeared: About 10-15 Alsius vs 30-35 Syrtis. No chance at all.

I really hope that this was an exception or an unfortunate combination of circumstances and my fear is unnecessary. Maybe we will see through the next realm bonus, if this is only my personal opinion.

I hope future Horus players maybe decide to join Alsius, right now it seems that we don't have any new blood...

10-13-2008, 02:57 PM
Today I have to quote myself... I have been hoping, that I'm not right with my suggestion, but unfortunately it seems I am.
Fights are really nice if there is approximately the same number of both realms, but yesterday the typical Alsius phenomenon appeared: About 10-15 Alsius vs 30-35 Syrtis. No chance at all.

I really hope that this was an exception or an unfortunate combination of circumstances and my fear is unnecessary. Maybe we will see through the next realm bonus, if this is only my personal opinion.

I hope future Horus players maybe decide to join Alsius, right now it seems that we don't have any new blood...

Yea Kinsa I agree,

Yesterday was really frustrating, and even as a knight I died fairly fast; so I just left and went to level some more. In ra server alsius is always outnumbered. It has been like this since I can remember. It mad the realm come together, and really fight well together. Something is going to have to be done to make it a tad more fair than it was yesterday.

P.S. - Kinsa check your pm's they are full. :lightsabre:

10-13-2008, 04:03 PM
Hrm... yeah, yesterday was not very balanced at pinos, I'll give you that. But we actually tried to do something about it, a party of us left - and the remaining Syrtis got zerged. Twice it happened, and many times before when we have tried giving you or ignis a fair fight... So unless some of you gets on IRC and states that you want a fair fight and guarantee that you won't zerg us back, I'm not very inclined to try that again.

And after how many times you have zerged stone with 20-25 alsius against a handful syrtians... Imbalance is in the eye of the beholder. ;)

10-13-2008, 04:54 PM
Guaranteeing a fair fight is never possible, that's true... And I don't even want to accuse Syrtis for staying there... I can only say that when we zerged Syrtis before (yes that happened, i know - even if in my opinion it has not been as much as you had yesterday) I always got bored really quick and left. In the last days you have always been more. But only MORE is not the problem if the teamwork is good...

I wasn't there anymore when you "got zerged" by Alsius, but for me this is really hard to believe. Alsius has 21 lvl 50s; 12 of them are Tyr's Zorn players. I've been the only Tyrs yesterday and I left. And my frienslist has been almost empty... It maybe right, but I guess you might at least understand why I hesitate to trust you with that...

10-13-2008, 05:32 PM
W T F is this nonsense?

We cannot and most of all WILL not promise anyone a "not-zerging" fight, and do not expect anything like that in return. As much as I hate many of my realm mates and as much as I would like to send them off running to their own deaths, this whole """fairness""" and """honor""" on Horus is really getting on my fucking nerves.

This game has one fucking thing going for it and one thing alone: This free-for-all kill-anything-that-moves type of area, where anything goes, no rules. Sure, some things can be expected out of common courtesy, but even that can only be expected to some extend.

The WZ is meant to be a terrifying place, not a frigging chess club where we fight at pre-determined face-offs to test our skills. There is no samurai honor in this game, try somewhere else. This game is kill or be killed. If you don't like that, you got the wrong game.

10-13-2008, 05:52 PM
W T F is this nonsense?

We cannot and most of all WILL not promise anyone a "not-zerging" fight, and do not expect anything like that in return. As much as I hate many of my realm mates and as much as I would like to send them off running to their own deaths, this whole """fairness""" and """honor""" on Horus is really getting on my fucking nerves.

This game has one fucking thing going for it and one thing alone: This free-for-all kill-anything-that-moves type of area, where anything goes, no rules. Sure, some things can be expected out of common courtesy, but even that can only be expected to some extend.

The WZ is meant to be a terrifying place, not a frigging chess club where we fight at pre-determined face-offs to test our skills. There is no samurai honor in this game, try somewhere else. This game is kill or be killed. If you don't like that, you got the wrong game.

Mira, don't bash Kinsa for saying these things, and I don't even know if this is directed to her or not. She is the type that hates zerging from both ends, and what we did was level alt. characters, because it was the thing to do at the time. Mira, I am completely with you on your view of the wz too.

10-13-2008, 05:57 PM
Last night it was like 1 to 2 (maybe 2 1/2), we had a load of high-levels
and almost beat the 'zerg' on our 3rd attempt.

We also could have defended Aggers properly to begin with!
It was not a big surprise that syrtis attacked us after we got beat down trying to get Herberd.
In fact i think we would have sent a lot of them back to their save doing so.

There is a lot of 'zerg mentality' in Alsuis too, im sickened by it.
Most of them havent even seen a real zerg and they are the first to whine when our numbers are low.

When we have 12-15 players, two go afk(for a long time)
and everyone is supposed to wait, comon why not try to do something fun with players we have instead.
The best way to get more player is usaly to make it fun and appealing, standing idle for 20 min waiting for one or two players is not fucking ok.

Constant whining how few we are, even with full party of high-levels, we cant do this we cant do nothing right? Bullshit!
Sure we seriously lack conjurers but still we can fight pretty hard even if dont last as long (nub conjus level hard you will be very appreciated in WZ).

When you are outnumbered, you need to make small goals to step by step wear your opponents down, not necessarily go for the fort capture directly.
Leaving is not the solution unless everyone walk away and especially not until a full hearted attempt to take the fort back been made, which none can say we did last night.
By the time reinforcements came (after two bad attempts) an equal amount of players had already left or given up, comical if you ask me especially since the 3rd attempt was the only one worth mentioning.

I really find the ‘hiding’ on fort walls and fort door jumping laughable when your numbers are 2 to 1 or more (applies for all realms).
Some players promote this play style to absurdum and consider anyone not ‘obeying it’ rp-whores or noobs.
Really get your head out of your ass’s people, stop hiding and start playing the game.

From now on i want to see more Alsius spirit less whining and less fixation on the number of players available.

10-13-2008, 07:06 PM
W T F is this nonsense?

We cannot and most of all WILL not promise anyone a "not-zerging" fight, and do not expect anything like that in return. As much as I hate many of my realm mates and as much as I would like to send them off running to their own deaths, this whole """fairness""" and """honor""" on Horus is really getting on my fucking nerves.

This game has one fucking thing going for it and one thing alone: This free-for-all kill-anything-that-moves type of area, where anything goes, no rules. Sure, some things can be expected out of common courtesy, but even that can only be expected to some extend.

The WZ is meant to be a terrifying place, not a frigging chess club where we fight at pre-determined face-offs to test our skills. There is no samurai honor in this game, try somewhere else. This game is kill or be killed. If you don't like that, you got the wrong game.

Even if I think the quality of your argumentation has room for improvement, i agree with your quintessence. I don't like that cuddling and honor thing as well, i hate those pvp nights and if they are not going to be over soon then... eeehh, well, i guess my areas will speak for themselves then.

But the point is that it's only real fun if the realms almost have the same numbers otherwise there is no challenge at all. And Refe, I know you just want to protect me or something but it's not really correct what you say: I'm not against zerging. The WZ is a place that doesn' t have any rules and that's what I like about it.

But I've seen both sides and I have to say that I'm just bored if there is no challenge at all. And I always wonder if nobody else thinks that way. But - as I said before - that's just what I think about it.

I don't even know if your post was supposed to be a reply to mine... well if it was I guess I expressed myself a little unclear before...

10-13-2008, 10:26 PM
I also have to agree with the points made above.

I don't want to offend those who like it, but I am not a fan of formalized pvp. Almost all other games have that. What makes RO special, at least for me, is that there is freeform RvR combat with some larger group objectives (forts, and later invasions).

I know I made the point earlier that maybe there could be an inter-realm arena in the wz. But now I think even that would be too much if it draws people away from RvR in the war zone.

Perhaps there could be one or two nights a month where there is formal (as in designed into the game by NGD) inter-realm pvp. Anything more than that is changing the nature of the game, imho.

But as always, people will vote with their feet.

10-13-2008, 11:47 PM
I was thinking about this today, and if you really stop and think about it; hunters are the ones who get most of the pvp. Whether the enemy likes it or not, but this is part of the hunter's class makeup. Pvp's are fun to do, but like Gideon said I think it needs to be somewhat limited.

I do think it would be cool if maybe one day a week we could teleport to the pvp island. I have been there before, and almost all know it exist. That way people could have a week to think about who they wanted to pvp, and get their setups ready. Truly, a pvp laden setup is very unfair for one that doesn't have their setup for pvp. It's one of the reasons I don't like it much, because you never know who has actually gone to the trainer to setup for pvp; while others have not, and have their war zone setup.

I know a lot of you don't want to hear this, but I really do think some limit on the reset powers function would cut down on all of this pvp. I don't think it should be limited too much, but I do think there should be a "slight" limit on how many times you can reset.

Also, I think that making the forts/castles mean something would vastly attract players to fort wars, and thus pvp could be reduced even further. I don't know; I think a lot of these functions are coming, but they just take time to implement. So, in the meantime I guess we are stuck with this pvp type stuff.

There is another idea on how to cut down on the pvp's, and that would be to just wreck the pvp's. I know most people get really offended, but sometimes direct action is the way to stop something. It just depends on who wants to be the bitch that wrecks the pvp's, and honestly I have a hard time doing that to other players.

So, I guess we can sit back, and see how this whole situation shakes out. :metal:

10-14-2008, 08:31 AM
I know a lot of you don't want to hear this, but I really do think some limit on the reset powers function would cut down on all of this pvp. I don't think it should be limited too much, but I do think there should be a "slight" limit on how many times you can reset.

From what I've seen most PvPs on Horus have been where both combatants are in their WZ skill sets, which for me is the only true way to PvP IMO.

10-15-2008, 09:18 AM
From what I've seen most PvPs on Horus have been where both combatants are in their WZ skill sets, which for me is the only true way to PvP IMO.

Which to me makes no sense at all. Come on, configuring my hunter with classical scouting setup won't help me in a PvP. It's just points you will lack for defense or attack vs a class that don't have such things.

10-15-2008, 09:24 AM
Which to me makes no sense at all. Come on, configuring my hunter with classical scouting setup won't help me in a PvP. It's just points you will lack for defense or attack vs a class that don't have such things.

WZ setup PvPs are the only ones that will teach you anything, or have any substance for when you are in the WZ IMO. Unless of course you roam the WZ with your PvP build.

Say you are running around with your WZ build to a fort, and you run into someone solo hunting, then the PvP experience will help. If you've been pvping with a PvP skill set, how will that experience help at all?

10-15-2008, 05:25 PM
Lust, so true...
What IMHO was so fun about the first PvP night we had was how it happened despite of the game rules, we all came to take a fort, found that there was nobody there - except Wodin, and it all just happened out of the blue. For me, it was the first and the last time i've ever done "PvP" in this game, but it was quite a fun experience, I learned that no matter how I may or may not "suck" at this game I can still have good fun, and that most classes really are quite castrated when not played as part of a team, just as it should be in an RvR game like this.

To those that think these happenings are so horribly wrong, with due respect you are not the ones I see most often out in the warzone, I can *very* well understand people getting bored with the current state of the game on Horus, please consider if there may be other reasons as to *why* it is so dead as it has been lately (especially so, imo, after the latest update), mind your own business and let people play the game like they want to...

(On that note, I got my hopes up quite a bit by reading a certain post from chilko today, let's hope it works out as expected for NGD and players alike)

Miraculix, if characters in this game treating each other with respect is getting on your nerves, then I would kindly suggest a break might be healthy... It is, afterall - only a game.
Giving people a fair fight is not at all an altruistic motive, on my part at least, just the simple phenomenon that many people find running over players with a zergulldozer without any challenge whatsoever gets quite tedious after a while. And, contrary to public opinion I did *not* get the most RPs on Horus by dressing up in He-Man underwear and cuddling/tickling people with a fluffy plastic sword...

10-15-2008, 06:12 PM
And, contrary to public opinion I did *not* get the most RPs on Horus by dressing up in He-Man underwear and cuddling/tickling people with a fluffy plastic sword...

I saw you do it, unfortunately a dog ate the screenshots.

10-15-2008, 06:43 PM
What I meant is just that my hunter can have group hunting setup which can't never compete with any others fighting class built. For a PvP I will not start playing cat and mouse for hours as I can do otherwise.