09-10-2008, 01:10 AM
Now, before reading this i would like to add that this is not meant in a negative way, sure, most points i would love to see fixed but take this with a grain of salt please.
Some of these bugs are so old and so often "fixed" by now that i usually joke with people about them, mostly this list is a product of my boredom.
Still, for some things (like the South Cross/Ripost change) it makes me think about the "community oriented development" NGD official approach.
Enjoy the list now.
Version: 0.9.12 (Date: 2007/6/7)
- Updated: Archer evasion revamp.
Version: 0.9.17 (Date: 2007/7/31)
- Fixed: Aura spells no longer pass through walls.
- Guards cancel the fort/castle capture (again).
Version: 0.9.20 (Date: 2007/8/31)
- South Cross and Ripost have a slightly increased damage and mana cost adjustments.
Version: 0.9.22 (Hotfix) (Date: 2007/10/9)
- New: Pets now go at the same speed of their owners.
Version: 0.9.23 (Hotfix) (Date: 2007/11/14)
- Fixed: 'Giant Cyclops' was removed from the game until further notice.
Version: 0.9.24 (Date: 2007/12/5)
- Updated: Knight's Taunt spell now removes owner control of the pet or summon while the effect is active.
Version: 0.9.25 (Date: 2007/12/19)
- Fixed: Shaanarid (Ignis Castle) door can be attacked normally now.
Version: 0.9.28 (Date: 2008/2/26)
- Spell: Head of the Pack re-balanced and corrected. Gives +3 +6 +9 +12 +15 by each nearby ally (limit of 5).
- Fixed: The bug related to Realm Points not being obtained when we kill an enemy player has been fixed. Lost Realm points on disconnection fixed as well.
(not strictly a blooper, but how about removing the countdown after being killed again? I am tired of people dancing on my corpse...)
Version: 0.9.33 (Date: 2008/7/15)
- Fixed: Buddy list contacts are no longer lost.
(more of a honorary mention since it seems to be fixed by now for real)
I remember another changelog entry, where knight damage was decreased (apart from the major 25% decrease somewhere in there which i didn't list) and barb damage increased, but i cannot find it anymore...
Some of these bugs are so old and so often "fixed" by now that i usually joke with people about them, mostly this list is a product of my boredom.
Still, for some things (like the South Cross/Ripost change) it makes me think about the "community oriented development" NGD official approach.
Enjoy the list now.
Version: 0.9.12 (Date: 2007/6/7)
- Updated: Archer evasion revamp.
Version: 0.9.17 (Date: 2007/7/31)
- Fixed: Aura spells no longer pass through walls.
- Guards cancel the fort/castle capture (again).
Version: 0.9.20 (Date: 2007/8/31)
- South Cross and Ripost have a slightly increased damage and mana cost adjustments.
Version: 0.9.22 (Hotfix) (Date: 2007/10/9)
- New: Pets now go at the same speed of their owners.
Version: 0.9.23 (Hotfix) (Date: 2007/11/14)
- Fixed: 'Giant Cyclops' was removed from the game until further notice.
Version: 0.9.24 (Date: 2007/12/5)
- Updated: Knight's Taunt spell now removes owner control of the pet or summon while the effect is active.
Version: 0.9.25 (Date: 2007/12/19)
- Fixed: Shaanarid (Ignis Castle) door can be attacked normally now.
Version: 0.9.28 (Date: 2008/2/26)
- Spell: Head of the Pack re-balanced and corrected. Gives +3 +6 +9 +12 +15 by each nearby ally (limit of 5).
- Fixed: The bug related to Realm Points not being obtained when we kill an enemy player has been fixed. Lost Realm points on disconnection fixed as well.
(not strictly a blooper, but how about removing the countdown after being killed again? I am tired of people dancing on my corpse...)
Version: 0.9.33 (Date: 2008/7/15)
- Fixed: Buddy list contacts are no longer lost.
(more of a honorary mention since it seems to be fixed by now for real)
I remember another changelog entry, where knight damage was decreased (apart from the major 25% decrease somewhere in there which i didn't list) and barb damage increased, but i cannot find it anymore...