View Full Version : Tyr´s Zorn - The embodiment of arrogance?

09-10-2008, 08:09 PM
Hi everybody,

today a friend of mine, who is in another clan, told me that the reputation of Tyr´s Zorn is not the best. At least in our own realm...
He didn´t want to tell me anything concrete, just said something about "Tyr´s Zorn member often refuse to join a party or want to tell others how to fight."

I cannot say anything about the things he didn´t tell my, but I´ll try with those two I know...

No member of the Tyr clan is an English native speaker. We can communicate somehow, but sometimes it sounds a little weird (just look at Flens`posts :harhar: )
Probably sometimes things sound a little rude, just because some people don´t know how to explain it in English in a nice way. And sometimes there is just no time for anything else than shouting out some command...

And refusing to join parties... Hm...
It´s completely counterproductive to do that. Most members are always looking for a party because leveling works much better in one.

Some of us even got real "extrem-level-groups".... if anyone wants to join, you can PM me here or chat me ingame (just Alsius/Horus, of course). Just tell me your class and level (30+) and I will tell you if and how you can join (just don´t want to give away all of our secrets inside the forum^^).

We are a pretty big clan. Not all of our members know each other that well. Probably some are arrogant... but some are not...
If one of you got problems with any member of TZ and wants to talk about it, you can send me a PM. Let´s see if we can get rid of this misunderstanding.

09-10-2008, 11:56 PM
Not sure who's said that, I haven't heard anything of the like. But the Tyr's Zorn players I have met are all nice people.

~ Lust

09-11-2008, 01:26 PM
Well the post kind of sounds like an clan invite to go to this one not the other. That may not be the case, I just percieve it that way,

anyway the only comment I have on not the clan itself, but its on Flens and his little girlfriend, their playing style could be a little more, hmm, diversed to me, I don't like the idea of 2 barbs rushing into the whole group and doing 2 lvl 5 typhoons, cutting down well over half the Ignis troops.

Thats all I have to say :p the double typhoon, I don't like it :p

09-11-2008, 01:43 PM
anyway the only comment I have on not the clan itself, but its on Flens and his little girlfriend, their playing style could be a little more, hmm, diversed to me, I don't like the idea of 2 barbs rushing into the whole group and doing 2 lvl 5 typhoons, cutting down well over half the Ignis troops.

Thats all I have to say :p the double typhoon, I don't like it :p
Unrelated to whatever Tyr's Zorn might be, what do intend to say with the second part of your post?

Seems to me that when you say that you don't like the typhoons of Flens and "his little girlfriend" (sic) they are doing their job pretty well. Did you want to congratulate them for it?

09-11-2008, 01:46 PM
Yeah thats it :p

I have no problem with the Typhoons, just that I find them annoying, when I get shot down with them I always go "Ah damn got me again"

And I call the girl his girlfriend, they probably aren't dating, it was a figure of speech, I call her that because shes always with him and they work together

just my 2 cents

09-11-2008, 02:40 PM
Arrogance isnt always a bad thing...only if you dont see you have faults too. Flens has killed me loads of times..as for the war thingy...well seeing as they do so well there....listen to what people say but you dont need to agree with them..you pick and chose the best bits :) As a close friend said..German does sound agressive..maybe it comes across in english too..who knows..

09-11-2008, 02:45 PM
As a close friend said..German does sound agressive..maybe it comes across in english too..who knows..
Yeah thats a very good saying

really it has truth, I was playing the other game with a german one time and during the course of the beggining in our mission he started to what seemed like to me "yelling at me" kinda pissed at me, then I looked closer as we got through it to find out he was really helping me with good advice.

09-11-2008, 02:50 PM
Yeah thats a very good saying

really it has truth, I was playing the other game with a german one time and during the course of the beggining in our mission he started to what seemed like to me "yelling at me" kinda pissed at me, then I looked closer as we got through it to find out he was really helping me with good advice.

Sometimes things get lost in translation...makes me want to learn more german :)

09-11-2008, 05:12 PM
Well the post kind of sounds like an clan invite to go to this one not the other. That may not be the case, I just percieve it that way,

Then I guess I explained it wrong... To be honest, Tyrs is a German speaking clan and stays like that, I didn´t want to recruit anyone.
But just because we speak German in the clanchat, it doesn´t mean that we want to keep out of all the other players way.

And my offer concerning the levelgroups... some of you might have noticed, that some Tyrs Zorn members tend to level quite fast. Its not only because we don´t have any friends in real life (and we really don´t have those :crying1: ) but also because of a good technique.
It´s just an offer...

09-11-2008, 05:52 PM
first of all,i wanna say that i am one of those persons that think's that tyr's is the embodiment of arrogance..and i'll give you reasons too...because i'm not afraid of shuting up(like others are)...i must say that what i'm about to write does not include the entire tyr's clan ..about 90% to be exact...considering the fact that tyr's has a majority of conju's almost everytime we went with them in WZ most of us(others that were with them) died....and none of them resurected us...happened to me with 2 conju's from tyr's by my side..i know they have no obligation to heal or rez everyone but as far as i know this game is based on RVR combat not clan vs clan...another thing which bothers me about tyr's ...ok ,it's allright to go check out the enemy cs after we take a fort but not camp there and kill the same players over and over again(even if this is not a rule,it's common sense to respect your enemy not humiliate him until he loses his interest in the game)...there are much more things to say but for know i prefer to stop here......all of which i said so far do not include Healerous from tyr's ..he's an ok guy and a great conju....

09-11-2008, 07:24 PM
I have been out there with tyrs alot and from my experience they don't respect other players be them enemies or friendlies and I don't like that. So if you TyR's are going to be one of the good guys in the game give respect to others.

- this is not towards any player - I know many nice guys from TyR so no offence but some of you guys should think about others too, not only about yourselfs

09-11-2008, 10:29 PM
first of all,i wanna say that i am one of those persons that think's that tyr's is the embodiment of arrogance..and i'll give you reasons too...because i'm not afraid of shuting up(like others are)...i must say that what i'm about to write does not include the entire tyr's clan ..about 90% to be exact...considering the fact that tyr's has a majority of conju's almost everytime we went with them in WZ most of us(others that were with them) died....and none of them resurected us...happened to me with 2 conju's from tyr's by my side..i know they have no obligation to heal or rez everyone but as far as i know this game is based on RVR combat not clan vs clan...another thing which bothers me about tyr's ...ok ,it's allright to go check out the enemy cs after we take a fort but not camp there and kill the same players over and over again(even if this is not a rule,it's common sense to respect your enemy not humiliate him until he loses his interest in the game)...there are much more things to say but for know i prefer to stop here......all of which i said so far do not include Healerous from tyr's ..he's an ok guy and a great conju....

So now we’re plain-talking… I like that. That kind of post is what I wanted to get. I’ll try to say something to each point you wrote down. By the way, we didn´t really know, but we guessed, that you were the one (or one of those) who said this about us.

Step by step:
Those conjus you said something about can be four people; Irodia, Healerous, Germany and Exodus; because they are the only ones who are in the WZ right now. You excluded Healerous. Germany and Exodus are – right now – nearly almost skilled for levelling (damage, no heals). I don´t like conjus that are skilled this way, but that´s just the way it is.
I have been to the WZ with other conjus (non-Tyrs) and the only one I can remember that supported was Vaina. So I do not think, that it is fair to say that all dd-conjus of Tyrs are bad… and when other conjus are skilled like that, it is ok.

Irodia is probably the best conju I have ever met (I can´t make up my mind if Irodia or Simitra is the best, but Simitra is yet to low on Horus, so you cannot know). He doesn´t care if you´ re in the same clan or if he likes you… he heals the one who needs it the most and rezzes the one who is the most important for the group to succeed. And I can judge this, because we used to be in different clans before – and those didn´t even like each other.
So I would really like to know who those two conjus were…

I do not understand the connection between camping and arrogance, but ok…
I don´t like camping binds. Sometimes I go there, take a look around and most of the times I immediately go away, because it is no challenge to fight two players with five level 45-50 players.
But camping is not forbidden, it is possible (even though you can resurrect at the realm wall and everyone who doesn´t do when having no chance is a fool to my mind) and there are several people who do this – not all Tyrs members!!!
Being level 47/48 or something I was killed on Aggers bind by Nytefyre and Refetan – so what? It will be my fault if I go afk in the WZ.
And I really wonder why the “Tyrs campers” disturb you on the one hand and on the other hand you exclude Healerous. From time to time he visits Herb bind himself too. :gun_bandana:

What caught my eye in the past is – not only concerning you Rhanya – if one of us (doesn´t matter who) tells someone what to do while capturing a fort / hunting / levelling this is ignored like it´s the biggest crap Tyr´s players tend to say. If we don´t say anything we are arrogant and don’ t want to help. Whatever we do… it seems to be wrong right from the start.

09-12-2008, 06:21 PM
to kinsa,

i have nothing personal with you,if you remember every time we met in wz i always joined you.remember the day i was in wz,at trelle save, and you came along and asked me and kianoni to tag along to take herbred and after we did you guys left without saying anything and left us there to get overrun by syrtis,happened at samal too...:clapping5365:(it's not for me to judge i'm not even angry..it's just not nice) but thats not the point....we'r used to that ...regarding irodia he was a good leveling companion,but don't be so sure that he is what you say he is in the wz.make of it what you will..

another thing when i had my grad party i was supposed to get a zarkit as a present...from my friends who talked to Wyatt(ignis player)and who was kind enough to come and give me his zarkit....so there we were about 10 alsius guys and wyatt when along comes nicolay and kills wyatt :imstupid: ten people were screaming at him not to kill wyatt yet he did....i mean how stupid do you have to be to see 10 alsius around one ignis not doing anything to him...and you come along and kill him.....that was just rude..another time MON clan and some syrtis guys arranged a pvp meeting on one of the bridges when along comes cortez and kill's the syrtis fellow...he got like a whole bunch of messages to stop and leave him alone ...he kept hitting him even though the syrtis guy didn't fight back...
i know you guys always have an explanation for everything..but at least pay more attention..and if you don't respect your enemy at least respect your ally...in fact isn't this game about clans working together to take an enemy realm...how can we do this if you guy's are always so selfish(you always take off without saying anything..that's why i gave up coming to wz with you guys because i can never depend on you)and it's been known to happen for one of you guys to tag along with us(MON,Frenchies)and everytime your guy was afk we waited and never said,like some people from tyr's say,"i don't like waiting"if i was to say everything i know there would be a lot more to say....and i'm not the only one who feels this way about you guys,except i am the only one who speaks her mind.
and last some of you guys(not giving names you know who you are)should learn some manners as far as talking goes(especially cuz i'm a girl)
this time i gave some names so you guys don't think i have something against the entire clan.:warning:

09-12-2008, 07:56 PM
another time MON clan and some syrtis guys arranged a pvp meeting on one of the bridges when along comes cortez and kill's the syrtis fellow...he got like a whole bunch of messages to stop and leave him alone ...he kept hitting him even though the syrtis guy didn't fight back...

you, yawney and kianoni were cuddling at the algaros bridge with a syrtis knight. when I saw him I wanted to kill him, because it was a syrtis guy. and we were in the warzone, where no rules exist. you only screamed "stop" or something like that and even insulted me. you didnt say anything about a duel.


09-12-2008, 08:45 PM
hey cortez.....we wrote we were in pvp and didn't it occur to you when you saw 3 alsius around 1 syrtis not killing him that something is strange..i admit i insulted you because the 3 of us each told you to stop because it's a pvp but noooooo you had to chase him down and kill him..btw i'm sorry for that ..at least i'm admiting my mistakes.......and btw if no rules exist then at least respect should..

09-13-2008, 12:42 AM
So this one´s the same procedure… I´ll try to explain some of your points and go through your post step by step.

i have nothing personal with you,if you remember every time we met in wz i always joined you.remember the day i was in wz,at trelle save, and you came along and asked me and kianoni to tag along to take herbred and after we did you guys left without saying anything and left us there to get overrun by syrtis,happened at samal too...

Yes I remember. I spawned at Trelle, the rest of us at Aggers bind. I met you at Trelle bind and asked you if you wanna join. You said sth like like “Yes, but Kiannoni has to find a new pet.” And I said. “Ok, we´ll go to Herb, but the rest of my group is waiting for me at Herb bridge, have to go there.” You didn´t say anything. So I thought you would meet us in Herb. You didn´t. Furthermore you didn´t chat me or anyone of us as far as I know.
And so I learned from this experience and do not know why I should ask you to join, if you don´t come with us anyways. So its us you cannot depend on?
No one ever asked me if I wanted to join. In my opinion asking this is always the sign that you want to work together with someone… I did never get any sign from anyone.

another thing when i had my grad party i was supposed to get a zarkit as a present...from my friends who talked to Wyatt(ignis player)and who was kind enough to come and give me his zarkit....so there we were about 10 alsius guys and wyatt when along comes nicolay and kills wyatt :imstupid: ten people were screaming at him not to kill wyatt yet he did....i mean how stupid do you have to be to see 10 alsius around one ignis not doing anything to him...and you come along and kill him.....

Nice, that you mention this point.
Did you know, that Healerous organized a zarkit for you that day? A Syrt-conju we know waited with us at the stone circle, because you told Healerous that you were levelling there. Irodia, Flens, Alaria and me (hope I didn´t forget anyone) have been waiting there for you. Healerous asked where you are – no answer. We all came there for you and you didn´t care, you didn´t answer; the Syrt was playing another game and came online extra for you… nice!

another time MON clan and some syrtis guys arranged a pvp meeting on one of the bridges when along comes cortez and kill's the syrtis fellow

That´s a joke? You wanted to have a pvp meeting “on one of the bridges”? Next time you probably meet in front of Aggers or Herb and wonder why it doesn´t work and someone is attacking…
Once I wanted to try if some spells work. I caught that Syrt mentioned before and tested it with him. I met him far away from common ways or levelpoints because I didn´t want anyone to disturb us. And guess what: no one disturbed us. Got it?

and last some of you guys(not giving names you know who you are)should learn some manners as far as talking goes(especially cuz i'm a girl)

I´m a girl as well. I do not understand, what happened in the general that made you say something like that. Especially because all the guys from Tyrs that need a muzzle from time to time are not that good at speaking English and so they normally do not try to make their usual “below the belt jokes” besides the clanchat or teamspeak.

So, as you can see, you are right with at least one point: we can explain everything. :P

But – believe it or not – even if I think that most of the points you mentioned are bulls*** we talked about this problem in ts for a while, because we don´t like the whole anti-teamwork-spirit that results from those comments. And we realized some points: When we are in the WZ then it’s usually a big group of Tyrs members. It doesn´t matter if there are two or fifteen other players, but we often wrote sth down in the general In German. This was always in good faith, but it seems as if we want to redline the rest. We apologize and try to stop that.

We have had our own level-parties for a while now and it is very effective. Probably it seems that we want to exclude others from this levelling, but I guess that my first post showed you, that it is not like that.

Number three is probably the most important one. Most of the really active Tyr´s Zorn players communicate via ts. When there are problems/strategies/decisions we say this in ts and and then do it. Some of us have played together for several months now… working together is just really easy. Way easier than telling somebody else what to do, what not to, probably discussing ‘cause one does not believe…then the other one doesn’t believe… and that in English.
You can learn a lot from us… and we can learn a lot from the Ra Players as well.

09-13-2008, 12:50 AM
I had the choice of being silent or being blunt. At first I didn't want to write here but just in private to you Kinsa. I think some of this could have been better dealt with in personal. But it now is at it is, and maybe it's not that bad to speak about it at all.

First of all, I think there is a total difference of views on this game that exist between you and ppl. like Rhanya and me. Whereas (most of) you say "it's a game and I can do what I want", we see it as "a game with characters, but a virtual world where there are honor, respect and rules still". I think it is wrong to judge what is right and what is wrong here. I clearly have my opinion. But it's a fundamental difference, I've seen countless discussions about that on different fora. We won't get a common understanding, so let's just accept it the way it is. As Rhanya said though it would be nice, if the others that want to play different were respected. By that you are pushing your rules over the others. And that indeed is arrogance (towards us). After all, there are real people sitting behind each character, no matter if friend or foe.

What I find disturbing is the feeling you don't want to be part of the rest of the Alsius community, you just don't care what we do. I am German myself but even if I would have been asked to join you before I was invited to MON, I'd have said "No". I went to an international server to be among international people. I honestly can't understand why people go here and then exclude themselves from the community with the argument "I don't speak the primary language of the server". If I want to be among Germans solely, I can go back to Nifflheim and play my character there. There are two German servers for that... No one accuses you for speaking German on your clan chat. The Frenchies do the same. Just the attitude, we stay for ourselves as we don't speak English well ... well, I can not understand it. I've been the sole non-French in a group of Frenchies several times, and they've always spoken English and they have always asked me to join them for WZ (it's not about me here, it's just meant as an example). Most of them claim to know little English as well.

Just to support this, I know you killed Aysor several times already. I don't know how that is dealt with on other servers, but on Nifflheim it was common practice to share that "experience" with fellow realm mates. So why can't you ask others to join? May it be on Alsius chat or directly asking fellow high levels. (Okay, I admit I know that you don't even wait for all your fellow clanmates, so why wait for others?) This is what I consider integrating into the community.

And regarding your kind offer to join your extreme lvl groups, I'd like to add my own experience. Whenever I was with a group of you, I got the feeling I was stealing "your" xp. (With the exception of today, it was a nice ride with you guys, Nicolay, Germany and Alaria. So thanks once again.) Yes, you may be powerleveling and some/most of you are on scrolls. Still in my opinion if you are in a group, no matter what clan the others are, you should share xp evenly - and I even do when I'm on a scroll. My experience however was your members max their own damage (and this xp) while at the same time leeching and enjoying the grp bonus.

It's not that it only happened once. I had in the early 30s when I remember some of you leveling with me at wind altar, when others and me tried to hit all gryphos once and then head on for the others to maximize grp, but some of you guys just killed all birds in an instant to gather a higher share of xp for themselves. When I now from time to time go supp my lower leveled brother, I also heal not only him but everyone around including your clanmates. But as a "thank you" they kill mobs before my brother as a knight can make relevant damage or leaving him with minimal xp. This is just rude! You can understand I feel like not healing anyone of you? I could give more examples but restain myself from giving names in public. Just so much, leaving without a word when you kindly ask to use lower damaging powers or replying "I'm on a scroll", that feels like a punch in the face.

In the end, I still think much of this could and should have been dealt with in personal. We can still do that, I'm open to pn's and would also have no problem joining you on ts once for a talk. I have no doubt that most of you are nice people in RL, just why do people have to act different when they can hide behind a virtual character? I know my post is very generalizing but please see that these are my honest feelings.

09-13-2008, 01:01 AM
Number three is probably the most important one. Most of the really active Tyr´s Zorn players communicate via ts. When there are problems/strategies/decisions we say this in ts and and then do it. Some of us have played together for several months now… working together is just really easy. Way easier than telling somebody else what to do, what not to, probably discussing ‘cause one does not believe…then the other one doesn’t believe… and that in English.

This is a valid point. And I agree with you that communicating via ts or any other system is a major advantage, especially in a heated fort battle. I've experienced that on Nifflheim myself. You died, no problem, explain where you are. Your DIV ran out? Scream! :devil: Still, the way that you are working together, the same you are "excluding" the rest. Not even on purpose. I can understand you fully. I had a quick talk with Healerous about it once, that an international TS would be nice. He though feared that most of you wouldn't speak there, being afraid of their English. That is sad, but I even can understand that.

Though you probably also agree that it makes playing together with the others also more difficult, if you rely on ts and the others don't use together with you?

09-13-2008, 04:12 AM
Sorry, but it's nearly impossible to have pvps at bridges without someone interfering, and you can't expect people not to come along and accidentally attack someone at a bridge.

09-13-2008, 01:09 PM
i would like for all this to end because this is getting old...we can never see eye to eye because you have your opinions and we have our's..i would have so much to say about your reply but i'm bored writing novels and people missing the point of it all,interpreting what i say as bull....as a final word you did nothing to change my opinion..and i still think you guys lack respect, fairplay and a lot of other things...so until you prove me wrong that's how i feel...ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS

09-13-2008, 01:10 PM
If you're talking to me, I don't play on Horus, and my wording was perfectly polite and neutral.

If you weren't...just ignore this :p

09-13-2008, 03:24 PM
Just to support this, I know you killed Aysor several times already. I don't know how that is dealt with on other servers, but on Nifflheim it was common practice to share that "experience" with fellow realm mates. So why can't you ask others to join? May it be on Alsius chat or directly asking fellow high levels. (Okay, I admit I know that you don't even wait for all your fellow clanmates, so why wait for others?) This is what I consider integrating into the community.

hey vaina!:thumb:
i had some missunderstanding about "killing aysor" too. Ive meet u at the aggersshop and asked u to join the party. But most of us were already there, waited some mins and getting bored of this. they decided to kill him without giving an info! the first mins i was pissed too, but hmm aysor is respawning after 2 hours i think. Anways vanina, if we want to kill him with MoN,WDC... it would take too long for the most to come around at hop. especially the exp's arent worth to take such a long walk to hop. I think if u guys wanna kill aysor and notice that he's a way to strong, you can give us a shot! You never did that! At least i just can say, that we should meet us in Teampseak to solve this problems. First of all we should get rid of the problems about our conjus, "exp stealers". you have to explain this again via voice ;)

so long

MCFS aka Darky aka Healerous aka Coverous aka KIFFI!!!:ranting:

09-13-2008, 05:00 PM
Sorry, but it's nearly impossible to have pvps at bridges without someone interfering, and you can't expect people not to come along and accidentally attack someone at a bridge.
Having PvPs at bridges is rude, since you're asking every passer by to submit to your whim to pvp at a high volume area.

It's also very bad for your realm because your hunters cannot track the enemy since they will pick up your pvp opponent.

PVP's should be done in remote areas.

09-16-2008, 12:13 AM
i ve seen this alsius clan camping a lot syrtis gate and heard (didnt see) same about central save.
tonight i saw them with my own eyes at gate, and was wondering if they ll place tents or not...
anyway, cant say a lot my personal opinion till i meet them more in wz, its just beginning...

09-16-2008, 06:38 AM
I do admit I really enjoyed that fight though... Being the underdog there and holding them up long enough for reinforcements was fun. The fight that ensued in Herberd shortly after the failed attack on PP was also epic. :) It's the most coordinated I have seen Syrtis has been ever.

10-25-2008, 01:02 AM
Thank you to all the Alsians at Samal today who let me fight (as a syrtian) by your side against the Igneans. I find it amazing that this kind of group restraint is possible, and I do think that I helped with the fight without getting in the way of the Alsians. Sorry for the suiciding at herbred earlier >.< I was feeling... odd :P Now back to Samal. Why do the Tyrs have to be such assholes? I was clearly not in the way of your army (I was not harassing you, I do not believe i was preventing you from casting areas).

Ah well they will be themselves... it would have been awesome if Igneans had overrun the alsians because 2 Tyrs conjs 1 Tyr warlock and 1 Tyr marx were all focusing on driving me away from helping.

10-25-2008, 01:58 AM
Hi Plover.
first of all i wanna i say that i totally respect u. we had some nice fights in the past ;)

but afterall i couldnt understand ure acting today. man! the iggs came to our teamspeak channel and were really pissed that we "merged" with you and moo, altough we were some more players than the iggs.
because of that demon decided to kill you.

i have personally no problem to fight on ur side plover. i think its just a question of the definition of the warzone. but i totally understand demon hunter.
anyways if some tyr is trying to kill syrts/iggs i would never leave him/her alone. ill stay on his/her side!

finally i wanna ask u something plover.
why did u come to sam? to get easy rp's probably? i dunno! we didnt need more players to get the iggs!!!! u should support ur own realmmates.

P.S. it would be very glad of u to stop with insults like "a**hole" i think thats not fair.
as well im hoping for more nice wars at herb. at least i wanna see u there more often plover ^^


10-25-2008, 02:19 AM
I was at this fight, and although I had left before this attack happened, I agree with the Tyr's decision to kill you. If you are not Alsian, you are no ally of mine. I show no mercy, and I expect none in return.

10-25-2008, 02:27 AM
sy plover this is wz and i kill all enemys (syrtis ore igs). this is the game. hm thx for a..hole.

illumintai/demon hunter/mephisto blitzkrieg

10-25-2008, 07:21 AM
I wasn't there, but I know how the Tyr clan fights for the most part, and I would definitely not call it arrogance by any means. I think that is actually somewhat funny to say in all honesty...

Also, I know how fun it can be to fight with different realms on occasion, and I have even done it a few times in my Regnum career, but I can say that there will always be those people that attacks the other realm. I am indifferent on that matter, because yes it is nice to help... but also other realms are enemies, so they will die. It's just the cold hard truth.

On a side note.. Plover, you playing a good bit, or just on special occasions? Of course we could be playing different times of the day.

10-25-2008, 11:32 AM
When the Ignis came into our channel and asked why we still need help of Syrtis when we are already more players that was embarrassing! Everyone on Horus talks about fighting with honor and respecting the enemy all the time, but where is any honor in that? Shame on you that you tried to "help" us in that moment, if you really wanted to help, you should have helped the Ignis!

I wonder who the 2nd Conj is you mentioned...There was only Healerous around. Maybe its Vaina you are talking about, but I have to disappoint you, he is a member of MoN and he did the only thing that was right when you came back and tried to get your revenge for being killed before: He helped his realmmates.
Seeing an Alsius player there just standing around and watching some Syrtis kill one of your realmmates (what at least one person did on purpose) is alarming and poor - is there no one around you can rely on? And you all talk about HONOR?

10-25-2008, 07:01 PM
When the Ignis came into our channel and asked why we still need help of Syrtis when we are already more players that was embarrassing! Everyone on Horus talks about fighting with honor and respecting the enemy all the time, but where is any honor in that? Shame on you that you tried to "help" us in that moment, if you really wanted to help, you should have helped the Ignis!

I wonder who the 2nd Conj is you mentioned...There was only Healerous around. Maybe its Vaina you are talking about, but I have to disappoint you, he is a member of MoN and he did the only thing that was right when you came back and tried to get your revenge for being killed before: He helped his realmmates.
Seeing an Alsius player there just standing around and watching some Syrtis kill one of your realmmates (what at least one person did on purpose) is alarming and poor - is there no one around you can rely on? And you all talk about HONOR?

^^^^The TOTAL difference between Horus and RA players.

10-26-2008, 12:17 AM
Why would you want to help the enemy..? I'm sure there were better forts you could have been helping out Plover =]

I don't like the thought of helping someone who would - in almost all cases - would kill me in an instant >D

I have a strong sense of this "honor" but expecting mercy from "helping" enemies has nothing to do with honor =PP You probably should have expected it at some point, Plover m'dear ^^ After all the only people you can *truly* trust should be your own realm mates =]

Next time you want to kill Iggies without having to be too paranoid, just let me know and we'll go find some >DDD


10-26-2008, 01:55 AM
Why would you want to help the enemy..? I'm sure there were better forts you could have been helping out Plover =]

I don't like the thought of helping someone who would - in almost all cases - would kill me in an instant >D

I have a strong sense of this "honor" but expecting mercy from "helping" enemies has nothing to do with honor =PP You probably should have expected it at some point, Plover m'dear ^^ After all the only people you can *truly* trust should be your own realm mates =]

Next time you want to kill Iggies without having to be too paranoid, just let me know and we'll go find some >DDD



10-27-2008, 02:21 PM
Kinsa, its not only Alsius, who plays together with Syrtis, no, its also Syrtis who plays together with Alsius!

Yesterday at Herb, big war, Syrtis tried to get Ignis down.... door went down, and we had to fight without a door, which was very funny... anyway, Yawney came, and the Happy Waving began... I think everyones against Ignis on Horus.

hm, do you thing.

Best wishes,
me :sifflote:

10-27-2008, 02:35 PM
Kinsa, its not only Alsius, who plays together with Syrtis, no, its also Syrtis who plays together with Alsius!

Yesterday at Herb, big war, Syrtis tried to get Ignis down.... door went down, and we had to fight without a door, which was very funny... anyway, Yawney came, and the Happy Waving began... I think everyones against Ignis on Horus.
I'm not sure what are you talking about. I was there alone watching ignis and syrtis fighting waiting for those that run away with no health to finish them (yes I know I am rp whore). I don't really remember any waving going on and after all I died there twice and always it were greens who killed me.

10-27-2008, 07:57 PM
Kinsa, its not only Alsius, who plays together with Syrtis, no, its also Syrtis who plays together with Alsius!

Yesterday at Herb, big war, Syrtis tried to get Ignis down.... door went down, and we had to fight without a door, which was very funny... anyway, Yawney came, and the Happy Waving began... I think everyones against Ignis on Horus.

hm, do you thing.

Best wishes,
me :sifflote:

i think u didnt read the full story?!
Personally i say its ok that u help the realm who needs help in a fort war, when one realm is totally overstaffed.
Plover and Moo just helped the overstaffed realm to get easy rps.
it wasnt necessary at all to help Alsius against Ignis!! thats why Tyr's killed them both!

10-28-2008, 06:15 AM
Plover and Moo just helped the overstaffed realm to get easy rps.
Then it wasn't helping Alsius. It was getting rp for themselves.

10-28-2008, 12:55 PM
Hey guys it's war zone, it is like in the jungle, it's the law of the strongest. Ennemies teaming, it happens everyday. If you wanna survive you have to team with experienced players.

10-28-2008, 09:14 PM
i think u didnt read the full story?!
Personally i say its ok that u help the realm who needs help in a fort war, when one realm is totally overstaffed.
Plover and Moo just helped the overstaffed realm to get easy rps.
it wasnt necessary at all to help Alsius against Ignis!! thats why Tyr's killed them both!

Your acting like i went there to solely get rps, and claiming im just being selfish. For one you shouldint judge what someones doing just from assumptions. Iwent there to mess around with a few friends like rhanya and didnt care at all for rps. I might have shot a couple ignis there just for fun but really i was only there to say hi and mess around. im not blaming anyone for killing me i actually expected it so i dont really care that you did, but you dont need to act like im some jerk for going there and "helping a relm in a war that didnt need it" when thats not even what i was there to do.

10-28-2008, 10:49 PM
You guys in Horus need to realize that the game is meant to be for fun. Not that the game is intended for a certain realm to prevail on other realms and declare yourselves Regnum God's.