View Full Version : Gender poll

09-25-2008, 07:50 PM
This is a poll to find out how many people play characters that are the same as their real-life gender. And I don't want any "there are no girls on the Internet" jokes in this thread - that's not what this is for.

This is also a private poll (others cannot see what option you have voted).


09-25-2008, 07:56 PM
There are no girls on the internet.
People saying they are girls in this poll are lying.

09-25-2008, 08:04 PM
Funny, there was a poll like that before. What if someone is a centaur?

09-25-2008, 08:12 PM
Funny, there was a poll like that before. What if someone is a centaur?

... Centaurs can be male or female.
But if they're on the internets, they're male.

09-25-2008, 10:45 PM
... Centaurs can be male or female.
But if they're on the internets, they're male.

Enough, that's really old. We all know that 45% of WoW players are females and 80% of Second Life users are females. So in conclusion, summing up all internet life gaming and overall use, females are 60% of internet community, proven by US research. So maybe there are no females on CounterStrike or on your little small adorable furry online games for perverts, but yeah, girls are owning the internet. Live with it. It's fucking 2008, not 1999

09-25-2008, 11:32 PM
Enough, that's really old. We all know that 45% of WoW players are females and 80% of Second Life users are females. So in conclusion, summing up all internet life gaming and overall use, females are 60% of internet community, proven by US research. So maybe there are no females on CounterStrike or on your little small adorable furry online games for perverts, but yeah, girls are owning the internet. Live with it. It's fucking 2008, not 1999

Pwnt, buy, print.

09-25-2008, 11:38 PM
I miss one option: I have exactly 50% male and 50% female characters .... so what now? :(

09-25-2008, 11:54 PM
I miss one option: I have exactly 50% male and 50% female characters .... so what now? :(

Make another one and take the decision of your life.

09-26-2008, 12:01 AM
I have two male chars and one female. Saskia is my main char, so that makes it even. I won't vote now. :P

Enough, that's really old. We all know that 45% of WoW players are females and 80% of Second Life users are females. So in conclusion, summing up all internet life gaming and overall use, females are 60% of internet community, proven by US research. So maybe there are no females on CounterStrike or on your little small adorable furry online games for perverts, but yeah, girls are owning the internet. Live with it. It's fucking 2008, not 1999

If it was 1999 I would buy every weird .com domain in the Internet. It worked for some guys. :harhar:

Now on topic: those polls were made by the same gamers that play female characters? Or maybe by the companies that want to destroy the myth of "there are no girls on the Internet".

It is true that the quantity of women in the Internet has grown with the years, but still I wouldn't believe those polls. Most of the girls are not hardcore gamers. They use WoW just as a 3D chat, have a Myspace account and any other Real-Life related social content.

09-26-2008, 01:02 AM
myspace, face book, second life, religious stuff, youtube, fantasy/manga mmos, offline games like Sims, pokemons, included secretaries playing solitaire xD

09-26-2008, 02:55 AM
myspace, face book, second life, religious stuff, youtube, fantasy/manga mmos, offline games like Sims, pokemons, included secretaries playing solitaire xD

And so on. Women actually use computers. Hey, in the ITBA (the University I go) there are some really nice girls studying IT (Engineering).

09-26-2008, 03:07 AM
Enough, that's really old. We all know that 45% of WoW players are females and 80% of Second Life users are females. So in conclusion, summing up all internet life gaming and overall use, females are 60% of internet community, proven by US research. So maybe there are no females on CounterStrike or on your little small adorable furry online games for perverts, but yeah, girls are owning the internet. Live with it. It's fucking 2008, not 1999

in the US you can prove or disprove anything as long as you're funded enough money ;)

09-26-2008, 08:22 AM
Funny, there was a poll like that before. What if someone is a centaur?
I was going to add a banana option, but I forgot about the centaurs. :(

There are no girls on the internet.
People saying they are girls in this poll are lying.
Most girls tend to hide their presence on the Internet due to sexism and/or misogny issues.

Essentially, when you encounter a man or older boy on the Internet (and this will happen as they make up 80% of every community), they will be either one of three kinds of people:
1) Oh, look, a girl! Let's pretend to be really nice so we can try and "get some". (Overt-sexualization)
2) Oh, look, a girl! She really shouldn't be playing this game because girls can't fight worth crap. She should be washing my dishes or something instead. (Misogyny & religious/cultural views)
3) There are no girls on the Internet / aka I'm a fat loser who has no life at all and spend my days on 4chan.

Now, I don't know if you men realize it, but this really is how it goes, and the reason why almost all girls on the Internet who are not MySpace whores tend to hide their presence to some extent, most of the time by pretending to be boys or never disclosing their gender at all.

People are rather disrespectful on these issues, and that's why I made the poll private just in case.


09-26-2008, 08:59 AM
This is a poll to find out how many people play characters that are the same as their real-life gender. And I don't want any "there are no girls on the Internet" jokes in this thread - that's not what this is for.

This is also a private poll (others cannot see what option you have voted).


I swear this thread has been done before....

09-26-2008, 09:20 AM
I swear this thread has been done before....
It has. By bgoodwyn(sp?)/Freshmeat.

09-26-2008, 12:30 PM
Male playing male characters here.

09-26-2008, 12:42 PM
Turns out most males are gay (?) Looking at a male bum all the time lol

09-26-2008, 01:18 PM
Male-Male :P

I find stupid making a fem character if u are male. If u wanna masturbate urself by watching a fem character (beeing a male), use internet, dont do it with a virtual character -.-

09-26-2008, 01:30 PM
Male-Male :P

I find stupid making a fem character if u are male. If u wanna masturbate urself by watching a fem character (beeing a male), use internet, dont do it with a virtual character -.-

Imagine that 60% of the gameplay you're watching a butt. Personally I'd prefer watching a female butt since it's prettier :p (that's why I have Josie <3)

09-26-2008, 03:06 PM
Enough, that's really old. We all know that 45% of WoW players are females and 80% of Second Life users are females. So in conclusion, summing up all internet life gaming and overall use, females are 60% of internet community, proven by US research. So maybe there are no females on CounterStrike or on your little small adorable furry online games for perverts, but yeah, girls are owning the internet. Live with it. It's fucking 2008, not 1999

(to the people who take me seriously: You're new here, aren't you?)

09-26-2008, 03:23 PM
Play ONLY male

09-26-2008, 03:26 PM
Female here and all female characters, except for a couple lvl 2 mule/box characters. And of course if they are there only to hold my stuff while I am having fun, they must be male characters (just kidding!).

There was a similar thread on the Spanish forum while ago, and I can not remember the exacts number (I can not find it either) but I remember that the number of females with females characters was equal to the number of males with female characters :looking:
So half of the "females" in game are actually men.

Sometimes I regret not having male characters, It is very annoying sometimes, with all due respect boys are very annoying sometimes (and I mean boys, not men).

09-26-2008, 06:14 PM
(to the people who take me seriously: You're new here, aren't you?)

No, I just like long explanations to nerdy stuff. xD

09-26-2008, 08:13 PM
No, I just like long explanations to nerdy stuff. xD

Sigh... I know you do.

09-27-2008, 12:28 AM
I find stupid making a fem character if u are male. If u wanna masturbate urself by watching a fem character (beeing a male), use internet, dont do it with a virtual character -.-

the point is that there are esthetically reasons for making a char male or female. There are just some classes/races where the race model with the given items look better on a male or better on a femal char. I know that some people don't see anything "beautyful" in a female goat, but well, opinions differ :D.

09-27-2008, 12:49 AM
People are rather disrespectful on these issues, and that's why I made the poll private just in case.


Interesting. It is always important to see the other side of the story. I'll try to learn from that.

When I made Saskia, my female char, a lot of (presumably young) guys used to send me chat. That's when I learned what you shouldn't say to a woman.

09-27-2008, 01:32 AM
Male playing male characters. Would feel strange to play a female character since i still have'nt even figured out how my girlfiend think (and i've had a few years to learn that) xD

Interesting. It is always important to see the other side of the story. I'll try to learn from that.

When I made Saskia, my female char, a lot of (presumably young) guys used to send me chat. That's when I learned what you shouldn't say to a woman.

Pretty much what you shouldn't say to anyone. We all pass through a stage when we have more hormones than braincells ;)
That's another reason for me to avoid playing female characters, i wouldn't like to get those chat msgs.

09-27-2008, 01:51 AM
I choosed a female Utghar barb simply because the way they wield their two handed weapon.
Females wield their weapon like Dwarves and male Utghars wields their weapon like Nordos.

I had a Nordo barb in beta, and since then I promised myself "never again" xD
It simply looks like if they are not strong enough to carry their weapon.

09-27-2008, 02:15 AM
I made a Znurre-like char in Horus :sifflote:

But that's because male goats are too fat and get targeted too easily.

Still, most of my chars are male.

09-27-2008, 10:47 AM
But that's because male goats are too fat and get targeted too easily.
I like your reasoning. Reminds me of people who pick dwarves for similar reason. :D

09-27-2008, 10:53 AM
Imagine that 60% of the gameplay you're watching a butt. Personally I'd prefer watching a female butt since it's prettier :p (that's why I have Josie <3)

Well.. I dont think that watching a virtual ass gives too much pleasure xD

Its not a so "good ass" as to like it so much xD

09-27-2008, 11:56 AM
Enough, that's really old. 80% of Second Life users are females.


So maybe there are no females on your little small adorable furry online games for perverts

Um, I don't know where you've been, but what exactly do you think second life is? :p

09-27-2008, 12:12 PM
I'm male, and I have 5 male characters and 4 female characters, lol.

My main characters are equal, one female and one male. A warlock lady and a barbarian that is a man.

09-27-2008, 12:21 PM
Why isn't there an option to say only? I am male, and play only male chars. Not mostly male.

09-27-2008, 12:32 PM
Why isn't there an option to say only? I am male, and play only male chars. Not mostly male.

are you feeling discriminated? :D

09-27-2008, 12:52 PM
are you feeling discriminated? :D

Yes, I think Katie is trying to stuff her feminist views down peoples' throats in emasculating all men by implying that all men harbour desires to be more ladylike and do ladies' things, like attend the operettas, and les ballets d'imaginaires, press flowers, stroke kittens, swim in rivers wearing dresses and hats... and shit.

No offense Katiedear (:

Bonus points to anyone who can spot the reference.

09-27-2008, 01:07 PM
3/4th of all my game characters are males, as a male I play a male character because in most RPG's your suppossed to do the nerdy thing where you envision yourself as the player you control.

And 1/4th of my chars are female because of reasons Piz posted, I don't like looking at a guys ass, usually the female chars just look better, and its appealing (not erotic), playing a female char dosen't mean your some horndog, its just natural you pick one over the other.

I feel most women over exagerate things like this :sifflote:

Most girls tend to hide their presence on the Internet due to sexism and/or misogny issues.

Really? Id say girls make up the internet well over men. Most girls are pretty open both IRL and online, at least from my experiences in 3 countries. Its usually the men who are less involved, girls love to flirt and thats a fact. The numbers and crap are always over exaggerated. No one can harm you over the internet unless you give out your information (which most women do online :P)

Id say theres only a few girls who actually follow that stuff about online predators,

Bonus points to anyone who can spot the reference.
I saw it too XD its clear as day, theres no real option on that poll saying we don't have a female character

09-27-2008, 04:41 PM
Yes, I think Katie is trying to stuff her feminist views down peoples' throats in emasculating all men by implying that all men harbour desires to be more ladylike and do ladies' things, like attend the operettas, and les ballets d'imaginaires, press flowers, stroke kittens, swim in rivers wearing dresses and hats... and shit.

No offense Katiedear (:

Bonus points to anyone who can spot the reference.

ROFLMAO....katie was just trying to make a point, most men are scared of their feminine side(imo not katie's btw) :P

09-27-2008, 05:19 PM
Really? Id say girls make up the internet well over men. Most girls are pretty open both IRL and online, at least from my experiences in 3 countries. Its usually the men who are less involved, girls love to flirt and thats a fact. The numbers and crap are always over exaggerated. No one can harm you over the internet unless you give out your information (which most women do online :P)

Id say theres only a few girls who actually follow that stuff about online predators,
Yes, I think Katie is trying to stuff her feminist views down peoples' throats in emasculating all men by implying that all men harbour desires to be more ladylike and do ladies' things, like attend the operettas, and les ballets d'imaginaires, press flowers, stroke kittens, swim in rivers wearing dresses and hats... and shit.
Sorry, but judging by what you wrote, it looks like you didn't understand what I was talking about at all. I was specifically talking about awkwardness uncomfortableness in online environments, not dangers.

I thought that was pretty evident to everyone, except the guy who gave me red karma for being "sexist against men", who also clearly did not understand any part of this (merely experimental) thread whatsoever.

You guys are just taking it the wrong way and forming opinions about something nobody is talking about.


09-27-2008, 05:32 PM
Look at the poll results. 55 men, 13 women... That's 80.82% vs 19.18%

09-28-2008, 11:21 AM
Look at the poll results. 55 men, 13 women... That's 80.82% vs 19.18%
Dude its an MMORPG :p

I don't think most girl's definition of fun is described in killing beasts and players ^^

09-28-2008, 02:18 PM
I like your reasoning. Reminds me of people who pick dwarves for similar reason. :D
Dwarves don't start off with 35 const. Unless something changed while I was away.

09-28-2008, 03:51 PM
Dwarves don't start off with 35 const. Unless something changed while I was away.
I was talking about size, of course. It offers an advantage or disadvantage in battle.

09-29-2008, 12:42 AM
Dude its an MMORPG :p

I don't think most girl's definition of fun is described in killing beasts and players ^^

I expected that women would take less than 10%