View Full Version : Farewell my friends

10-04-2008, 12:59 AM
I'm quitting The Order of Daggerfist I wanted to say good bye to everyone that I couldn't have seen online. Thanks for thoses 14 months it was great to play with you all.

Thank you all people that made me enoy the stay in the clan:
Val, Leaf, Tharla, Sprell, Executor, Asreall, Drah, Anarka, Bowvyn, Lupul, Lena, Albereth, Nylann, Miraculix (xD), Dreamy, Solara, Simmy, Croma Ayar, Necrovaron.

I wish you all that are still in the Order a good luck and keep fighting against the reds and blues.

PS: Sorry If I forgot someone.

10-04-2008, 01:04 AM
Hey you forgot me!

But seriously, this is an unexpected move. I much enjoyed associating you with a clan that is known for making fights. Any reason for this sudden decision? And what are your next plans?

10-04-2008, 01:06 AM
I'm quitting The Order of Daggerfist I wanted to say good bye to everyone that I couldn't have seen online. Thanks for thoses 14 months it was great to play with you all.

Thank you all people that made me enoy the stay in the clan:
Val, Leaf, Tharla, Sprell, Executor, Drah, Anarka, Bowvyn, Lupul, Lena, Albereth, Nylann, Miraculix (xD), Dreamy, Solara, Simmy, Croma Ayar.

I wish you all that are still in the Order a good luck and keep fighting against the reds and blues.

PS: Sorry If I forgot someone.
i'm sure that you won't have problem in finding a better clan

10-04-2008, 01:06 AM
Hey you forgot me!

But seriously, this is an unexpected move. I much enjoyed associating you with a clan that is known for making fights. Any reason for this sudden decision? And what are your next plans?

To respect the clan rules.

Plans are still to take over the world, as every night.

10-04-2008, 03:09 AM
You forgot me :/ the other person thats out of Order of Daggerfist

10-04-2008, 03:27 AM
Bye dracus, good luck.

<insert stereotypical goodbye speech here>

10-04-2008, 04:57 AM
good luck to you whatever your next step is. Have you already thought about ... hmmm coming to Alsius, the land of hairy goats and tiny dwarfs?

10-04-2008, 09:11 AM
good luck to you whatever your next step is. Have you already thought about ... hmmm coming to Alsius, the land of hairy goats and tiny dwarfs?
Four words: Tiny Hairy Dwarf Women.

Yeah baby!

10-04-2008, 11:34 AM
Four words: Tiny Hairy Dwarf Women.


10-04-2008, 11:44 AM
Asreall got booted too!? Wow, OoD is hardcore! At this rate you can make an "Exiles from OoD" Clan :punk:

10-04-2008, 12:18 PM
Death Eater and Prime Target were also kicked recently :P

10-05-2008, 01:20 AM
I've noticed many of their members hanging out at gates...so probably a good move dracus. Come to alsius - alsius hunters will welcome you with open arms :D

10-05-2008, 07:05 AM
I left the clan too. I had to take a heartbreaking choice between my clanmates and my boyfriend.

10-05-2008, 10:16 AM
I left the clan too. I had to take a heartbreaking choice between my clanmates and my boyfriend.

at least you made the right choice.

10-05-2008, 11:32 AM
I feel sorry for you that this happened. Good luck in Ignis.

10-05-2008, 01:46 PM
Good luck in Ignis.
/ \

(body is because of 10 limit...)

10-06-2008, 06:45 PM
latest to be kicked :p

lets see how it started..

i tried making a character (melee) because our clan felt a hole with out nylann/athena, all hunters and marks, so i thought itd be of some help..this was during the time i was sick (3-4) days, so i managed to get to 30.

Val then demanded his items back, stating i was useless as a player since i didnt use my hunter (not taking into account after im fatigued and late at night when hes in his lil bed..i do play my hunter...fee of his demands and his standards i cant compete with, oh you fuckup..that was stupid..etc etdc etc) i do play my hunter. just not for a few days..i cant help im sick, and i tried to grind pretty fast 30 in 3 days not counting 2 i was sick..

so we had a spat and i asked to be booted if i was gonna be kicked, as those items he personally promised me to use as long as i was a dagger. and guess what..they were being revoked..so well that must mean im no longer a dagger right?

i honestly thought he was different..but i suppose not, his clan is a dictatorship, not leadership.

i promised him id return the items if i got what i put in the clan bank.

oh well..those items are donated, and never asked back...oh well then.

any syrtis clan need a (in vals words, PT ) hunter? and lvl 30 knight im trying my best on? (i dont know the knight class...so i want someone with a good high level knight i can mentor under and learn from in the future (err 20 levels from now!)

once again..i apologize to any i have ever done wrong against while under OOD banner...i turned a blind eye and thought he was actually a decent person, so i followed without question.

10-06-2008, 07:58 PM
[QUOTE=Puppypaws]l(i dont know the knight class...so i want someone with a good high level knight i can mentor under and learn from in the future (err 20 levels from now!)/QUOTE]

try inquisition they have good lvl50 knights....(mele pt :P)

10-06-2008, 08:56 PM
once again..i apologize to any i have ever done wrong against while under OOD banner...i turned a blind eye and thought he was actually a decent person, so i followed without question.

Imagine me, I was blind for 14 months defending him against attacks on this forum. Too bad he has qualities as a player, and I would lie saying I didn't enjoy a part of this.

10-06-2008, 09:35 PM
Too bad he has qualities as a player, and I would lie saying I didn't enjoy a part of this.
I am honestly not saying this to kick someone who is down, but in my (and a lot of other better players) opinion he is mediocre at best.
There are a ton of better hunters out there.

10-07-2008, 12:34 AM
Not you too simmy :/. Ehh it was going to happen sooner or later i guess...Hope you feel better anyway. Yes, Val can suck my %*@!

10-07-2008, 02:37 AM
any syrtis clan need a (in vals words, PT ) hunter? and lvl 30 knight im trying my best on? (i dont know the knight class...so i want someone with a good high level knight i can mentor under and learn from in the future (err 20 levels from now!)
Well dracus and Lena seem to've gone to Inquisition, so maybe you could follow suit.

On the other hand, my small clan is always open to new members.

I was originally a leader (and the most prominent fighter) of Ironfist for about a year and later planned to merge with them before they became part of the Daggers. It's a shame that things had to go the way they did.

Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. Good luck to you all! :)

10-07-2008, 03:55 AM
It is quite sad to see members of a clan treated so. I understand not everyone is "most awesome sooper-dooper hunter in the world" but even in our clan (Alsius Hunters), we all make a valiant effort to make sure each member feels as comfortable as possible. We all share tricks, etc...there is no one leader in the clan and ranks are meaningless to us (except Wudy likes to give me odd titles at times). If anyone comes into alsius...let me or Wudy know - we'll make ya feel at home...promise.

10-07-2008, 04:33 AM
Although this is not my own clan and not my own realm I'm still a bit worried about it. If things go on like this I will seriously have to learn some more Spanish. Things have ended up like they did and I guess it is too late to revert it now. But keep playing together and you will be all fine.

10-07-2008, 08:50 AM
Thanks Red ^^

Inquisition accepted applications by Lena, Dracus and Simmy. I m sorry about situation that happened. I wont comment it, because every leader has its way of leading, but I ll give my the best that you feel in INQ like in your home, and continue enjoying in game. Thats primary goal and after all, purpose of game is fun. \o/

Simmy is a good hunter, and what I really like is that she never gives up, tending to become even better player. We ll try to help her in it as much as possible, like to any other our member with our experience we gained and gathered during this 1.5 years.

10-07-2008, 01:57 PM
I may not be in inquisition on horus anymore, but there is one thing I do know. Anpu, is one of the most willing, helpful people I know, so I think all that are not happy with the tyranny of the Dagger clan should move there. Good luck everyone, and it is sad to see Val acting this way over gear, and the bit. Some people play the game for fun, some for war, and some to be rulers.....

10-08-2008, 01:03 AM
Anpu, arent you on Horus 24/7? If not let me know I'll join INQ, if you'll let me that is =P

10-08-2008, 02:14 AM
Horus 24/7? Oo no no no, I'm still teaching that pt a few tricks on Ra :p

10-08-2008, 09:52 AM
No, I m at Horus sometimes, not playing regularly there... hate grinding xD
But I tend to be at nights on Ra whenever I can. I just have much fun with new setup :swordfight: