View Full Version : The positive Refe! To NGD

10-06-2008, 03:02 AM
Hi all!

I hope everyone is having a great night, and that I am having a great time in game at the moment. This game I have been playing for two years this month is one that I love, hehe. XD NGD, your a group of guys that are great, and have put up with a lot, honestly.. Think of all the years people have complained, have wanted balance updates, have wanted this and that, balance with items.. The list goes on and on. Some people say that you are all in it for the money, some say that you guys don't do this and that..

Let me tell you that I am one that doesn't care! I love the game, I love my friends, I love the atmosphere. See I play the game because I enjoy it! It has been a long long time since I am having the fun that I am now. Something about Regnum Online is the thing that always makes you come back. Hell, do you know the amount of times that I have been pissed, that I bitched about spells. I mean my god I think I bitched about the hunter passive speed after it was changed after beta. haha, I went through my leaves, my frustrations, my ups and downs.

Also, I have grown as an individual. I was once an arrogant and someone selfish person. Don't get me wrong I wasn't a bad guy, but I hadn't grown up yet in that time of my life. In Regnum, I have met people that truly have impacted my life. Thank you to those that have helped me in my ups, my downs, my high nights on the computer, and yes my drunken nights. haha, I even remember having the last night of beta. Yes, I beat STN with Refetan my lvl 50 conjurer, and he was a lvl 50 lock. hehe, times were different in beta... BUT they weren't better. There was lag, lack of spells, and even greater imbalance than there is now. I mean you should have seen locks back in beta, and the 35 range bows.. Don't get me started. ;D

I say all this to say Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You as a company have provided with me with something truly special. Just remember a lot of us here really really apreciate what you do.


10-06-2008, 03:59 AM
Nice way of putting it. I wasn't here during Beta, but with the couple of months that I played, for sure there are changes in game. Which only proves that NGD IS working.

One thing that I'm curious about:

What were the changes from Beta to now? The first month of Beta and this month? Some new comers would say that this game sucks. I'd say, knowing the progress of this game, adding the few numbers of people in NGD as a factor; this game rocks! How much more in the coming future?

10-06-2008, 04:04 AM
If I could write my thoughts it would be too similar to this. Very well said Jim. :thumb_up:

I feel guilty sometimes for complaining about every single thing. I do not want to offend no one when I speak my mind about something. But I guess it happens because I love this game so much and I want it to be the best it can be.

I have been playing for more than a year, I have over 6 characters and I am playing on the 3 realms. And I do not have level 50 characters, but I have met a lot of friends here ;)

Maybe I do not write this often, but THANK YOU NGD, for sharing with us this wonderful world.

10-06-2008, 10:04 AM
It has been a long long time since I am having the fun that I am now.

Could this be because of playing in Alsius? :biggrin:

I totally agree with you, I love the game! Maybe even too much - I sometimes forget I have RL friends as well :huh:

10-06-2008, 12:43 PM
I wanna pvp you xD

10-06-2008, 03:25 PM
Could this be because of playing in Alsius? :biggrin:

I totally agree with you, I love the game! Maybe even too much - I sometimes forget I have RL friends as well :huh:

haha, playing in Alsius is so fun for me. Don't get me wrong I had fun in Syrtis too, and still have a lot of friends from that realm. Something about being a bad guy in alsius with a crusty beard is something that I truly enjoy. Oh no, I may have given away too much. ;)

Real life friends, I used to have a lot of those, but ehhh when a lot of them started tripping mushrooms I was done with them. xD Now I just have a group of people I hang out with, and half the time we don't even do anything. :O

You want a pvp? I hope your ready, horus or Ra server btw? I'm still learning a lot about knight but I can pull the marksman out of the closest if you want?

10-06-2008, 05:52 PM
Real life friends, I used to have a lot of those, but ehhh when a lot of them started tripping mushrooms I was done with them. xD

Hahaha as if you never got high :p

10-07-2008, 12:20 AM
Well after reading that..

I want some of what hes smoking :p

10-07-2008, 01:05 AM
Well after reading that..

I want some of what hes smoking :p

shhhh, I don't smoke. xD

10-07-2008, 09:44 AM
Maybe Miraculix can provide some weed xD