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10-12-2008, 08:36 PM
I am back. To advertise about my spam forum.
If you ever feel like spamming/trolling/posting shitty old memes/participating in crapass contests about spamming/trollong/shitty old memes, THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU!

Do whatever you like, spam like hell and win the insult contests and you might even get moderator status.

I'm doing this for the sake of lulz (and because Jim wanted me to).
Serious moderation may occur.


Register, and have a FUCKING EPIC TIME!

10-14-2008, 07:20 PM
dude u need to get life cos u r now freaky and most ppl hate for u to spam do somthing eles besides spaming like read a book or somthing, its time that u learn that spaming is wrong.....

10-14-2008, 07:46 PM
dude u need to get life cos u r now freaky and most ppl hate for u to spam do somthing eles besides spaming like read a book or somthing, its time that u learn that spaming is wrong.....

Just checking in, to see how many views the thread got, and I see THIS?

My god man, don't you think I read?
I play 4 different role playing games, 2 of which are in english.
I read fantasy novels as much as I can (right now I'm reading an old Tolkien book).
I also read the newspapers every day, read science magazines.

Don't you fucking DARE insult me like that again.
You're the one who needs to get reading, considering how the fuck you're spelling.
It's called grammar, dumbfuck. You know, with the capital letters and the commas and the punctuations.
Try reading something not entitled "Everybody poops".

I spam because I've got nothing better to do.
Regnum Online's boring as fuck.
Toribash is filled with corrupted moderators and dickheads.
Guild Wars is only fun to play sometimes.
I can't do roleplaying very often.

I'm bullied IRL, I have no girlfriend, my friends are trying to ignore me.
I don't like talking to people about it. So, I spam.
Do not fucking question me again, or I will. Kill. You.
Understood, dicktwist?

With love from Soviet Kraetyz. <3

(P.S: I can kill you with my brain.)
(P.S2: Cake for the person who gets the reference)