View Full Version : 2º Battle

10-15-2008, 11:37 AM
Second battle

Day: Saturday, October 18
Hour: 23:00 (CET, Spain), 18:00 (Argentina)
Location: Mountains near pozo and Alsius wall (see map)

Hello, I wish we can have another good war, this time between the three realms.

The moment to start will be at this way: When the realms already placed (colored circles on the image), I´ll place one of my conjures in the center of the three kingdoms (see names in my signature), a little before I will start running about 30 seconds to be seen well, then he will sit in the middle and I will give him to die(in ESC menu), then begins the account of 89 seconds, so you can get buffs and when he die, we can begin to fight. The winner will be the kingdom that is standing in the middle.

I try to be as punctual as possible, if one is late and there is still fighting can join in the battle, but if and only left one kingdom that has already finished the battle and then everyone is free to do what they want.

I hope that as in the first battle the start of war will be respected, although before the other battle somebody spell on the conjurer who give the signal to start some ambushes and put it on foot, but I think you have seen yet him sit down and already knew you have to give buffs.

Now with the horses for gold you will reach that place easier and, Alsius is the meeting point near, I propose rejoin to Ignis at PN2 about 15 minutes before and go all together behind the mountains (it's possible other players from other kingdoms do cuts on bridges) and Syrtis can get there by the side of the wall so as not to cross with people of other kingdoms. Once there it would be good to remind people that are there when it's time to start.

Good luck,

Pd: Ignis has one victory (this is just to provocate the others kingdoms and will encourage them to come)

10-15-2008, 12:39 PM
Great Maton!

I will be there, for sure, and I really hope some more Alsius can get their arses there this time.
I can organize and advertise the event in Alsius if you want.

Cya there :)

PS. I know Pozo is very near pinos save, but it could be fun with a fight there some time including Thorkul ;)

10-15-2008, 12:43 PM
I will come. But i know how it is going to end. Yes again alsius and ignis will attack syrtians then ignis will kill goats. The end. :D
But i was watching this screen i have some idea :P I only hope that we can get enough hunters there :D

10-15-2008, 03:13 PM
I'll be away then, celebrating my mom's 50th birthday.

500km north of my computer ;)

I wish all 3 realms a good fight and i hope i can be there if/when more events like that is arranged.

10-17-2008, 08:00 AM
/me ups

Maton, it would be nice, if not already done, to organize a meeting before the event, so all Ignitians move together to the battle location. Like 22:50 at samal save (?).

10-18-2008, 09:35 PM
Yay this is about 23 minutes away!! EVERYONE GO PLEASE!!!

10-18-2008, 11:36 PM
well, this one was fast, Alsius swept with everyone

A little caos at the begining, and before battle, and alsius equal in number to ignis and syrtis together and fist they kill the few ignits that dont die before battle near pozo, and then alsius kill syrtis players fast also

pd:want other? tell me in game


10-19-2008, 08:39 AM
Too bad some of us couldn't make it because Ignis was blocking the road from pinos save to the location.

10-19-2008, 11:04 AM
Too bad some of us couldn't make it because Ignis was blocking the road from pinos save to the location.Yes...
When I first logged in I stumbled across a big red army in pozo, camping the ramp, including many English players.
We killed them and moved further to risco, where we spared the life of the few reds that was there.

Later, when the battle had almost started I heard reports in clan chat about Ignis camping ramp again, and yes, after the fight ended we all went down to pozo again only to find reds camping ramp again.
As if that was not enough, several greens attacked from pozo wall right after we killed the reds.

Well well, for me the fight was fun but I feel sorry for those who could not reach the event because of people camping the roads there.

10-19-2008, 12:28 PM
These multi-realm events invariably end up this way - a few individuals ALWAYS aim to spoil the fun.

I gave up going to them long ago, to avoid being disappointed.

10-21-2008, 01:46 PM
I got framed by some Alsius levelers who believed I was going for them (If I wanted to they would be dead xD). However it was my fault heading to close to leveling areas. After that I had a clear road to Syrtis meeting point.

The fight was short but fun, and I had one hit on Znurre ^_^