View Full Version : When someone hates a big problem like mine

10-24-2008, 11:11 PM
Well i dunno if it is the right place to post this prob i have with my old character but i will post it here.

Everything is starting when i have stopped to play regnum because of some things i had to do.I had to play for about 2 months and when i checked the game i couldn't find my lvl 43 hunter in horus (Syrtis).He has been deleted and don't know why and how.I was a little angry with it in the beginning.Now i hope you ngd will give me back my character because i paid to get xim and used everything on my hunter and now i haven't got him so i have paid for xim for nothing.Waste of money!!!Please ngd do your best to fix this prob or give me back my char.If you can't do something of this things i want to get back my money in xim for the char i am playing now.

Please ngd,reply to this post fast!I want my char back or my money in xim!

Pls ngd post here a reply :ohill:

:viking: :horsey:

10-25-2008, 07:57 PM
That sucks =(
Well it is too bad to lose a lvl 43 char.I hope you will get back your char ;)

10-25-2008, 08:33 PM
Hi Jason,

Could you please tell us the lost character's name and the account which it was in?


10-25-2008, 08:54 PM
char nama:Alphaman
account name:JasonHery

Thanks for posting ;)

I am getting happy :D

10-25-2008, 08:58 PM

That character has never been created, and the account has never had any Ximerin. Are you sure that the information you provided is correct?


10-25-2008, 09:01 PM
well i will write again the information.

Sorry if i wrote something that it is not correct.Sorry :/

10-25-2008, 09:11 PM
Char name - Alphaman
Account name - JasonHery
xim - no (i am sorry because now i remember a prob i had.I thought i had xim :/)
LVL - 43
Class - Hunter

If it is saying again that it hasn't been created i dunno what to say.
Thank you anyways :P