View Full Version : Regnum Online and Firewall

11-06-2008, 09:40 PM
i dont kno much about computers, but i can only play on amun because my firewall dont let me play other servers. is there a way to let it without using a admin pass?

11-06-2008, 10:05 PM
i dont kno much about computers, but i can only play on amun because my firewall dont let me play other servers. is there a way to let it without using a admin pass?
if you have vista, try right-clicking the icon on your desktop, go down to properties, then Run as Administarator. You know it worked if a little Red, Green, Blue and Yellow shield appeared on the icon
if you dont have vista, then i dont know ^^,

11-07-2008, 12:13 AM
ty, but it says i need admin pass, i do have vista =S

i found a way around it, =)
how do i close this thread?